Anne has a good eye! She not only knew what the quilt was that I was working on, but she sent me a picture. I'm not sure if that was her quilt. Great job, Anne -- you know your quilts!!!
Another productive day! It's amazing what you can get done when you can focus on the quilting and have good conversations and good working conditions! So, what does the quilt I worked on look like? I finished the quilt top last night.
My bicycle quilt |
I have no recollection of cutting this quilt, which is called Mod Geo Cruiser. I must have cut the white bike based on my white townie bike.
I know it's been a while, and I intended to make this quilt - well, don't we always? And the best news is that all the pieces were cut correctly. I only had to trim the four border pieces to the correct length. And this is all I had left over. I'm still trying to figure out why there are leftovers, but it's better to have leftovers than be short! If I'm desperate for one month, I could use this for a UFO!! Kidding!! Unless it's to quilt it.
The leftover pieces |
So I'll have to find some backing and binding when I'm home. But I've done all that I can do here.
I sure wish I could say the same thing for my 365-day quilt. I did NOT have such a good day yesterday. The first block I went to work on, I miscut the first piece I sewed. Now, in the scheme of things, I doubt that anyone would see, but I was also missing two pieces for the outside of the block. It is a challenge to cut all these pieces because of the quality of the paper pattern.
For the second block I worked on, a Snail's Trail, I cut ONE piece of each of the two fabrics for the very center of the block, and I needed two, so that goes in the pile of things to correct when I get home.
"Failed" blocks |
Then it was onto the third block, and even after very carefully laying it out, I made a mistake (and cut it), so it was too late to go back. I was making flying geese, and I could have switched some of the fabrics around, but that would look silly. So, after some thought, I decided to just go ahead and have that one rogue piece. Who will EVER spot that in the whole scheme of things? We are NOT talking high contrast on these blocks. So, I'm almost finished with that block.
That leaves seven blocks to finish, and I'm running out of time! But I'm getting into the habit of these tiny little blocks, and I must continue on when I'm home.
I also gained a big piece of green fabric, leftover from the bicycle quilt's bottom border! Next time I cut blocks and sew remotely, I might just throw in the shoebox of green scraps so I don't run into this issue again.
A green scrap |
OH -- here's one of the blocks from the previous day. It's now trimmed and ready to sew into the quilt! Yep -- the corners are a little shy of fabric. That's a lot of seams in that 3 1/2" block, but there's enough seam allowance to make it work.
365-day block |
Still keeping up the walking despite the mud! Let's just say that our shoes are covered with mud! But these are my old shoes, so they will soon go in the garbage, so I'm not worried, and once the mud dries - it's easy to bang it off!
A wee bit of mud |
I could recharge my headphones thanks to Helen Anne, so I listened to Harry Potter this morning. This is book five (Goblet of Fire), and even though I read the book several years ago, I don't remember anything! But I will continue this time and work through the final two books I have never read. GASP!!! I've got 4 1/2 hours left on the audiobook, so I hope to finish by the time I get home on Sunday afternoon.
I didn't take a picture of my next quilt, but it's on the design wall. It's a playmat for kids, and the center is made of three panels. Those are sewn together, and the border (the new fabric I bought two days ago) is on. Now, I'm dealing with the final border, which is wide and mitered! And I will have to piece the heck out of it as I'm working with leftovers from a similar quilt I made years ago!
Regarding the number of projects I've brought to this retreat, I think this is the BEST I've ever done! There are still six projects in the bin, so I will not get them all done, but I'm thrilled with my progress, and I should be able to get at least two more done. Yeah!!!!
Here's another QUILTsocial post for you to explore. I had so much fun with all I did this week on the Husqvarna Viking Designer Epic 3.
And here's the link for Day Five. I am SUPER EXCITED about what I did with the machine embroidery, so be sure to check it out. If you have worked on the Green Tea quilt, check it out to see what I'm doing with my borders.
That's it for me -- I need to get those mitered borders on!
Have a great day!1!
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