Torry wins the prize -- well, there is no prize, but her answer was correct, and a couple of people were close. It's all in the name.
Remember the mystery tool from yesterday?
The mystery kitchen utensil |
While some people will call this a tomato/lemon/egg slicer, it's, in fact, a HOLDER to slice those items. You put the roundish food in the claws, then put your knife through the tines and cut away -- no accidents. There's a bottom lip that holds it flat on the table, and you can even buy plastic ones. Personally -- it's one more thing to wash -- I'll take my chances with the knife on its own!!
If you want to see it in action, check out this video. The video uses a plastic one, and quite frankly, the knife was DULL. It was painful to watch, and I kept waiting for the person to cut her fingers, which the holder is supposed to prevent. Anyway -- it's good for a laugh. If I were going to buy one, it would certainly NOT be the plastic one. That video is a good reason why!
At least some of you knew what it was -- we had no clue, and I think I said egg slicer, but again -- WRONG -- only a holder for the egg to be sliced.
I had a great day sewing with the Monday group! So much fun, and I was very productive. Time is short, and I must make the most of it.
But can you tell me why I do things like this?? These blocks were made several years ago, and this piece has selvage on it. Sometimes I do that if I'm short of fabric. But this white section is larger than ¼". Did I expect it to disappear if I left the block long enough?
Too much selvage showing |
I dug through the scraps in the box and found the same fabric, and now it looks a lot better. Duh!!!
Much better |
This is what the quilt looks like right now. I managed to get the sashing in a couple more rows this morning, besides what I did yesterday. There are only three rows left in the top right-hand corner.
Farmer's Wife |
Now here's a puzzle -- there are 111 blocks in the book, and I need 111 blocks for my setting. I have 111 blocks on the wall -- I counted them this morning.
So can you tell me why I have an extra block?
An extra block? |
I thought I would discover that I made a duplicate of one block, and by adding the sashed names to the blocks, I would find which one was the duplicate. Nope -- I have ten sashings left, and there are ten blocks -- 9 for the quilt and this extra one. Did I goof up in my layout?? Well, I guess this will be a mystery until the quilt top is together. Hmmmmm.....................
And there must have been a ghost sewing with me this morning. A block fell off the wall. OK -- I get that. Then I had put three small booklets into the front of my basket that holds the sew-along projects. About 30 minutes later, it tipped over.
My project basket slowly tipped off the shelf |
Now how did that happen? I guess the three little booklets added enough weight to push the tipping point! It's all back in place now.
Back in place |
I found some more teeny triangles when I was sewing enders and leaders. OK -- be reasonable -- those do NOT need to be saved, and they got relegated to the scrap box.
These triangles are too small |
Here's that Storm at Sea quilt that is in the current issue of McCall's Quilting.
Storm at Sea quilt |
I finally unpacked it yesterday.
Here's the border print, a neat pattern that begged to be mitered on the corners.
The mitered corner on the Storm at Sea |
And I had another parcel that needed to be packed. Two more pairs of running shoes, and I ordered them when Mark's had a 30% off sale. They were ordered one day and delivered the next!
Two new pairs of running shoes |
I now have three, but it's well past time to switch up, so I get to wear a new pair today!
Three pairs in the closet |
The girls saw me bustling around getting my stuff prepared to sit and read after dinner. Look who was waiting for me when I arrived at the chair? Yep -- she's no dummy. She wants to be the closest to Mom, and well, she got there before Murphy did! Ah, sweet Lexi!
Mom -- I'm waiting for you! |
I'm browsing through some old applique magazines, and look what I found. Does anyone remember this quilt? I know Helen Anne does as she recently finished hers and mine? Well, it's downstairs. I think one block is done, and I wasn't happy with it, so it got put away. Now I know how to finish it properly. Maybe that will make the UFO list one day.
Stained glass applique quilt |
I got some writing assignments done or rough drafts completed. There's more of that today. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked -- there are still five follow-ups to write. But I'll get through them today and tomorrow. I've got to try and have them ready BEFORE the presentation to quickly send them out.
And I worked on the Master To-do List for March! I just need to compare it one more time to my calendar to make sure that everything is there.
And a big Happy Birthday to M. Gosh -- they grow up so fast!!
On that note, it's time to walk the girls. Can you believe that it's warm (minus 3 and light outside)? I'll be positively giddy the entire walk!
Have a super day!!!
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