Some days are only good news days, and some are only bad news days, and some have a wee bit of both mixed in.
Two things happened yesterday, and OK - so I'm a drama queen here. My radio station started to play Christmas music. Not the occasion song - oh no - it's Christmas music all day, every day from now until Christmas. I'm not against Christmas music. I like Christmas music, but it's November 3rd! I changed radio stations - I'm not ready for that.
They do this every year, so it's not a surprise; I had just forgotten that they do that—pros and cons to this. I think we need to be careful about hyping up Christmas. The way the pandemic situation is going, I have a strong suspicion that large gatherings or family gatherings will be discouraged at Christmas. I think we need to prepare ourselves for that possibility. But we must not look at the doom and gloom side of that - we need to get creative and figure out the best way to celebrate remotely! It can be done!
The second thing is even more disturbing. I do not want to make this blog political - I do NOT know enough about politics to make any rational comment, although I don't know that politics is rational any more. I'm talking about world politics here. And this is coming from a very bizarre angle. Do you remember that Try-A-Triad Challenge that I talked about and asked you all to pop over to vote on? Well, the winner was declared yesterday. OH MY GOD (sorry - a gosh just isn't strong enough today). I won't even post the winner here, but flip back to that web page and check it out. It's the quilt called Red, White, and Blue. I just went back and read the artist statement, and well - I don't get it.
I know that I'm not fulling comprehending her artist statement. I somewhat understand her message, but I find it's not clear. Maybe that's intentional. Anyway, I'm a bit shocked that this won. I don't care that mine didn't, but I think that every moment of attention we give is one more spike in someone's ego. Perhaps people voted because they agree with the statement? Perhaps people voted to show their support - I'm getting that she doesn't support the subject in her piece. Anyway - I just found it very bizarre.
Let's visit the forest first! I spotted this in a random space. Good grief! It makes you want to go inside the circle! Just because it says BEWARE! OK - so I have a warped brain! And I like to be rebellious from time to time!
Halloween decorations in the forest
They didn't steal it from someone's house. The packaging was on the ground!
The packaging
And that poor garbage can. Over on its side once again!
The garbage can is once again on its side
It was our Monday Sewing session, and it was great to visit with everyone. We have a great core group of people, and the Zoom sessions are working nicely to keep up in touch. While I chatted, I created this pile of scraps. It's the ends of the leftover wedges from PRISM Squared. There's a bonus project in the pattern, and now it's all ready to sew (the bigger parts) together and make another quilt.
The scraps from PRISM Squared
I needed to find some batiks to match up with the kits that Diane is ripping her way through! So I hope to slow her down a wee bit as I grouped some more fabrics to match the rest of the fabric samples that I had on hand. Now all the samples are in kits!
Getting more kits together
I have a few batiks, so I guess it was OK to let a couple of them go. This is one basket.
A basket of batiks
And there are two boxes as well. Sigh............... But at least, they are all together and neat and orderly.
Two more boxes of batiks
I also got to work on my UFO homework for this month. I have had this block cut out for years - well, we did the project in 2017. There was one part of the block that I hated. I don't know what I suggested to the students when I taught this, but I figured out how to make it to my liking, and I started this morning and got a fair amount done. I forgot to take another picture as I shut things down this morning.
The start of the hollyhock block
Here's the project box with a LOT of fabric in it. I don't know that I need everything, but it's all here should I need something. I still have three more blocks to make and the borders, the borders are appliqued! Well, one of them is - no two of them are.
The project box for Quilter's Patch
There's my applique station. I haven't stitched any of the pinks in place yet. I have 16 half circles to make, and then I'll stitch them all at the same time.
My applique station
This magazine has been on the newsstands for a couple of weeks, and I finally got my copy yesterday.
Fons & Porter Quick & Easy Quilts - December- January
Oh my -- there's ME on the page of contributors! OK - I must send them another photo, my hair is so different now!
Page of contributors
And there's my quilt. They even published my story about the quilt and where my inspiration came from!! How exciting! Hey M - you got a mention!!!
The quilt and the inspiration for the quilt
And the last piece of good news is that I received a package in the mail. Shoot - I thought I took a picture of it. Well, it's my medal for the team walk across Canada - the one that goes from East to West. I did NOT remove the medal from the package but put it in a safe place. Where? In my pending box! That's just in case I forget where it is! You'll all remind me!
But I pulled two things out of the bag. One of them is this. Do you know what it is?
A mystery package
It's a buff! Do you remember these from Survivor? The participants used them for clothing, headbands, and well - everything you could possibly think of. I think it's going to be a great thing for winter. Not that heavy, so you can wear it around your neck. And it can substitute for a mask when you enter a public place. CAUTION - this is just one layer of fabric, and so you may want to double it over your mouth and nose to further protect you and others. That's my plan.
My new buff frot he BIG Canada Run
I'm not going to get into a discussion about face masks and how necessary or unnecessary they are. I know only what I've been told by the health officials. I follow the guidelines. But I'm thinking for myself that as I go for walks to the library, the mall, or wherever this winter, that not having to deal with a separate mask is going to be a godsend.
I've gone entire weeks without wearing a mask because I don't enter public buildings very often. I spend a huge part of my time holed in my house, or I'm out walking where I can maintain a social distance from others. I have no bubble! Well, three people. I have a small bubble.
I had to laugh the other day because I was on my way to the bank to deposit a cheque. YES - I know I can do it with my phone, but I like to have errands to do. Well, I got halfway there and realized I didn't have a mask with me. No mask, no going into the bank. I still haven't gone back! No time this week.
Oh - there as one other thing in that bag that I pulled out. I bought a pair of socks. They look weird, but I bet they are comfortable! I'll have to try them later today.
My new socks
I have a total of 12 presentations this week. Two down and ten to go!
Well, I'd better get rolling as I have a meeting first thing this morning, and I've got a bit of prep work to finish.
Have a super day!!!!
Hi, I clicked on the link but didn't see anywhere that the winner had been chosen for the challenge. If that's the one they chose, then I will be sending a letter to the organizers. It's so inappropriate for this type of challenge.
ReplyDeleteJudi -- oh yes -- the President. I wonder what will happen in the next couple of weeks. It's so ugly and so was that quilt in the challenge.
DeleteMy interpretation is that Trump is a stain on America and she is trying to remove the stain but not destroy the fabric of the country.
ReplyDeletePeggy -- I'm way behind on responding to comments on the blog. I love your interpretation of that quilt that won in the challenge. It's a BIG stain on the US for sure. Stay safe
DeleteGlad you were moved by my submission. In my opinion that’s the exact goal of art. 😊
ReplyDeleteClaire -- it was definitely a topic of conversation!!! Congratulations!!!