Monday, October 28, 2024

OUT with earbuds!! In with OPEN earbuds

As you know, I was very frustrated yesterday by the earbud situation. My voice kept cutting out on calls, the earbud mic dropped, and I could not move around and chat. 

I mentioned that frustration on my first call yesterday morning. I think there were ten people on that call, and can you believe that THREE of the people on that call have something different than earbuds? They are using what's called open-ear technology from a company called Shokz. Three people—that was amazing! 

Here's a picture of what they look like. 

Open earbuds

They really emphasize the fact that they are based on bone conduction. But aren't earbuds based on the same technology since earbuds have mics in them, but they're not visible? Anyway, that's not the point. 

Apparently, open earbuds have been around for a while, and there are MANY brands if you check them out online. I see that in the top five picks from one source, they don't even mention this brand—SHOKZ. 

I figured if THREE people were extremely happy with them, I needed to check them out. So, the minute I was finished with my calls, I opened the Virtual Retreat and headed out to Best Buy. 

And look what followed me home. 

My new open earbuds

I wanted a pair of orange ones, but they were available only in the swimming version, and I didn't need that. I got them paired up to my computer, and I was good to go. I put them on, and OH MY --- what a change from having earbuds in. Earbuds fit into your ears and can be uncomfortable, but the worst for me was that they almost made me unable to hear myself talk. I felt closed in, but I could still hear all kinds of stuff happening in the house. Mine are noise-canceling earbuds, yet you can still hear lots of stuff. But I didn't like talking with them. I will still call the company to see if they can be replaced or fixed. HA!!

Well, these are like comfy slippers. If you buy them, buy the MINI; otherwise, that cord is long. You can even buy them separately so you have two pieces, not one. But they didn't have much variety in that style. Since they do not fit tightly to your head, at least this brand, I'm guessing the wire provides some stability. I see from other brands that they fit much tighter around your ear. 

What a game-changer these are. I LOVE THEM. And, of course, I bought other things while I was in the store. DH needed a new keyboard and mouse, so I got that. I bought a new laptop, but it's being set up, so I will get it on Tuesday. I decided to buy a new monitor, which I've wanted for a long time. I brought it in and set it up later in the day, which was easy! I plugged it in and turned it on, and the second screen popped up. Now, if only that would happen when I do presentations. I have to fight with the connection sometimes. And can you believe this monitor is 1/4" thick!!! Except for a narrow strip along the back where the components are. It's insane!!! 

OK—that is amazing. Now I can have two screens of a decent size to work on. I might do more computer work downstairs than upstairs, as I do not have room on this small desk for a second monitor. 

My second monitor

When I worked for the fabric company years ago, I had dual monitors, and it took just a little bit of finagling to get used to the mouse on two screens. I'm good with it!

When I got back, I was a little more productive, but then I needed a long walk to get in my KMs for the day, so I was in and out of that Virtual Retreat. But they managed just fine without me, and we got to see some people we hadn't seen in a while. It's always good to catch up on what's happening with people, and you learn so much from others—like earbuds are out! 

It's hard to believe, but I have NO EVENTS or appointments for an entire week! How the heck did that happen after the chaos of this past weekend? Now, I need to be very smart about those seven days because there is a lot of work to be done, and there is no time to waste. 

I have a lot of writing to do, quilts to quilt, Studio B to be tidied up, some samples to finish, and the next round of homework to prep. And I get to work around my schedule—it's going to be heavenly! 

Once we closed the call last night, it was time to head to bed. I was heading for the stairs when I showed DH the new headset (hmm—what do I call that?). OH -- open earbuds. When I finally got to the stairs, look who was waiting. She knew I was headed to the stairs, and she had to be in front! 

MOM -- hurry up - it's bedtime!

But when I stopped and headed in a new direction, she sat down and waited for me. That girl is silly! 

DH went to the surgeon for a follow-up last week and can take the sling/destabilizer off on Wednesday. I imagine he'll set his alarm for midnight, and at 12:01 AM on Wednesday, that thing will be gone! But all seems to be healing nicely. He is a good patient and has become pretty self-sufficient; other than when he takes the thing off, he can't put it back on himself, so I'll be glad when he doesn't need to wear it. No lifting is about the only restraint he'll have after Wednesday. He's been off the pain meds for many days and didn't even finish them. 

All in all, I can't complain!

I'm so looking forward to this quiet week or a week without deadlines of any kind. The weather is going to be nice, so I might be outside. The outdoor furniture is still outside, but I should pack that up by the weekend. 

And FYI - the next retreat is scheduled for November 23 and 24th. So put that in your calendars. It's so much fun! If you're home sewing alone, it's an excellent way to chat and sew, and I learn so much from everyone! No packing up the sewing machine or the projects. If you can only come for 10 minutes, that's OK!!! Or stay all day. That's the beauty of virtual - you would never drop into an in-person retreat just to say HI. 

Well, I'm off to spin class. Later today, I have to send the rest of the homework to the groups. 

Have a super day!!!


Sunday, October 27, 2024

How to care for your iron!

Dilemma!!! I struggle with the microphone on my laptop. The microphone could be better because you must be directly in front of the laptop before it picks up my voice. Yet I see people on Zoom calls, and they are at the other end of their room, and we can still hear them. Not so with me, except if I happen to be on the phone at the other end of the room, and then it picks up my voice clear as a bell!

I've been using Jabra earbuds, and the first pair (hand-me-downs from DH) worked very well until the battery life just died. I bought a new pair, and they worked well, but now the microphone seems to be spotty, and all of a sudden, I'm gone, yet I can hear everyone. YES—I need to contact the company. 

I've been thinking about replacing my laptop (another hand-me-down from DH), and I've had it for 7 or 8 years. I looked online this morning to see if I could find a suitable replacement. 

Gosh, what is the difference between a $400 laptop and a $1,400 laptop? Probably storage (although storage is CHEAP these days). Or is it the amount of RAM? I think I'll visit BestBuy to see what I can see. 

However, you know where I'm going with this. Getting a new laptop means migrating to Windows 11. Do I want to do that? It has a new interface and some other benefits, but do I really need it? And will it be a pain having Windows 10 on my desktop computer? I may pop into the store tomorrow. We have a Virtual Retreat today; otherwise, I'd go this afternoon. 

Does anyone out there have Windows 11? Are there any issues you hate? I think I'm just going to face reality, get the upgrade, and deal with it. This is a good time since I have no in-person events planned, and the coming weekend is quiet with ZERO events. 

It would be a good idea to clean up the few things I've saved on the hard disk to get it ready to replace. I'll have to come up with a plan to clear up the rest of my digital stuff. That's scary!!!

And I must contact Jabra about those earbuds. I really like them, but this issue is annoying. I can only speak if I'm married to the laptop, which makes it hard to work. Last night, I barely did anything so I could chat. And that's not a productive use of my time. It's FRUSTRATING!!!!

All the Zooms went over very well yesterday. I had some great feedback, and the groups got their homework and were off getting fabrics ready to sew! I have a couple of follow-ups to send out this morning and a few extra things I promised to work on this week. Then, I must start working on the next round to avoid ending up in a time crunch like this month! 

One of the classes was on binding! I laughed as I looked at the corner of the first quilt I made when I started quilting. Oh my! That corner has a few issues! I have learned a lot over the years! 

Hmm --- 1 out of 10 on technique!!!! 

Of course, they learned how to avoid these pitfalls in the class! The binding class is hosted by The Hobby Horse and will run again, likely starting in January. I'll keep you in the loop. 

Some people might sign up for one class with me and do not realize that I often teach several classes on the same day. During the presentation, I like to review the homework or color choices that students have made. This little scenario has happened on more than one occasion, EVEN with me telling them there is a cut-off (the day before) for sending me pictures.  

Them: Did you get my picture?
ME - When did you send it? 
Them: This morning. 

Oh, the class started at 9:30 AM, and the photo arrived in my intray at 9:45. Unfortunately, pictures do not automatically download and load into the presentation. WAIT—would AI do this for me? Maybe I could program Windows 11 and AI to download pictures while teaching. Now that would be cool and very scary!!!!

I get it that people don't know, but like everyone, I have a life, have morning errands to run, and am NOT waiting by the computer for pictures to arrive. 

The other thing, and this happens more than I would like. I'm on the Zoom. I'm teaching. And I get texts, emails, or phone calls from people saying they DO NOT have the link. I open my calls 30 - minutes in advance to allow people to connect, find the Zoom link, etc. Sigh......   At least I can say that the percentage of that happening is LOW. But people- I'm paying attention to Zoom, NOT checking my email or phone. 

After finishing Zoom at 3:30, I went for a walk to get the stiffness out of my legs and to clear my head! Look at the leaves in the forest. They're so beautiful, and you just want to shuffle your feet along and hear the rustling of the leaves. 

Doesn't this make you want to shuffle through the leaves? 

Here's something of great importance to us, especially if you are in the market for a new iron. Yesterday, we had the question: Should I go expensive or buy the cheap one? 

I'm not sure there is a significant difference between the expensive and the cheap (GASP!), but here's the thing. We NEED to take care of our irons and USE THEM PROPERLY if we want them to last. 

So, what are the tips to prolong the life of an iron? Did you know there is a manual for your iron? Have you ever read it? Most of us just plug them in and turn them on, but that is WRONG!!!! 

1. NEVER fill your iron with water (if you use water) with the STEAM function in the ON position. You don't have to unplug the iron, but the steam should be OFF. 

2. Check the suggestions for water. Some irons have filters in them, but most do not. Do you need distilled water? Or will tap water work. What is the condition of the water in your area? Some people have well water, which has loads of minerals in it. So be sure to use water that won't crap out your iron. 

3. We are ALL guilty of this one. WAIT for the iron to heat up before you use it. If you don't, guess what happens? The cold water leaks out and craps up your ironing board. And that makes ugly stains on the ironing board. BE PATIENT!!!! ALWAYS WAIT!

Water leaking from a cold iron

4. Manufacturers recommend emptying the water from the iron when finished. Yikes—I'm guilty of not doing that one as well. But leaving water in it can lead to mold. Yikes—I never thought of that. I thought it was to reduce the pressure on the water reservoir. 

OK—I need to do some more research in this department. Does anyone have other tips for using and preserving iron? 

On that note, I better get myself moving! I have two presentations today, but they are done and easy to assemble. These two sessions are about sharing ideas with the groups, and that's easy. 

We have a Virtual Retreat today - which starts at NOON. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Have a super day!!!


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Lost pets

 AH --- Artificial Intelligence for writing! Yes -- it's been suggested, from multiple sources, that I use it to help generate my presentations. Well, I'd have to be a whole lot more organized! 

Here's what happens when I'm working. I start with a blank page—well, not always. Sometimes, I recycle slides from other presentations. I do that a lot, and since I'm not always sure where the particular pictures I want are, how the heck would I tell a computer where to find them? 

Then, I may take six pictures and load them. In what order should they be loaded? OK, I guess that's an easy one—in the order they were taken. But what if I go back and take six more pictures (it happens all the time)? Then where does the system insert them? 

If it were cut and dried, I would have a folder of pictures and then ask the computer to load them. I could do that, but that is NOT how my brain works. 

However, given the learning I'm always yapping about, I should try it when I'm not against the clock! 

It may help me, and I'd just have to work more organized. But here's the other thing—I sometimes work from two different computers to create the same presentation. I don't know why I do that—one is downstairs, and one is upstairs. Some of the files (the presentation) sit on a shared drive, but the pictures sit on an external hard drive attached to the computer in my office. So I'd have to change a lot how I work. 

I do not want to fill that shared drive with all my pictures, so that's a problem I would need to solve. I could put everything on the shared drive and, when complete, move the designated folder to the external hard drive. Oh, there are lots of things to think about. 

It's a complicated process when the slide presentations can have up to 100 slides! Most of the slides are just pictures, but I'll try!

I know DH is starting to use it. Since he could NOT take notes during meetings, he's been getting AI to do it for him. He said it's far from perfect, and it can't handle loads of people in one meeting, but it's better than nothing. 

Having said all that, all the presentations are done—well, I'm still tweaking one of them, and I won't get done all I wanted, but it's enough to get them sewing!!! I have one other instance when all four of these classes fall on the same weekend, so I'd better be prepared for that. Since today is the first of all four, extra work is involved in getting the class set up. It's all my fault for not getting organized a wee bit sooner!

There are four different classes. One is full, but the other three? People were still signing up last night! That was an issue as I needed to keep the distribution lists up to date! If anyone else signs up now, well, that's too bad! 

The good news is that even though I hate admin work, I'm actually having fun with all this—and I'm getting good at it! This is a good thing since so much more needs to be done! What I dislike is when required paperwork isn't because of me! 

Oh, Miss Murphy! She's so cute and LOVES to play in the mud and be dirty! Lexi is such a princess by comparison. 

MOM -- just hanging out in the backyard 

When Claire was here, Murphy was a little devil. She had to be the center of everything. I had to take DH to physio, and when I got back, both machines were busy working away, and no one was around, but Miss Murphy, the supervisor, was there. Claire had gone to pack! 

MOM -- those machines are noisy! Let me out of here! 

OH MY -- look what comes back to you! This was a label I found in those boxes of stuff that someone donated to me. Is this the same Cabin in the Woods quilt I've been working on? Completed in 2008 sounds about right. I quilted it for her, but I wonder why the label never made it onto the quilt. 

A lost label

It's confusing because the book is called Welcome to My Cabin, but the quilt we made (the one I finished recently) is called Cabin in the Woods. OK—it's not confusing, but it can be confusing when you don't pay too much attention!

My two Cabin in the Woods quilts

It's never too late to get anything done! 

I'm determined to get my 13 KM in every day. The end of the year is fast approaching (66 days), and I still have a lot of mileage to cover. I cannot sluff off! So, while waiting for DH at physio, I walked. With all the up and down the stairs to take photos and load them, I got a few more steps, but I needed more. So, the girls and I (individually) went for a walk last night. The second time this week. They think they have died and gone to heaven! TWO walks in one day! 

It was a glorious evening. I was wearing a down vest, and it was very pleasant to walk. 

Oh, and if you lose a pet and wonder if you should put up a sign, do it! I spotted this sign the other day in the forest. 

Missing pet

Yesterday, Muprhy and I were walking past a house with big pine trees in front. We could hear a cat who didn't sound too happy. I was trying to get a closer look without alerting Muprhy to the fact that there was a cat there. She hates cats. 

At that point, a neighbor happened along. She knew whose cat was missing, so I left her in charge of contacting the owners. Murphy and I continued on our way! 

Cats, e-scooters, and two dogs in our neighborhood. She can't handle any of those three! Yesterday, she was barking her head off when I was downstairs, and DH was on the phone. Yep- the dog she hates was walking on the other side of the street! I've no idea what she has against that dog, but many other dogs pass our house and even stop to sniff. She's OK with them, but not this one dog! 

Remember, we have a Virtual Retreat tonight and tomorrow. Gosh, it's Saturday—how did that happen so fast? 

Saturday, October 26 - Starts at 6:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, October 27 - Starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Happy decluttering—cleaning out drawers (they are endless) and tidying up the UFOs (again—endless for most!).

Have a super day!!!


Friday, October 25, 2024

Lazy Lexi

Good progress was made yesterday with the presentations and the sewing! Yeah! It will be a busy day again today, but I think I might just make it! It was an interesting day as I snapped pictures and put them in the presentation. Then, I received pictures from people that needed to be added to the presentations. I hope I got them all in the correct place! If not - well, we can laugh about it. 

OK—you have to check out this video! When I was at Golden Peak Media Studios to film a couple of Fons and Porter's Love of Quitting episodes, I was chatting with one of the editors. I mentioned how much I LOVED (and that was true) the latest issue of the magazine. She said, "Can you say that on film in under one minute?" And here's the result

I love going there and had another super time! I can't wait to go back. Hopefully, they want me back! Since this was my second time -- there might be another time! 

And I swear we need to get excited about life! Everything in life is exciting! If it's not, then we better find a new life. 

As I was busy sewing, Studio B got crazy with scrap boxes everywhere. I'll put this all away later today, but look at how nicely those scrap boxes fit on the top shelf of my computer desk. It was perfect!!

An excellent place for my scrap boxes!

But I got a chuckle when I pulled out the various colors I needed and found this. Who is that imposter in the middle with MANY colors in it? 

Which of these doesn't belong?

Good grief—it's even labeled blue. Whenever I was sorting, I took whatever color I spotted through the front and threw it in. I need to tidy up that box. 

What? Labeled blue but filled with orange?

I have made some of the scrap boxes neat and tidy, but these ones are a mess. It's not on my agenda at this moment; I'm still trying to get through the brown scrap boxes. But the day will come! 

Then, I got the sewing machine set up to sew and attempted to thread the needle. 

OH - where's the needle?

It actually helps IF you have a needle in the machine! Oh, silly me!!!!

That's better!

I walked to the mall to mail a couple of packages, and two more are waiting to go. It's so nice to get things out of the house! While at the mall, I passed these outfits in a window. This is a trend that I can't figure out. 

On the left is a knit sweater that is long at the waist but paired with knit shorts. On the right, we have a cropped knit sweater with long pants, which are also knit. Personally, if I were going to wear this, which I would not, I'd have the long sweater with the long pants and the cropped sweater with the shorts. But then, I'm NOT a fashionista, so what do I know?!

Does this appeal to you?

Oh my—look at Lexi. Give that dog an inch (one-third of the couch), and she assumes the entire thing is hers. 

MOM -- I'm trying to sleep!

I made her scoot over, and you would think I asked her to run a marathon. She reluctantly moved and was not happy! Poor thing! 

MOM -- why do I have to move? This is MY couch! 

So here's my latest learning tool. Everyone is talking about ProCreate (a graphic program for the iPad). I purchased it a while ago and only briefly tinkered with it. But I took this flower and traced it. Now, there is no manual that I can find. OK—I did not look very hard—I'm sure there's a manual online. But I was able to figure it out. A graphic program is a graphic program! 

A picture of a daisy on my iPad

Here is the flower I very quickly drew. This is just the tip of the iceberg as I learn the tools, fix lines, etc. We all have to start somewhere. I start small!
My daisy

Not only am I learning that, but I'm also learning more features of the mySewnet embroidery software. I'm becoming EXTREMELY familiar with the HUNDREDS of pages in the various User's Guides for mySewnet. There's SO MUCH!!! You can do so much, but there's not enough time in a day to do it all!! There's room for improvement in setting priorities in my world. 

As I was sewing (which was awesome), I worked on the black-and-white quilt as an ender and leader project. These are the precut bits. 

Shapes cut for the black and white quilt

Which I'm currently sewing into pairs. 
Sewing into pairs

Those pairs will eventually go on these centers, which are now complete but still need to be trimmed. This will be a great job to do at the Virtual Retreat this weekend. 

The centers of the blocks

And we are back at the EXIT Games!! Although we got off to a bit of a rocky start, we have now solved two clues in this puzzle. Before we know it, it'll be December 1, and we get to crack open the Advent Calendar! I can hardly wait!

The EXIT Game

I see the dots on the table, so I'd better get myself in gear and update the travel map. It's been years, and I know a few places did NOT get tagged for all of us!!! And where will my travels take me (or us) in 2025? Discussions are already happening—too many places, not enough time or money!

The dots to update the travel map

Speaking of travel, I dreamed of making 35K status with Air Canada last night. I'm short by 76 points. YES --- that is NOT a typo. All I need to do is take Uber to the airport and back, and I'll make it. But I hope to take one more flight this year. Yes - there is the possibility of three more trips this year; one just got canceled, which I'm OK with. But of the three potential, TWO should happen for sure. I just need to get past this weekend when I'll have more time to plan. 

I'm sure many of you can relate to this! Oh my gosh -- the HOURS I would spend in the library, searching the card catalogs and then going to retrieve the material. I LOVED it. I wasn't even introduced to an actual library until I was an adult. 

Who remembers?

I lived in the country, and the teacher was responsible for bringing books to the one-room country school once a month. I would easily breeze through whatever she brought. I don't think it was until I was in university that I got a whiff of what a card catalog was all about. But I used it extensively!!!

I wonder how many of those cabinets are still around? I have a small one in Studio B filled with craft supplies. 

Well, it's time to get the day started! There is so much to do and so little time. Actually, that's a lie. While there is lots to do, I don't feel pressure. Everything is ready enough that I could run the classes as the presentations are, but I like to freshen them up, add new things, and make a new sample or two, so that's what I'm doing today. The tough parts of the presentations are mostly done! 

Now, back to those UFOs or the drawers. Are you making progress on them? You should—it should become a way of life! Just like flossing your teeth. OK—for me, flossing is not a way of life, but I'm trying hard to make it so. Since my last dentist appointment, I've been flossing once daily and brushing my gumline, not my teeth. I'm throwing in the towel if they don't say there's an improvement next time! 

It's all about setting priorities and then following through. We can't do everything, so pick your battles.

This weekend is Quilt Market, and then Quilt Festival follows. I went to both for several years, and when I stopped working at the fabric company, I felt a HUGE void in my life. I NEEDED to be there. Now? I have ZERO desire to set up a booth, walk the floor, or see the quilts. OK -- maybe I want to see the quilts. But the rest? Not in my lifetime would I go back!!! It's exhausting, especially if you are working. I'll take a smaller show any day! 

Here are the links for the Virtual Retreat. 

Saturday, October 26 - Starts at 6 PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, October 27 - Starts at NOON EST or shortly after

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Have a super day!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Computer aided technology - for or against?

I now have the distribution list for Spice Market organized, and I can send the information today. However, I have one slight problem. Someone sent me money, but I need their email address. So, if your banking name is Anne James, please email me, as I don't know how to send you information.

It was a huge task to get organized, and now I'm getting back to work on the presentations. Four of them need to be done by Saturday morning, and NONE of them are complete! However, two of them are in good shape, and the other two are still a bit rough. Lots of pictures were taken and edited, and they need to be added. 

Now, here's the thing -- what are your thoughts about Chat GBT? This is AI (Artificial Intelligence) that will write documents for you. You provide parameters for it - the subject, the tone, and other details and then AI writes the document. Are you kidding me? 

Someone asked me the other day if I used it. NEVER! Well, never is a strong word, but here is my view. 

I LIKE to write. I won't call it a hobby, but I write more than most. So, will I take one of the tasks I enjoy and let a computer do it for me? That just doesn't make sense. That's like buying fabric, leaving it on the cutting table with the pattern, and expecting my sewing machine to create a quilt. What enjoyment (or learning) did I get out of that process? ZIP - ZILCH - NADA!

I might as well buy a commercially made one and give up my hobby altogether. I use a grammar checker—YES—I know that it is AI-controlled. Do I trust it? NOT for a second. There are many instances when it will take a sentence and change its meaning. And it ABSOLUTELY wants positive comments—it hates don't or can't. 

I will continue to use the checker, but if I have to rely on AI 100%, I might as well throw in the towel. I guess you could equate that to adaptive cruise control versus self-driving. I'm not ready! And I hope I am never ready—I like doing these things! 

What is really scary is that if these tools are available (and they are), what are people now doing with their time? Watching REELS that are so useless it hurts. Most don't have a beginning or an end. Most do NOT tell a story. They are 30-second time wasters that suck you in 30 seconds at a time. We MUST STOP WATCHING those things! If I do get sucked in, I limit them because they are just stupid. How many cute puppy reels do I need to watch? 

You might say that using CNC technology to quilt a quilt or machine embroider something is the same as using CHAT GBT, but I don't think so. I know the results of what those machines can do - it's black or white. Language? It's a whole different ball game! It's PERSONAL! 

We are on this planet for a reason—I don't imagine the reason is to let computers do everything for us. They may aid us, but they shouldn't do everything for us. What will be left for us (our brains and our physical bodies) to do?

AHA -- Grammarly must be miffed at me this morning. It's not working! So, all grammatical and spelling errors are the real me! OH -- it came back on, so I'm using it to aid me!

After working on the presentations, I decided this morning that a complete tidy-up was required to continue, as I need to do some sewing later today. I still need to do a complete tidy-up, but I have cleaned the three main areas. 

The cutting area is clear

The ironing board is clear

The sewing machine area is clear

Even the computer desk got cleaned up, although not much ever lands or stays there since it's small. 

The computer desk is also clear

It did not take very long to put everything back in its home. And it's so much more inviting to walk downstairs and see open spaces to work. There are oodles of small, half-finished projects strewn on the other tables, and after this crazy weekend, I'll get to those. Why is so much packed into this weekend? Because I moved things around to avoid classes on Thanksgiving weekend. 

I even had a few minutes to empty more stuff from that last tub. I want the tub, so I might take a few minutes later today to finish it, but I'll see how it goes. Those presentations are the priority! 

The tub is now 1/3 full

If you were observant, another much smaller machine is sitting where my creative icon 2 was. I know the store is busy this weekend, but I'll follow up next week to see if they had a chance to check it out. 

In the meantime, I diagnosed someone else's machine. They were having power issues. Does this maybe give you a hint? 

Which power cord would you want?

Their original is on the right, and mine is on the left. Do you think their connection might be loose? I lent my power cord, and everything seems to be OK. There are many days when I swear I will become a service technician. The technicians do NOT LISTEN and do NOT know how to fix machines. Many sewing machines come back with the same or another issue. I understand that the machines are much more complicated than they used to be, but that's why you take classes and learn basic sewing. 

When I attended that technician course (as a fly on the wall) last month, the guy who had been a master mechanic on heavy equipment for 24 years asked me questions about sewing. He is going to be an amazing technician. I was tempted to ship my broken machine to him, but I don't have a box for that machine, and well, maybe I should have found a box. 

I need to find his card, as I said I would contact him. 

Look how beautiful our neighborhood is right now. It won't be long before all this is gone!

Brilliant colors

Brilliant reds


A gorgeous street

The colors haven't hit the inside of the forest and don't usually, as the inside gets less light. But it's still pretty to walk through there. 

The path in the forest

And you can't really see this, but there is a leaf dangling in mid-air by a spider web. It's fascinating to watch it dance in the breeze in the middle of the path—seemingly unconnected to anything! 

A dancing leaf

Well, it's going to be another busy day! I have one last urgent admin email to send, and then I must get on with other admin work. But the presentations will be the focus today. 

I'm teaching a software class tonight (three are scheduled this fall). Someone asked me a while back why we are repeating some of the tools I discussed previously. OH!!! I could talk about the same subject for months and still have not covered it completely. The more I play, the more I discover and learn. I was even playing around with my iPad last night to see what I could create to bring into this software tool!!! The learning NEVER stops at my house. The software class is hosted through Needleworks Studio, so if you are interested, sign up. I think you can sign up for one or all the classes. 

Remember (my grammar checker does not like "don't forget" and will always correct me to REMEMER) there is a Virtual Retreat this weekend. I have so much to do!!!! 

Here are the links: 

Saturday, October 26 - Starts at 6 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, October 27 - Starts at NOON or might be slightly later due to a class

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

Remember to work on those UFO projects. There is no need to actually sew them at this point, but get them organized. Perhaps start a list so it'll be easier for you to figure out what you want to work on next. And if you are NOT touching your UFOs at all, then you need to start getting rid of them. But remember—it'll be so much easier to get rid of them if they are organized. 

I have FOUR UFOs from those tubs of stuff that came my way. All of them were nicely organized. I'm working on them this weekend, and all will be quilted and donated! That's a win-win for multiple people, except for me not getting my UFOs done, but I just like to sew, so I'm good. 

On that note, I'm out of here!!!

Have a super day!!!!


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Time to tackle the UFOs

So, if you signed up for Dear Jen (as of 8 AM yesterday morning), the Saturday Sampler (BOTH at Thimbles and Things), or Crossing the Finish Line (Hobby Horse), you should have received a confirmation email from me with all the details. 

If you signed up yesterday for either of the two classes at Thimbles and Things, I need to retrieve your information from the website and add you to the distribution list. So be patient. 

If you are in Spice Market, the email goes out today. The admin side of classes is not my strong point! But no worries—there is ZERO or extremely minimal prep for the class, so don't panic. 

We will have loads of fun in those classes, and here is one of my mottos. Actually, there are two of them. 

Ingrain this in your memory!

And here's the second. 

We can, but we won't need to!

Although --- we're going to make all the projects easy enough that the second motto shouldn't have to happen! YES - even Dear Jen!

I got very lucky yesterday. I made it to the thrift store late in the day, and guess what? I found EXACTLY what I was looking for, and it was senior's day! So, everyone in my binding class knows what I'm talking about! It's currently in the washing machine! And for $16, including tax, I have the PERFECT thing (quilted bedspread) for the base of all the binding techniques. I can't even make my own quilted samples for that price. 

I'll contact you today if you sent me an email about not getting into the binding class. So, if you want to be on the wait list for Crossing the Finishing Line, email me ( I will rerun that class, but I will wait until there is enough interest and figure out a time. It will NOT happen this year.  

Phew—once I send this last email regarding Spice Market, I can move on to the homework I've already planned. Four presentations are in various stages of completion, and they'll all be done before the weekend. 

We should all try something new from time to time. So I decided to buy a new kind of soup for lunch. I'm a big Habitant soup lover, but let's go for a different type. 

My "new" soup

So I had this soup last week. Would I buy it again? Would I buy it to replace the Habitant? The answer is NO. Why not? First off - it's DOUBLE the price. Yep -- double, and it wasn't all that great tasting, and I thought it was too watery. Yes - I know it's organic, hence the extra price, but it could at least have been thick and creamy. I'll try another brand another day - they were low on soup the day I bought this. 

But here's the thing - at least I tried! 

Claire and I tried many experiments yesterday, and we killed one of my embroidery machines. It has a wee hiccup, which hopefully can be diagnosed quickly and can return to duty soon. That entailed an "emergency" trip to a dealer (35 minutes away) to hopefully get them to look at it quickly. Fingers crossed. 

As Claire and I discussed what we would do, I remembered having oodles of towels that I bought years ago. I bought them 10 years ago when M was still at home and intended to embroider them. Well, look at those horrible big bands—those are NOT in the right place to welcome embroidery. So we messed with all four of the facecloths and the eight orange towels? I guess I could put them out and use them now! 

My little stash of orange towels

Instead, I went to the Bay and bought NEW hand towels. They were on sale - 40% off and I might return today and buy a few more. The "white" towels in the bathroom are no longer white and are VERY OLD. It's time we had new towels in the bathroom. 

But the price tag was stitched into the hem of the towel!! It was serged into the edge of the orange towels. 

Price tag stitched into the hem

I won't share with you what we did. I'm saving that for my machine embroidery class. 

Remember the homework I gave you yesterday? To dig out a UFO and evaluate it? And then, you need to organize it so that if you decide to give it away or sell it, someone could make it without too much difficulty?

In the tubs I received last week, there were five partially completed projects. I intend to finish all five of them, quilt them, and then donate them. 

This is the condition of one of them. It's in PERFECT order to pass along to someone. The cut pieces are in labeled bags (personally, I'd put a sticker on the bag or a note inside rather than write on the bags - but that's me). It was easy to see where this person left off, so it shouldn't take too long to get this assembled. 

A nicely organized UFO

The other four are in similar states or simple enough that I know how to finish them. This is what you need to do with your UFOs. 

If they are in a jumble like many of mine are, this is NOT good. It's going to take someone way too long to figure it out. They'll lose interest and just toss the stuff. 

This is an example of the current UFO for this month. It was a jumble of stuff - some related to the pattern in the box and some that did not. 

A jumbled mess of a UFO

I got rid of all the excess bits and need to deal with all the embellishments, but the fabric and the partially pieced bits? They are all in bags now, so working on this project will be much more inviting. 

If you are unsure how to get started, why not attend the Virtual Retreat this weekend? It's a perfect place to grab ONE project and sort through it. Then, if you have questions, someone on the call can help you. Or grab that box and sit outside in the nice weather, although today is the last day. Well, it's still going to be nice, just cooler!

But start getting those UFO boxes organized. Do you still want to make the project or are you ready to pass it along? Be ruthless -- how much are you sewing? How long will it take? Etc. Etc. 

I'm going to spin class this morning, so no time for more. But here are the links for the Virtual Retreat. 

Saturday, October 26 -- Starts at 6 PM EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 1648 3795
Passcode: 248667

Sunday, October 27 - Starts at NOON EST (it may start a bit later since there is a class just before)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 8351 7671
Passcode: 117636

And on that happy note, I'm out of here!!!!

Have a wonderful day!
