I'm all in a flap this morning. My computer is downstairs! I had to bring it down for a presentation - it's a long story. In short, my laptop is struggling with one version of the embroidery software, but that version works fine on the desktop. When I have a software presentation, I bring the desktop downstairs. I had one presentation yesterday, and I have one this morning. So it didn't seem worth it to take it upstairs.
I NEED to get that laptop working as this is just silly!!!
So have you ever been window shopping? Oh yes - we love to window shop. Checking out what's new, whether that be in clothes or furniture or accessories. WAIT A MINUTE -- I mean shopping FOR windows!
The windows in our house are rather dated, no longer energy efficient, and several of the mechanisms no longer close properly. We've put it off for several years, and well, it's time to do something about it.
Oh boy -- what type of material to choose? What option to include? Which company to go with? I've already spoken to one salesperson and have an appointment today with someone else. I also went to a window showroom yesterday. YES -- I got to have a lengthy chat with someone in PERSON. I almost couldn't contain myself!
I'm glad I checked it out because I thought some features would be awesome, only to find that I didn't like them in person.
I loved the idea of these sliders to open and close a casement window. However, after seeing how the window opened, I nixed that idea. Too bad - it was neat.
Cool opening mechanism for a casement window |
Then I investigated the idea of having shades or blinds within the window. We hate window coverings, and I thought this would be a great alternative for a couple of windows where it would be nice for privacy and energy efficiency, as this type of window has a triple pane. Oh boy --- that was a HUGE disappointment. I LOVE the look of the shades. It's super; however, the shades are top to bottom, NOT bottom to top. WHAT???? The lady said there wasn't enough demand, so they discontinued that option.
Are you kidding me?? Why would anyone want blinds that open from the bottom up?? That means the entire window has to be covered, and perhaps you just want the bottom half covered with the top open to still let in light. Now I'm totally torn - I want the bottom to top style - I wonder if someone else has them??? I know my neighbor has a patio door with a shade that opens bottom to top. I might ask her where they bought the door.
Well, it wasn't until I got home when I realized that I only looked at the casement window options and totally forgot about the sliders. Obviously, I was so excited that I totally forgot. Well, no need to worry - I might go back later today. I have a tank of gas that needs to be used up!
My car goes in for a recall next week for the fuel pump, and I'm supposed to have less than ¼ of a tank of gas. It's currently half full, and I've nowhere to go, so I might just go back. And then I have some fabric to pick up at a quilt store, so I might do that as well.
Does anyone have those integrated blinds or shades in their windows?? If so - I'd love to chat.
I did not get to the long arm yesterday. Hopefully later today, but it's a jam-packed day, so I doubt it's going to happen today. However, I did make progress on my Task Master list. I'm in the process of searching for fabric to match the pillowcase bits that I have. In total, there are seven tubs of fabric, so hopefully, I can find stuff that works.
Looking for pillowcase bits |
But here's the thing - those seven tubs need to go!! There is some fabric that I want to keep, but I sure hope Diane continues to sew because there a lot that needs to be dealt with. Maybe after things open up, I'll be able to have a couple of people over, and we'll make up kits. I'm not sure yet how it'll get used up, but I've come to the realization that I WANT those seven buckets gone. I am NOT donating it to anyone because I know it'll just end up in someone's stash and won't be used. NO - this is going to be used. So as long as Diane is willing to sew, I'll keep giving her stuff. And my MIL can sew quilts!
It's all a mindset about letting go of stuff. At some point, it's all going to go, but we can only deal with so much at any given time, so we'll just keep plugging away at what we have organized. I really need to find someone who wants to sew scraps together to make blocks. But all in good time. I don't have time to deal with it, and I may even find some time to make some blocks.
I got my barn block DONE!! Isn't this amazing! I love this block, and it worked out amazingly. So that got crossed off the list. Yeah!!!! I still have the bonus block to make, and I'll be photocopying the paper pieced pattern later today and hopefully get it all done by tomorrow???
My barn block |
I had to set up the sewing machine for applique, and this block has been sitting here for several months, so I decided it was time to get it done. The maple leaf was fused in place, but it needed to be stitched down.
An applique barn block |
I managed to get the black section done! So this is a bonus, and I'll finish the gray part today, just to get it done.
The satin stitch on the barn block |
All the other blocks in the quilt are pieced. This block was a little different - the original had maple and hemp leaves on it, so I changed it to one maple leaf with a shadow. I think I'll use this as the label for the quilt. I was never that excited about machine embroidered labels, but I've been experimenting, and I'm excited now! So I think I'll do the label with embroidery. It's a perfect size. And I can float this in a metal hoop, and it'll be perfect.
So why was the machine set up to do machine applique? Well, one of the tasks for this week was to do the remaining applique for the Kimbebell quilt I'm working on. Here's a bit of advice. DO NOT use tape to hold something in place. I used magic tape to hold these ribbons (the straws) in place. Well, that tape has been there for several years, and I had to rub the sticky glue from the tape off.
Tape on my fabric |
But now, the straws are stitched in place, and I crossed one more task off the weekly list. See how The Task Master is keeping me on track. I still have 9 things to finish this week, but I'm working on one right now and thinking about the others. One of them is to get the border fabric for this quilt, which I don't think I'm going to find in my stash, so a trip to the quilt store is in order. And it'll help to get rid of that gas in my car!
The straws are appliqued in place |
On my way home from window shopping, I got the security tag off my new running shoes, so I get to wear them this morning. How exciting and I need to remember to buy two more pairs. I was going to stop by ValueVillage, just to have a look. I don't need anything, but you never know what you're going to find. There was a line, so I drove into the parking lot and drove right back out. There is NOTHING that I need to buy that is worth waiting in a line.
I hate waiting in a lineup. When I was at Mark's to get the security tag off my shoes, I had to wait. A lady in front of me was buying $500 worth of clothes. A LOT of clothes, and they had to remove the hangers and fold them all, and it was two separate transactions. Good grief!! Oh well, if I have no choice, I'll wait, but give me a choice, and I REFUSE to wait in a line-up or on the phone. I just won't do it.
I got this badge from Fitbit this morning. At first, I wondered what was so special, but then I noticed the number of steps. I'm not even sure why I got it since my step count is way above this number. Oh well, it's fun. But notice how they tease you that you can get another one if you do 22,222 steps in a day. Hmmm - what about 11,111??
Don't forget that Quilt Canada starts tomorrow. The awards ceremony is TONIGHT at 7 PM EST. I'll get to watch most of it before I have to sign off to get to a presentation. You got to love Zoom - all it takes to get from one event to another is a couple of mouse clicks!
And in between events today, I need to get to the window store again and maybe the quilt store. It's going to be a crazy day. I do NOT want this to become a regular occurrence!
Have a super day!!!!!
I love our integrated blinds. We have Pella brand in 2 rooms. Our family room is a 14foot unit. Each side is a window and then the slider in the center that pulls out for a 6 foot opening. Each section is 2 panes of glass and the blind inside. We have a sliding door in our bedroom. The interior glass swings open for cleaning. The blinds all open bottom up only. We love them!
ReplyDeleteYou are very LUCKY with your Pella bottom stack windows. They don't make them any longer!!! They have integrated blinds and shades, but they only operate from the top. We did NOT get the integrated blinds. Just as well, we practically had to mortgage the house to pay for the windows!!!