I did it! I crossed the finish line shortly after 9 PM last night! That was a marathon with 22 presentations in two weeks, plus eight classes of my own and some Monday sewing with my group! Am I Zoomed out? No - but I was happy to shut the lights down last night! I love all the chatter with the various groups - we're having so much fun and getting to see some amazing show and tell! I love the show and tell because it means that people are using their sewing and embroidery machines.
I love it even better when they tell us about the mistakes they made because we know they won't do that again, and it's all about learning! I'm trying to think up more stuff that we can do via Zoom - so if there's anything you are dying to learn - let me know.
Because piecing and pressing are so near and dear to my heart, I'm contemplating a detailed look at both. Not me talking, but me doing at the sewing machine and the ironing board. And it seems that everyone wants MORE. With the onset of winter and people will be in their houses more, I think more content will be needed. So let's all put our thinking caps on, and let me know what you want to learn or explore in more detail than you already know.
A bit of a reprieve today with only one one-hour class on sewing machine maintenance. Whatever will I do with the rest of my day? No worries there - I have a few things that need to be done. Even with four presentations yesterday, I still managed to walk 11 KM. Oh yes - I get my priorities right in this house. And I might have to figure out a different set in the film studio where I can stand as I find after one hour of sitting, I'm dying. I can't sit still that long - my joints just don't like it! So - I've got to find a set of furniture risers so I can raise my table.
In case you missed my Trendtex challenge on the CQA website, here it is. The title is 2020. Obviously, it represents the year 2020, but in Roman Numerals. Now, if I did it the right way, it would read MMXX. But who says Two thousand and twenty? We all say Twenty, Twenty, and hence the four Xs. I used a font that I found in Word with a little bit of a 3-D effect. I LOVE it, and I'm glad that I bought it. Did you notice the binding? Yep - that took a while to get positioned just right.
My Trend-Tex challenge called 2020
Someone has nothing else to do but be a silly person. The garbage can was tipped over once again.
The garbage can was tipped over - AGAIN!
And a second one as well. These darn things are heavy! If they are down this morning, I will tip them upright, but I was on the phone yesterday and had the dogs with me, so no extra hands. But seriously??? Do people have nothing better to do than tip over the garbage cans? What has happened to respect our environment? Our neighborhood? I feel like putting a big sign on it - but what good with that do? Nothing because - well, don't get me started. I'll just leave it at that.
A second garbage can is tipped over
I have one wee rant about the pandemic. So today, gyms, cinemas, and restaurants are allowed to reopen in my area. However, there is some RIDICULOUS number of people who can be in the building at one time. I have no problem with a limit, but basic gyms with limited amenities range from 2,000 to 15,000 square feet. Those gyms are allowed to have ten people in them. And if your gym happens to be 114,000 square feet, they can also have no more than TEN? I don't mind rules, but it drives me crazy if there is ZERO logic to them. This situation not only applies to gyms, but to restaurants. Why do we keep talking about FINITE numbers and not numbers per square foot??
Yes - I get that it's all about contact tracing, but we need to get moving on here. Teach us about living with the pandemic, not restricting how we live. I'm so frustrated that I am just pushing it totally out of mind because I'll go mad if I dwell on it. The pandemic is here to stay with us for YEARS (my guess is two), and how much longer can some of these businesses continue to remain closed?
I was prepping for a presentation yesterday morning. It was a glorious day, so I left the back door open for the girls to come in and out. Hmm - I can hear a bird chirping, and it sounds a bit too real. Sure enough, a little chickadee found the open door and was enjoying himself in our family room. Oh boy - how do I get him out? He couldn't find the open door and was trying to get out the window.
Then he flew to the front of the house, and that's where I had to leave him.
A chickadee enjoying the view from my upstairs window
When I finished my presentation, I found him in the living room. He was getting tired and trying to get out of the front window. Well, I managed to open both of the front windows and took off the screens. As I opened the second one, I heard a whoosh, and he flew past my head and was gone! That was easy! It could have been a big challenge to get him out, but he knew where he wanted to be! Both of us were very happy at that point.
Despite the busy day, I've managed to get stuff done. This sample block got finished and just needs to be put away later today.
The front of the sample block
Here's the back of the block - all nicely pressed.
The back of the block
Then it was on to cutting the remainder of the wedges needed for the center of the small PRISM Squared project. I put some sticky tape on the back of the template, and that was a game-changer. It was super easy to finish cutting all the wedges.
The wedge template with some sticky tape
Now they are cut and in the bag with the rest of the project.
The wedges for the center circle
And where's the rest of the project? In the container ready for the retreat next week. Just a wee bit over the top, and I'm sure there's way more work in there than I can do in five days, but that's OK - I'll have choices. All that remains is to put my tool container on top, and I'm ready to go. I can't wait until Wednesday!!
The retreat container
There's only one project left that is ready to sew. I have to do a bit of ripping before I move forward, but it's going to be great to get the UFO homework out of the way early this month. I have several quilts that need to be sewn together this weekend - well, within the next two weeks, so I'll try to get some of that done.
The next sewing project
I also have a TON of quilts that need to be quilted. I'll be starting that later today. And I'm cutting the next project for me to sew.
Cutting the next project
It's amazing how quickly that scrap bin fills up. But I have been doing some tidying with my samples.
The overflowing (yet again) scrap bin
I'm going to need one good planning day once I'm back from the retreat. Make lists and then just start at the top and work my way through it all.
But I'm having fun, and that's all that counts!!!
I want to say WELCOME to anyone who has found me because of the online events we've done with Zoom. I've met some amazing people and seen some great show and tell. Hopefully, you'll find some entertainment and tips here on the blog!!
Time to get moving!
Have a super day!!!
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