Have you noticed that we spend a LOT of time doing quilting stuff that has nothing to do with the sewing of the project?
This is the scraps from PRISM Squared. I took apart all the seams for the pieced sections - remember, this is the scraps. Now I need to cut out the center for the next project, which uses the scraps from cutting the first set of wedges. YES - there is a bonus project with this one. I'm trying to get everything organized, and it might go in my retreat bag!
Sorting through the scraps
Then I'm still trimming those darn double wedding ring arcs. I have EIGHT left, but I was getting so bored with it that I had to stop. I'll get those done today, and then I'm ready to start the next set of arcs. Only 176 or some ridiculous number, but some of them are already sewn or partially sewn. I won't have time to look at it in the next two weeks, but these arcs will be off the cutting table.
Trimming the Double Wedding Ring arcs
And then there's the placement of blocks for Summer Moon, which I need to start sewing together soon. I wasn't happy with the placement of some blocks since I randomly placed them on the design wall. Just when I thought everything was good - I noticed two similar blocks side by side. Or the same small sashings were grouped close together. I think I'm good with it now, but I'll have one more look before I start to sew it together.
Summer Moon blocks on the design wall
What did I see on my walk yesterday morning? Why someone in the neighborhood is celebrating a birthday! Imagine getting up and seeing this on your lawn! At least the neighbors know how old you are now.
Happy Birthday to someone
Now, this is very bizarre. In the morning, we spotted a bike lying on the path. Well, actually, as we entered the forest, I spotted a garbage can that was tipped over and the garbage was strewn everywhere. And there was a bicycle lock beside the garbage bin. Then we spotted this bike. Hmm - I don't think you could ride it as the derailer was smashed or at least not attached to the wheel.
An abandoned bike
Then on my afternoon walk, the bike was back near the garbage bin, and it was locked to this tree. Now that's totally weird! It's like the wooden palette (which hasn't changed in days) - who does these mysterious things???
The bike is now locked to a tree
We had a SUPER successful class on EQ8 yesterday. It was all about building and modifying blocks! Oh boy - I think I've unleashed something! They are going crazy about designing their own blocks and quilts. I promised that I would post the blocks, but I need to gather all the pictures. Here are a few that I downloaded this morning. I'll be posting more as the week goes on. And today we have one more class on panels, so who knows what they'll make of that!!!
I LOVE THEM!!! And once you get the hang of EQ8, it's NOT complicated. So if there is anyone else out there who has EQ8 but is NOT using it. I'd be happy to run another series of classes next year. And - well, we could have a club or something so we could go through ALL the modules of EQ8. We're just doing basic stuff here!!!
So here's the first quilt that I got. Shelly was playing along with me as I ran through the first class. This is version one.
Color one of Shelly's quilt
And here's version two. Oh my - I could definitely see that made as a quilt. I LOVE the colors.
Version two of Shelly's quilt
The best part of all this? And not to take away from any of the students, but that quilt is so easy to design in EQ8 that it's crazy! But the coloring is uniquely hers. Great job, Shelly.
This is a block that Katheleen modified. I see there's one more thing that I need to explain to them this afternoon. And this is the perfect example to show!!
And this is another block that Katheleen played with. Not sure if she created it, or it was one of the blocks in EQ8.
Katheleen's block
And here's her final quilt using the block above.
Katheleen's block
It looks great! And so super easy!!!
Lynne sent me this picture of a table runner that she created! These are the ones that came in pretty much right after the class!! That's how much fun they had in the class.
Lynne's table runner
Oh - I see where we need a review class to talk about the samples that they made! I'll tack that onto today's class! And after today, we have one more class!!
There's a lot more to show you, and I'll try to get the pictures ready for tomorrow's blog.
I've got to run as I have to finish off the project files for today's class. The website was down yesterday, and I couldn't download the fabric files, and I KNOW they want to get their hands on that file!!!
Have a super day!!!!
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