I know there are urgent needs to be on the roads right now. Some people have essential jobs, but seriously? If you don't need to be on the highways when the OPP asks people to stay home, stay home! A massive 100-car pileup means that people have to be outside in those ridiculous temperatures, people are stuck on the closed highways, and you won't get anywhere. I just shake my head and ask what is wrong with people. Is their entitlement so broad they think it's OK to be out there and add to the issue? And expect the emergency workers to get them back on the road?
Yep -- I agree that people have plans, but we need to be more flexible. Well, it just boggles my mind. We didn't even go out for dinner last night, but we stayed home and had nachos! And the restaurant is a mere five-minute drive from the house.
But I digress!
I don't want to say that I'm out of the woods with this "illness," but I'm not 100%, but good enough to keep going! I was happily having a nap when I almost choked on my drool? And then I couldn't nap after that! But I'm still getting lots of sleep and drinking, so I'm good.
When I walked the girls in the morning, the temperature was +4 C, and it was raining. When I went for my afternoon walk, it was about - 12 C (feeling like -20). What a change a few hours can make. It's still ridiculously cold with a significant wind chill. I could hear that wind all night. Thankfully, the wind and the cold temperatures won't stay long, and the temperature is expected to go above 0 in a few days. And thankfully, we didn't get much snow. But what we got is blowing around and creating those whiteouts on the highway, which are dangerous.
That wind was so strong that, at times, on my walk yesterday, I could barely walk. I felt like those crazy weathermen amid the hurricanes! I shall take the girls out this morning, but only for a half walk each. Maybe this afternoon, we'll go again.
I now have 140 KM to get by the end of the year!
The birds returned yesterday, checking out the suet and the feeders.
Cardinal and friend at the feeders |
And this crazy girl thinks it's perfect weather to play ball. I don't think so!
MOM -- let's play ball! |
Meanwhile, the husky wants in.
MOM -- let me in -- it's cold out here! |
It's Christmas Eve, and I'm taking the day off from ANY paperwork. I'll get back to it on Monday. I deserve a break from that dreaded task!
I finished the top of the mini Farmer's Wife. It's not that big -- about 30" square, and I have to work on the backing and get it quilted and bound.
Mini Farmer's Wife quilt |
Another exciting mail day! Oh my, what did I get in the packages this time?
I've got mail - AGAIN! |
There's one meter of fabric, so I can finally bind the Among The Stars Again quilt. I didn't want to do a scrappy binding, and I didn't have enough of any one fabric. After searching online, I found the fabric and finally got it ordered.
Binding for my Among The Stars Again quilt |
The other thing is my new phone. WAIT -- I mean a replacement phone, and it even says that on the box, and there is no fancy packaging.
My replacement phone |
So I'll need to transfer my photos later and switch the phones out. Can I actually do that on my own? Probably, but I'm not looking forward to it.
The new phone |
I am trying to get that stack of quilts bound. I needed to make the binding for some of them, and I started with my leftover binding bits. I have LOTS of binding bits -- enough for MANY quilts, so rather than cutting up new fabric, this is the place to start.
Two containers of binding bits |
I will get the binding attached and sewn to the back of the remaining quilts, as that is the hardest part of the binding. And once that is done, it should take little time to topstitch the binding to the front of the quilts.
Sewing the binding to the back of the quilts |
This pile has the binding attached to the back. There are seven quilts in this pile. Under that pile are a couple of quilts that need sleeves added or a label sewn on.
Quilts with the binding attached to the back |
And this pile needs to have the binding made (or found) and stitched on. There are five projects in this pile, two of which are mine.
Quilts that need binding |
I don't know if those counts are correct, but they are in that range. I still have a lot of quilts to bind before the end of the year! And I want to get it done as I have other things I'd rather be working on!
And how could a day go by without working on the puzzle? I placed a few more pieces in the border, but the top border seems longer than it's supposed to be, so I'm sure I've goofed up somewhere. Piece by piece, it's going together. This one is definitely using visual skills.
The mystery puzzle |
Speaking of visual skills, we decided to watch a movie last night. DH had the list of films on the screen, and Murphy went crazy! Why? Because she spotted Clifford the Big Red Dog (which name I had to mention, just to drive Murphy over the bend). What was hilarious was that she went right up to the TV and put her nose on Clifford! Now, why is that? Recognition? The color? The shape of the dog?
Clifford the Big Red Dog |
Lexi just lay on the couch and couldn't have cared an iota!
So I gave Murphy a treat (and myself), and we both curled up on the side of the couch that never gets used. I had a hard time staying awake, but I did. Murphy didn't last long before she was out of there, as she gets overheated and needs to move off the furniture.
MOM -- this is a great angle to watch TV |
Remember, there is a Virtual Retreat today, starting at NOON. I don't know how much talking I'll do. I'm trying to save my throat; although it's not sore like it was a couple of days ago, I find that on any day we have long Zoom sessions, my throat is dry and raspy. So I'll watch how much I talk! I should be heads-down sewing bindings on!
Here's the link for today.
Have a happy Christmas Eve, and STAY SAFE. If you don't need to go out --- don't go. Guess what? If you haven't finished shopping, perhaps you don't need that last-minute gift anyway. Since I've given up gifting items to people, my holidays are completely stress-free, and I don't regret it for one minute. No rushing or buying things people don't want and will never use. I love it!!!
I've started reading the third book of The Seven Sisters series. This one is called
The Shadow Sister. OK, so can I hate one of the sisters? I won't tell you which one, but seriously--- that sister has a problem. If you've read the series - you know which one! That will keep me entertained for a couple of days. I'm first in line for the next book on my hold list, so hopefully, it holds off for a day or two. I only need one book on my shelf as I only read one at a time.
Well, it's time to walk the girls. I'll be dressing extra warm this morning -- two pairs of pants - one lined with fleece!
Have a super day!!!
Hi Elaine Hoping to join you this am. Am in a different time zone - so far unable to connect. Will keep trying.