You know I've had significant issues with my Outlook (for email). Not only had I lost my signature file, but I had questions about some other features, and every time I looked up the answers in support, the tab/buttons never seemed to be in my version of Outlook.
Well, thanks to my friends, I got the signature file back. Good grief -- the MOST important thing about this was where to find the command. Someone here who works with Outlook knew immediately where that command was. I think it's a bizarre place, but no worries -- the signature file is back in place!! Thanks -- you know who you are!
Then we messed around with other things, and I forgot I could customize the ribbon bar. But if you're reading a book about Outlook, do you not think that would be one of the first things they would mention? It's time to return to that book and start looking for how to customize the ribbon bar. And it's easier to know what you want on the bar if you understand all the features.
I will look at all the functions on that bar, customize it for me and what I use, and eliminate the rest. But I MUST remember that I did that! After all these issues, I don't think I'll forget.
So, while we have yet to resolve my other issues, I'm much further ahead in getting the information, figuring out the information, or asking support (who should KNOW) to get on with things other than fighting with Outlook. And if I can get it right, someone else told me of different tools within Outlook that can help me keep track of my emails!! Yahoo for great friends with knowledge of other things!
The information sharing we've had this retreat has been HUGE!!! I help others with quilting, and they help me with technology. You have to love when that happens.
So I was working on my Tequila Lime as I needed to complete the center part as it was last month's assignment.
Imagine my horror when I put it on the wall to get a photo and realized that I had willy-nilly sewed the two curved pieces without thought to the pattern. That's what happens when you're yakking away at retreat!
Oops - these are not right |
Very quickly, someone else could recognize A pattern, and I was fixing the issue. I had to swap only TWO pieces, and that was a breeze. Thanks again to someone who quickly solved what was a big job to me, but it popped right up to them!
Here's what my center looks like. I LOVE it.
Tequila Lime center |
I did a little bit of work on another quilt. This is the second one I purchased fabric for while I was here.
Sections for another quilt |
I still need some fabrics to complete it, so I'll work on getting as much done as possible. Then, go home and make the remaining components, and it can go back in the retreat basket to finish next time. I'm excited about that - it's just a random quilt I found while sorting through one of my project closets. I can't wait to go home and find more projects for the next time. Since the missing bits are small, it was NOT worth buying something. I have LOADS of those bits at home.
I also tackled the bag of half-square triangles. Someone was cutting in the cutting room, so I dug out the bag and kept them company.
Half-square triangles are TRIMMED |
That leaves TWO projects that didn't technically get touched, but I figured out what to do with one of them, and I'll be better prepped for the next time. The other one is the jewelry case, which, again, I need to figure out what to do so I can be better prepped. Oh wait - there is one more partially completed tote bag, and I need to address that as well. None of those three take up a lot of room, so I think I did an excellent job packing for the retreat. Yeah -- it only took 18 years to figure that out!
And what about the 365-day quilt, you ask? OH -- I managed to get a couple more blocks completed. The first one is a 3" block.
3" block |
This one is 6", and both of these are pretty simple.
6" block |
But let's have a look at this one - March 27. There were two blocks that day, as we had a bonus for Easter. The one above was EASY; the other one was a nightmare. Have a look at how it went together.
And remember, there are NO instructions for these blocks on how to sew them together. There were FOUR diagrams, and that was it! Mitered corners were vital for this one.
Let's just say that this quilt is NOT a beginner quilt, and even I had a hard time believing that this would go together. Once I got started, it worked, but it was a challenge and took a LONG time.
You start with this. These pieces had to be centered and sewn with open seams at the corners for the miters.
Starting with two weird seams |
Then, you added two more pieces to miter the side of the blocks.
Two more pieces were added |
And when you were done that part, this is what you got. Yikes -- I've no idea how many seams there were in this section.
A very weird way to sew a block together |
Next was to make the other half of the block. I know -- that looks totally insane!!!
The two halves of the block |
And you had to insert TWO pieces of fabric between the block sections.
Now insert two pieces of fabric |
This left the center open, which you sewed together to get the final miter through the center of the block. I've NEVER seen such a bizarre way of sewing a block together. This reminds me of the block I did the other day with 16 mitered corners. However, that one was easy as it was made in four sections and sewn together. This one was sewn together as one block.
There is a lumpy corner, but it measures 6 1/2", and that's all I care about! What a nightmare block!
The finished block |
That leaves FIVE blocks still to sew, and we have until lunchtime when we plan to pack up and be out of here by 1 PM. I should be able to get those done as they seem MUCH more manageable, with fewer pieces. I can handle half-square triangles! I don't think there is a single mitered seam in the lot.
We had a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky for the entire day! When we went for our short walk in the morning, the roads were still frozen. While the temperature remained around zero, we knew the sun would make those roads muddy, so we slipped out right after lunch. The roads were starting to thaw, so our timing was good!!!
A perfect blue sky |
I had one Zoom call that was a private one - not through work, and all was well. You have to love having hot spot capability on your phone!!!
And we have one CRAZY person here who sewed for the first couple of days and then pulled out their Sue Spargo project. I think this one is called "Forest for the Trees," and this is just a tiny detail on one of the blocks.
The center of that crab is ONE stitch - I think it's called the Trellis Stitch, and it took a very long time for her to complete. But the end result is stunning.
Hand embellished crab |
While I can appreciate the beauty of what she is creating, I do NOT think I would have the patience, and I do not have Sue Spargo envy enough to make me even consider this project or any other Sue Spargo project. Wow -- so much work, but so beautiful!
OK -- I didn't email those other projects that the others worked on here, but I'll do that tonight, and you'll see them tomorrow.
I have 30 minutes left of book five of Harry Potter, so I'll listen to that in the car on the way home, or depending on when the others get up - I could listen now!
I'm off to finish those five blocks - it would be so nice to know they are done before I level!!
Have a super day!!!
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