The stocking are hung! Interpreted into my world, that means that all three presentations for this morning are done! Well, until some of the missing photos come, and then I'll have to add them. Let's say that, for my part -- I'm done! It's an exciting show and tell to finish off the year.
Yes -- speaking of the show and tell, I've been very lax in showing off what the students have been working on, and I'll remedy that this week.
But -- someone suggested the Buy Nothing groups on Facebook. OMG -- I want to get in the car NOW and deliver some stuff. Someone is looking for plant pots, and I have a garage full (OK -- that's a lie), but I have quite a few that I need to figure out what to do with. Hopefully, that person is still looking, which will empty out a corner of my garage.
This is why I LOVE Facebook. Yes -- it keeps me in touch with far-flung family and friends I want to stay in touch with, but I don't need to call every day. And it allows us to share photos and get rid of stuff. I LOVE that. I infrequently post because, well, nothing exciting happens at my house! Thank you to whoever posted that comment on my blog - I'm hooked!
From a picture perspective, I don't have much to share with you, but I'll have more to share tomorrow after our show and tell today.
But I was a busy little bee, and bundles of blocks in each plastic container are now on the design wall. It's my next UFO project, and I'll share it with you tomorrow. Yet again -- another big quilt!
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Empty boxes of blocks |
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Working on a large quilt |
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Customer quilt - DONE |
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Project Linus quilt - ready to be donated |
Oh my -- what fun we had last night! And a couple of new faces. Well, not new to me, but new to the Virtual Retreat. And right on cue, at 8 PM, we had a toast to good friends and Zoom! Whoever would have thought that would happen!
And yes -- I sat at the dreaded computer in the morning, but I accomplished a lot, so that was good. Projects printed off, e-mails sent, lists made, and dates booked in the calendar. I have most stuff covered, but I need a quiet day to sit and ensure everything is organized, and then I can start prepping for next year. Super excited about that!
I love the Zoom sessions because we all have something in common - quilting. But our backgrounds are so different. Everyone has a story to share, along with their expertise, interests, and GASP non-quilting hobbies. You know what they say about six degrees of separation. I cannot express how much these Virtual Retreats (and all the zoom classes) have enriched my life. I've got to "meet" some wonderful people who have helped me in many ways. I've learned a ton, and I suspect there is still much more to learn!
Remember, it's Virtual Retreat day, starting at 1:00 PM. That's later than usual, but I had to shift a class because of the holidays, and there just aren't enough Sundays in a month. How will it work next year when EVERY Sunday is already booked? Oh well -- we're going to have fun, and that's all I can say!!!
Here's the link for the Virtual Retreat for today.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 816 9371 7518 Passcode: 579285
And remember that on December 24th, I'll be hosting another Virtual Retreat. It will probably start at NOON. That's for anyone who is looking for company on Christmas Eve. If you can't get out, your family is far away, you had to schedule your celebration on another day, or like me, I choose not to celebrate, then it is the perfect place to sit and chat with friends. There's no reason for someone to sit at home alone and be lonely. If you are happy to be alone, that is great, but not to sit and be lonely. Watch for the link on my blog, and we can all chat together. It's great therapy! I can't wait!!
On that note, I'm out of here. I know I will get some last-minute photos, so I'll leave some time to get them in the presentation. I should have new rules for next year. The cut-off is midnight -- or something like that. I see an e-mail arrived at 1:45 AM for today's presentation. Alas, there was no picture attached!
Have a super day!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE my FB Buy-Nothing group! I went through my kitchen pantry this past week and unloaded every storage container I haven't used in 5y as well as a party serving tray/bowl. My entertaining days are behind me. Happy recipients and happy Elle!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was the recipient of some excellent quality brand new hiking boots. I rarely take something but these were too good to pass up!
Wishing you and all your readers a wonderful closing 13 days of 2022 :-)