There are days when I wonder if I am qualified to be a homeowner! I thought I'd do some investigating with that window because all the other windows seemed to be OK.
This window was COLD - there was even ice inside the locking mechanism. And YES, Torry -- I get your pain. We have TWO locking mechanisms on that window, and I had to get a chair to reach the second one.
Snow on the inside of the window |
Let's put this another way -- if I never went for a walk, I'd be stupid! It's only when I'm on my walk that I let my brain free with zero distractions from phones, audiobooks, or music! Have I opened and closed the window to see if it was shut properly? Well, NO -- I had not done that.
Sure enough, when I got home, unlocked the window, and slammed it shut, the draft was immediately gone! Sigh................... It was closed but not super tight. It was like 1/8" out, yet it was locked, or I think it was locked. Thank god I checked that BEFORE I called in a service guy. That would have been super embarrassing.
It was frigid outside yesterday and still is today, but not nearly as bad as some parts of the country earlier this month. Anyway, our house was COLD all day, and I just couldn't get warm. DH mentioned something at dinner, and so I decided to investigate. I mean -- can we not have one drama-free day at our house?
Hmm -- is the furnace even working? I haven't heard it turn on in a while. So I checked the switch for the furnace. YES -- it's still on. Is the thermostat still working? It appeared to have plenty of battery life, but even when I cranked it up to 30 to try and force the furnace to kick it, it didn't want to. Eventually, it did and crawled up a degree or two.
I changed the batteries in the thermostat. I checked the schedule, and in the end, I think the time of day was wrong. Ooops -- how did that happen? Anyway -- it seems to be OK. I think a lot of it was just the extreme cold outside, and it's going to feel cold inside. It's coolish in the house, but I don't think it's going to get better. I know there is a scientific reason for that, but I don't remember.
I told DH that I would start drinking warm brandy in the evenings to stay warm!
The other night, the gas fireplace was on to take some of the chills out of the air. Now I have two dogs, both with thick undercoats. Well, Lexi has a thick undercoat, and Murphy is just menopausal! She hates being too hot. So can you explain this??
Mom -- I'm HOT! |
Seriously? Look at her tongue! I swear that dog does things like this strictly for our amusement! I mean, she hates being hot and is the first one to go and lay full out in the snow to cool off. What a dog!!!
What a crazy day yesterday was! I had the two classes (with three quilts) and then the two lectures. But all was good, and when you're prepped, everything goes smooth as a whistle! We have UFO Club (two sessions) this morning, and I'm ready to go, but I am waiting on two homework pictures.
They are cutting it close as the first session starts at 9:15, and it's almost 7 AM now. Hmmm. OK -- I confess that I finished my second project this morning at 5 AM. I have one small thing to add to it? I'm not convinced - I might use the item first and see if it needs a tab to close it. Tomorrow, I'll share this with you, but this is a UFO from one of my UFO lists. DONE!!!!
I'm was thinking of all the classes I'm teaching, and can you believe that FOUR of them are from Jen Kingwell? After these four are done, that's it for me with Jen Kingwell quilts. Maybe in ten years, I'll do another one. I had heard someone refer to her quilting style as puzzle quilts. Hmm -- what are the puzzle quilts? Then after prepping the homework, I realized it's not the quilts that are puzzling. It's the INSTRUCTIONS. Holy -- when she first wrote Wanderer's Wife (previously called Gypsy Wife), the instructions are less than stellar. Oh -- they are a puzzle, to be sure.
I'm in the process of putting together a cutting chart for the class and hope to get it sent to them by the end of the day. The pattern is nuts!! I need the chart for me, so they get it as well. I might do one for BOHO Heart as well - just to keep things straight.
Speaking of Jen Kingwell, does anyone know if she is talking at guild any time soon? Yesterday, someone on the call said she was, but they couldn't remember which guild.
This weather is a bit crazy -- up and down in the temperature. My fish do NOT seem to be heeding that it is cold and winter. The pond is mostly frozen over, but the heater and the aerator keep things open to allow gas to escape and to keep the water oxygenated. And despite the ice on the top, those fish are not far below the surface.
The heater and the aerator in the pond |
It's a bit hard to see them in there, but they are there. Mostly stationary, but they give a little kick every so often. Silly fish -- they are right up there with Murphy!
The pond is mainly frozen |
Well, that's it for me today. I have a busy morning, and then I have the entire rest of the day FREE. HAH -- I now have a list of class follow-up to do. Finish registrations for free motion, send out supply lists and write homework notes. Yep -- it's going to be a full day, and if I still have time left over, I'll be writing blog posts!!
Have a super day!!!!
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