From time to time (OK - every day), I check the stats on this blog. I'm not sure that I even understand how to read them, but I LOVE how the numbers change depending on the topic. The ketchup story? Lots of readers - so can you tell me who is searching the internet for ketchup? Appears that lots of people are.
I'm happy (OK - thrilled) to report that today is Friday! What does that mean? Well, it's Step One of reopening in our province, and that means non-essential stores are open (if they choose to be), and so are patios. I bet the patio scene is going to be chaotic, but we're going to try it. If I have to have dinner at 3:30 - I'll have dinner at 3:30. I don't care! And if I only time for a beer? Then I only have time for a beer (or two or three). I can walk home, so no worries about drinking and driving.
I might even wander down to the hardware store, since it's very close to the patio, and see if I can find my wood glue. Oh, glee!!! We can go out. BUT here's the danger. I like the little cocoon I've built for myself. I like not having to wander shop aisles for things. I hope that I'm not going to get myself into a rut of endlessly running errands. I don't think that will happen to me, but one must be careful.
And all this work we want to do on the house will require many meetings and phone calls to get everything organized. It's time-consuming to get quotes. However, I'm working on it, and after next week, I'll have more time to devote to that task. It's not even like we're upgrading; it's just things that - well, it's time certain things get replaced.
What else is exciting today? Well, the magazine quilt is quilted and trimmed. The binding is made, and I'll be putting that on this morning. It HAS to go today, and that shouldn't be a problem. I have all morning to get it organized. I have one presentation this afternoon and then off to the patio!
The neighborhood birds are enjoying the new birdbath installed on a front lawn down the street.
A bird taking a bath |
I have to keep ahead of my MIL. She's determined, and now that I've given her stuff to sew, she won't stop until it's all done. She already has the bindings on those three small quilts.
Bindings on three community project quilts |
She hand-stitched the bindings in place because she didn't think her machine could go through all the layers. Well, it can, but it doesn't matter. Hand stitching will slow her down.
Three community project quilts - DONE |
I picked them up last night and helped her thread the serger. Somehow she managed to cut the thread for the loopers inside the serger. How? No idea, but it's all threaded now, and she can go back to sewing pillowcases.
When I got home, I dug out two more quilts that are done, and I need to connect with the Project Linus person so all five quilts can be dropped off. No sense me stockpiling them in that storage room.
Five quilts to be delivered to Project Linus |
Holy, if she can put those bindings on that fast, I'd better get myself organized and get MORE quilts quilted for her to do. I cannot look a gift horse in the mouth - does that expression even make sense? Anyway, if she's willing to bind them, then I need to get them quilted. Hmm - I seem to have a good sweatshop thing happening here. Diane makes the quilt tops, I quilt them, and MIL can bind them. That's awesome! I just need someone to be here to operate that long arm when I can't get to it! But I think I can manage that part.
My MIL has 27 more pillowcases to sew and about 50 blocks for a string quilt. Hopefully, that'll slow her down for a bit.
Speaking of pillowcases, I needed a braindead job last night, so I cut a few more pillowcases. OK - so this isn't a braindead kind of job. If the fabric is directional, it needs to be cut with the direction, so the images aren't going sideways.
Cutting pillowcases |
There are a "few" more pieces of fabric that need to be cut. Then I need to ensure that the band and the body are matched up and have the next batch ready to deliver. I think I have enough bodies for 30 more pillowcases. I may have to dig into my stash to find bands, and I'm quite happy to do that. My goal is to make 100 pillowcases. Then I'm done with pillowcases.
Fabric to cut for pillowcases |
Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC 2. I get notes from the mySewnet blog right on the screen as the machine is connected to the internet! That's exciting as I get new projects or ideas or news. I believe the blog post comes once a week, so I can handle that, and if I don't like the project? I don't have to do it! LOVE IT!!!!
mySewnet blog on the Wi-Fi enabled Designer EPIC 2 |
I have something super special to share with you tomorrow. I just don't have time today, but it's so cute - you're going to die laughing when you see it.
I went to the chiro yesterday. I'm going him more of a sports medicine kind of person. He doesn't do the joint cracking thing. He worked on the knots in my neck for 15 minutes and then 15 minutes on the knee. Oh my - I don't think I've ever seen so much red (from the pain) as he worked in those areas. It was excruciating, but the best news? My neck is ALMOST back to normal. I have the full range of motion with very little pain. How long has it taken for this to heal? But it's almost normal!!! I'm so excited about that.
My knee? Well, it's got this crazy dull ache that just doesn't seem to go away. I don't think it'll ever completely go away as while part of the issue is muscular, part of it is wear and tear. I'll just have to suck it up and accept that one. But I'm shocked at how tight my muscles are around my knees. Holy - I almost needed a stick to put between my teeth!!! Do they do that anymore???
I really haven't been out much, and most of the people I chat with on Zoom are women. But I feel for this guy. He has black hair, and it's curly. Well, it's starting to look very unruly! And it's surprising how we "judge" people because of how their hair looks. It's hilarious. I wonder what he looks like with normal hair? And one of the dealers I work with - his hair is very curly and very LONG. It's hilarious! I wonder how many will go back to their normal haircuts? I know DH said he likes his new do? Seriously?? Get a haircut!!!
My grandfather would be having a conniption about this whole thing. When we were kids, I remember when he passed someone with long hair, he'd lean out the window and yell at them to "get a haircut.". It was rather embarrassing, to say the least!
I have three places for you to go to this morning. All of them are on QUILTsocial. I worked on the
Spectrum Quilt a Long that finished a couple of months ago. I had some leftovers, so these posts will give you an idea of what to do with the leftovers. Check them out. And if you want to make the Spectrum Quilt A Long quilt, click on that link above, and you'll get the directions for all the blocks.
Shoot, there's a third post, but it's not up yet. As soon as it's up, I'll share it with you.
That's it for today. I've got a binding to put on, phone calls to make, and loads of other things to get done before it PATIO TIME!!!
What's going to be the first "non-essential" thing that you're going to buy? Me? It'll be my wood glue!
Have a super day!!!!
I'm sure you know this......I stitch together 2 smaller quilt backings, load a single batting and do 2 quilts side by side. Half the passes and half the advances on your longarm! I feel like it doubles my productivity :-)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday.
Question about quilting two small quilts at once. What do you do in the center?? Baste both edges down so you can let the machine run and not catch? I'll have to try that, but I have to say that I like to fiddle and doing them one at a time works for me. I'm methodical!