I'm up EARLY -- the blog post should be on time!
I had two more successful events yesterday, and those attendees went home knowing a lot more about what they could do with their PFAFF sewing machines and loads of inspiration for making quilts. I came away with a list of samples I want to make to improve the presentation!
Thank you to Patrick and Peachtree Quilt Shop for a fantastic couple of days! Loads of fun, and I got to meet some new people.
So where am I next? The next stop (work-wise) is Quilt Canada in Halifax. So if you are there, stop by to say hi -- I'll be in the PFAFF or Husqvarna Viking booth. I can't wait. OH -- I can wait!
Then later in June, I'll be in Trenton, Ontario (Groovy Threads) and then out to Carellen (Winnipeg) in June. Check out their newsletters or call the store directly so you can come and see all the cool things I have to share with you! There are loads!! And you'll be inspired!!!!
I always tell people that it's one thing to keep cranking out quilts, but why not start doing something very cool with them. Use your embroidery machine, sewing machine, or serger to EMBELLISH and do something you've never done before. Even though I talked to some seasoned quilters yesterday, everyone went away learning something new about their machine and quilting!
I'll post a complete list of those events later -- for now -- if you are in the area of those two stores -- check out the listings.
I hope there is no one below me in this hotel room, as there is a dreadful squeak on the floor right by the desk, and every time I move, the floor squeaks. Eke!
OK -- here's something for you today - something unusual. M sent me a group shot of her boyfriend (Dillon), herself, and Bear in matching hoodies! Yep, -- matching hoodies. I asked for individual images, so now we must decide -- WHO WEARS IT BEST?
The boy |
The girl |
The dog |
It's hilarious that you can get matching hoodies for everyone! I think Bear was getting a little bored with the whole thing.
Are we done? I'm tired! |
I know who I'm voting for! Thanks, M, for sharing the photos - you all look amazing! And I know they are no longer girls and boys, so forgive me for saying that -- it's just seemed too formal to say the man and the woman!
So after I was done yesterday, packed up my things, and paid for a few cute things at Peachtree, I was free to do whatever I wanted. Actually, I have ZERO commitments until Friday at 1:30 PM. Now when has that ever happened? And I don't have to deal with the girls, although it sounds like Murphy is keeping DH occupied with her persistence with the ball! She stands at the backdoor, with the ball between her feet, and barks! He is NOT impressed! But she is so cute!!!!
I have two presentations to put together for Sunday morning, but neither will take too long.
I decided to hit the used bookstore. I drove to it and found a massive building, but the entrance appeared to be locked. OK -- the thrift store is around the corner, so I went there. OH -- I see, it's a thrift MALL, and I was at the backdoor. I immediately found the bookstore, which would close in 15 minutes. The owner asked what I was looking for, and that section was right by the door.
She even helped me, and we found a SMALL book on American quilts. Sold! Then she had another intriguing book about women in Saskatchewan, but it was all references to the archives. Hmm -- I have an idea for that, so I bought it. Don't ask, but I want to do some writing in the future, which might come in handy.
Then off to the thrift store where I found interesting things, but nothing worth buying! Well, I spotted a book on geocaching!
A geocaching book |
I had dinner and did a bit of research on some geocaches in the area. Why not? It's a great way to get to know the city, and I can get a few steps. Can't miss my first-place spot two weeks in a row! I'm not competitive at all 😁, and I don't even think about that until the stats come in the e-mail. Seriously!
Well, rather than walking, I decided to do this puzzle cache in the local library. I had two hours to complete it before the library closed, and I quickly located the container.
The geocache conainer |
This is the most intriguing cache I've ever tackled. It was a category FOUR (out of five) on the difficulty scale, and I was a bit worried. Just so you know, geocaching is NOT some random thing that people hide stuff on other people's property. Well, they do, but they ask permission to do so. The library knows very well that this is sitting there. Actually, libraries are excellent places for caches. When we were in New Hamburg, we did an Adventure Lab (a subset of geocaching) in the library!
A note explaining what it is for those not in the know |
The first part was easy, and I got the container opened. Oh my -- what the heck is this?
What I found inside |
So I pulled on the rope, and this HUGE, heavy cylinder came out.
Whoa -- what the heck is this? |
Holy --- that looks complicated. But the instructions said to walk over to the windows, where there were chairs, and sit down to figure it out. So I did.
Where do I even begin? |
And I played with those knobs, unscrewed things a MILLION times, and was making progress. I am NOT going to say this was easy, but it really was a matter of being curious and methodical, and there was a clue or two in the description that helped. But I persevered and knew I was getting close to the answer, but I was stumped, and over an hour had passed. So I sent a text to the owner. AHA --- he called me (yep -- cell phone worked like a charm), and he walked me through the last part.
The logbook |
And there is was -- the log book. I had forgotten to take a pen, so I had to borrow one (which color did I want?) as I was NOT going to not sign that book after all that work!! I would never have gotten the last step on my own. I'm a geek, but not that geeky. When I got back to the hotel, I figured out what he was talking about, and all I'll say is
Da Vinci Helicopter!! Check it out!
How this guy came up with that cache, I'll never know -- it was pretty impressive. But one thing was still bugging me, so when I was getting ready for bed, I sent him another text, and he clarified! AHA -- instead of TWO categories, I missed a minor detail; in fact, there were three categories! But even knowing the exact clue, I would never have gotten the last part.
He was impressed that I had gotten as far as I had!
So then I was feeling pretty good about myself and geocaching, so I've decided to take the scenic route to Saskatoon (via Moose Jaw), and I'm going to geocache the entire day. If I get 1000 points, I can get the top-level badge for this month. I'm at 280, and I have 11 days left. I think I can do that. If I don't get the points before picking my brother up, my family will think I'm a looney tune, but I don't care! I have a goal, and I WANT that top badge!
I have the technology and a free day, so let's see what happens. I think that's why I'm up early, so I can start the day with a 3.5 KM walk in that darned warehouse district to solve another puzzle. Then breakfast and then off in the car!!!
Oops -- I see I'll be a bit late by the time I get the editing done, but that's OK.
Have a super day!!!!
OH - one last photo -- gas prices here stay the same all day!! Unlike home, where they change MANY times in one day. And if you missed yesterday's post because of the time, don't forget to go back and read that.
She is beautiful but the dog has my vote
ReplyDeleteM is so beautiful but the dog wears it best 🥰