It's like the Night before Christmas at my house. All is calm! And I love it! It's super easy to keep all my spaces clean and tidy - trust me, they go through many transformations in a day, and it can look like a disaster, but because everything has a home, it takes mere seconds to put stuff away. And yes, constant refinements will be made as I go along, or I'll unearth something else that needs to be dealt with. It's going to be an ongoing process for years to come.
However, at the rate I'm going, empty spaces will get larger, and there will be less of everything, and that's all a good thing! So NEVER wish for a larger sewing space; wish for an organized sewing space!
Here's something I found yesterday. I didn't exactly find it - I knew it was there, but since I'm getting rid of another sewing machine in the new year, I decided I should check the extension tables and inserts. Perhaps there is something else I can get rid of as well.
I found this in a little hidey hole in the storage room. Yikes! So I'll have to sort through those and see what I need to keep and don't need. I have TWO tables that require inserts, which are probably useless to anyone unless they buy the same table. But I still have machines that they will work with. Anyway -- something to deal with later today. They should be labeled!
Extension tables and inserts |
And that left this space. It's a useless spot for almost anything else, as there is a post right in front. A silly place for a post, but those tables and inserts fit nicely. So I'll check what I cannot use and see if I can get rid of it. What I can still use will go back. But at least I'll have had a look at it.
A nice storage spot |
I unpacked a bunch of spools of thread in the bags on the cutting table, and I'm down to ONE last bag of stuff to unpack. This all got put away -- can you tell what my favorite colors of thread to play with are? Yep - orange and blue. Some of that is very thick, and I can't wait to experiment with it. After looking at my thread the other day, I've decided that I DO NOT need to purchase any threads for a long time.
Threads to play with |
Speaking of which, I had a quilt to quilt yesterday and wanted to try this variegated thread. It's gorgeous, but could I get it to stitch on the machine? I tried a new needle, loosened the tension, and the thread kept breaking. I've used a variegated of this brand before -- actually, last week, but this one would not work. Sigh........... I need to load some scrap fabric on the long arm and try getting these variegated threads to work. I have a few spools and would love to use them. I probably needed to loosen the tension a lot more than I did. As I reduced the tension, the breakage happened less often. But I didn't have time to play.
A gorgeous variegated thread |
In the essence of deadlines, I decided to take a break from customer quilts (there are only two left before Christmas) and work on one of mine. There's a deadline for it.
Let's say that it's a tad bright! Every time I looked at the quilt to get rid of look threads, it was eye-popping!
A bright spot |
I found some batting bits that I joined. I was slightly leery of the length as I only gave myself four inches to play with. However, it was just enough! Phew!
Cutting it close with the batting
And there is the finished quilted. Well, it needs the binding put on. But I'm pleased with the color gradations in it. This is my pattern which was shared as a block of the month at two local guilds nearly 10 years ago. I'll be making it available on my blog in the new year.
One of my quilts - DONE |
I have two tutorials on my blog for this quilt, and if you're interested, you can start to check out the details.
Here is the link to the first one. NOTE -- I did NOT twirl the seams when I started, but I went back and twirled them. I have a picture somewhere, and I should switch out the pictures in that tutorial.
Here's the link to the second tutorial. It's basically how to organize your fabrics.
This was what the revolving cutting mat looked like yesterday.
Hard at work at the cutting mat |
The rate at which we can work means that very little can be put on the table and accomplished in one day! That's been the hardest thing for me, as I want to pile it up with projects because, OF COURSE, I can do all that in one day. Nope -- I'm learning, but it's taken how many years?
The worktables are clear except for what I'm sewing. The "current excess" is sitting on the current project tables, and everything else is put away. It's easy to get to, but it's not in my face or cluttering my space! I have a few things I still need to finish from 2022 classes, and I'd like to clear those up before the end of the year.
But they are also tucked away -- not where I'll forget them. Just tucked away.
Then it was time to get some machine embroidery done. I worked on the final two hoopings for the 150 Canadian Women quilt. These things take hours to stitch out. Thankfully, I can put it on the machine and walk away. Although I had one naughty prewound bobbin that required a bit of stitch ripping, but you'd never know after I fixed the problem.
Starting one of the embroidery stitch outs |
I started the last one after dinner, which would take over two hours. I had to stop the embroidery as I sat in on the evening session with the Courtepointe Quebec ladies! Oh my -- what fun we had, mainly in French! I LOVE it. And some of them are so darn creative! Plus, I'm going to sign up for the mystery quilt and order the pattern in French! That'll make it a double mystery! But after watching the introductory video where the girl talked FAST, I picked up most of what they are doing, and I'll be fine. There are three sizes and several options. I'm picking the smallest size and the option with slightly more piecing and finagling. I can't wait to start, but first, I must sign up!
When we were done, I started the embroidery machine again, but by this time, it was getting late. So I went to bed, where I could monitor the progress on my phone. You have to love that ability!
Monitoring the embroidery process on my phone |
And then it was done! All 150 names are now embroidered on the backing of this quilt. I will focus on assembling the quilt and putting the backing together with the binding.
The last of the names on the backing |
And that was only some of what got done. I got the bindings on several of the Quilts of Valour quilts.
Binding number one |
Binding number two |
So that leaves four more to bind, and then all the Quilts of Valour quilts can be delivered. My goal is to get them done by the weekend. However, with the predicted BIG storm, I will deliver them next week. Then I can start to work on the Project Linus quilts. There are only twenty of them to bind! But they are much smaller, so it will take less time, and since most of the classes and customer quilts are done, I will have a lot more flexibility in my schedule.
I know it doesn't look like it, but I have removed seven lap quilts from that pile!
The pile of quilts to be bound |
Murphy had to go to the vet yesterday for her annual shots. OH dear --- she needs to go on a diet. Our vet is very particular about their weight. And we've been pretty good. Our dogs do not get excessive treats; they are lucky if they get two a week. Of course, they get a tiny one each day with their advent calendars. If I look at the amount of food on the bag, I should be feeding her 3 ½ cups of food if she is an inactive dog. She gets that much, and I would not call her a lethargic dog! Be very careful of the recommended amounts of dog food. If you give your pet the recommended amount, they will gain weight and become unhealthy! The company's goal is to sell dog food, not worry about whether your pet is overweight!
Recommended food |
I sometimes overfill the cup and must be much more diligent. Does she need to go for a second walk? I notice that she is becoming quite happy staying in the house, whereas before, she spent more time outside. I think it is time to reduce the food a wee bit more. Poor Murphy! She's becoming lazy! I think a bit of Lexi is rubbing off on her!
Murphy has to lose 6 pounds!
I'll spend the morning at the computer attempting to get all the class information out. I'm so bad at that and made a mistake with a date, so I have to recover. Then I can get back downstairs and try to get some work done. Lots of things need to be squared away, questions that need to be asked and answered -- silly stuff like that!
And holy cow -- I was lying in bed this morning and could hear the wind! It's mad out there. Thankfully, the temperature is above zero Celcius, but I bet the wind makes it bitter!
Have a super day!!!
Oh shoot -- there's a virtual retreat this weekend. Be sure to stop by and say hi!! We have loads of fun -- you don't have to stay all day. It's open to anyone, and it's free!
Saturday, December 17, starting at 6 PM
Sunday, December 18, starting at 1 PM (NOTE the later start time)
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