It comforts me that I'm not alone in daily life's "time-wasting" minutiae. It appears we all need a "wife" to do all the follow-up for us. Can you imagine how freeing that would be? I would love it - so if I ever won the lottery, I'd hire an assistant!
Life got back to normal yesterday - as normal as it can be around here. The girls are not behaving normally - Murphy is so needy, and Lexi is being Lexi. I think they are out of sorts with DH being away, and they better get used to it because the situation doesn't get better until June, and even then, it's still topsy-turvy. All the time we spent at home during the pandemic spoiled them.
The forest is beautiful these days. The leaves are almost in, and there is a calmness the minute you enter. If you think forest bathing is a joke, take a walk one day, and you'll feel it. Even though this forest (OK -- so technically, it's a woodlot) is in the middle of a busy city, it's calming.
The calm forest |
The trilliums are out, and they are beautiful.
A trillium |
I didn't take a picture of our backyard, but the wall of trees has made it so private. I attempted to eat lunch out there yesterday, but it's still a tad chilly, so I scooted back inside.
I came home last week to discover this dead animal in the backyard. What the heck happened? This is the new "backyard" toy, and it's been decapitated. That never happens, so someone must have been mad.
A decapitated toy |
Where's the head? Oh -- she was running around with it in her mouth.
MOM -- this is much smaller and easier to carry |
But that wasn't enough for her. Nope -- she had to bring her new toy outside, which is not allowed. Sigh.
Mom -- you can't catch me! |
Remember my shopping bag that I was going to cut down? Well, I didn't, and good thing because I often fill it up, especially when popcorn is on sale at the drugstore! Then I had to stop at the grocery store, and the bag came home almost full.
My almost full shopping bag |
I had my appointment with the podiatrist (shoot -- forgot to ask the difference between chiropodist and podiatrist). I arrived late because I was hanging around the house and miscalculated the time to get there, but it was OK.
OK -- so I got a whole bunch of information in a short period of time. That guy can talk, and he didn't write anything down. So I had to remember FOUR things when I left. So the mechanics of my feet are GOOD. Yes, I have a bunion and should try to prevent it from getting bigger and from having one on the left foot. The broken toe can only be confirmed with an X-ray, but it's not a big deal. The little toe has a pinch callus that will likely never go away, but I now have a little cap for it.
Like all body parts, I need to STRETCH my feet to keep them limber. Did you know that? If the joints (particularly the big toe) start to seize up, you are in trouble! Mine are OK but must be stretched to keep them that way. Moisturing your feet is good, but make sure the product has UREA in it. And toe stretchers are also another way to help stretch and keep your feet limber. A foot powder is also good, but I already have some.
He recommended orthotics, and I said that I have too much happening right now to add that to the mix, so he suggested that I get some from the drugstore. This is different from the brand he recommended but close enough.
My new foot care products |
So now, in addition to using a hot compress on my eyes (recommended by the optimist) for 10 minutes before going to bed (or at least once a day), I have to use my toe stretchers for 10 minutes once a day. The packaging says you may have trouble putting them on initially, but they worked like a charm. Now where's that lacrosse ball for the bottom of my foot? He also recommended the non-leather Birkenstocks for indoor footwear.
My toe stretchers |
I was at the long arm and working on something for me. Let's say that this fabric is BRIGHT.
A bright fabric being quilted |
But it quilted up beautifully. I just hope there is enough.
My piece of quilted fabric |
Then I washed it, and OH MY --- it is so soft, I can hardly wait to make my jacket. I'll have to buy more of the batting I used, which is perfect for making jackets. It's NOT stiff, and the fabric already feels like a well-worn jacket. I'll be at Stitch by Stitch next week, where I got the batting.
It washed up beautifully |
The pink is the front - I never wear pink! But that's OK, and no one will miss me when I wear it.
The lining for the jacket |
Poor Murphy --- I tried to play ball with her, and we did, but she NEVER tires of it. I had to return to work, so she brought the ball downstairs for me.
MOM - come play ball with me! |
They couldn't care less about the iRobot vacuum any longer. But it's weird- you would think it would go back and forth instead of bouncing in diagonal paths across the house. I'm not sure I want to keep it, so it's been good to test it at no cost.
The manic iRobot |
The mess in the middle of the floor in Studio B looks better, but not really. But trust me, I did put more stuff away.
Stuff still to put away from the retreat |
I trimmed the last of the half-square triangles (the cut-off from the blocks) for the current homework of the Barn Star Sampler quilt.
Trimming half-square triangles |
But the big news of the day was this. I knew from the tracking information that it would likely be delivered yesterday. Our house is on the delivery schedule for 5 PM regardless of the carrier.
OH -- that's a BIG box |
That is a HUGE box - no wonder it cost a fortune to ship. It doesn't weigh very much, but it's awkward. I have no idea how the delivery guy got it on the step! I haven't opened it yet -- that's a job for today, but I have more errands and quilting today, but I NEED to get that set up. OK -- I don't need to, but I want to! I can't wait to see it!
My new toy for the backyard |
And there's Miss Murphy, with her indoor toy - actually inside! Yeah, Murphy! But clingy? Holy -- she is going to drive me crazy.
Well, I'm off to spin class with a busy day ahead. I still have many errands, so I will schedule a few each day. No sense in doing them all in one day as I do them on my walk.
Have a super day!!!
I didn’t know about toe stretchers. What kind of batting did you get to make your jacket? It will be beautiful! What pattern? Hugs to the girls 🥰
ReplyDeleteWhich batting did you use?