Ruti's Needlebed hosted the Border Creek Station Mystery last year. It was called Quilter's Romance. The mystery started in September of 2011 and ran for 8 months. Ruti's can be a tad cramped for the purpose of show n tell so I decided to invite the participants to my house for show n tell. We had a great turnout and for the few that couldn't come - some sent pictures. So sit back and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes - there were TWO sizes - lap or queen................
Daphne wasn't able to attend, but gave me her top so we could check it out. She still has to put on the borders and YES - the little piece in three of the corners has to be rotated!!! Hey Daphne - good thing we saw that BEFORE you put the borders on. |
No need to say whose this is!!! Yes - it is MINE!!!!! Notice that I sewed the two halves together OPPOSITE from the original design. I tried both ways and I liked it better this way and being the rebel that I am - I sewed it together like that. |
Kathleen - whose quilt was QUILTED and BOUND!!!!! She is fairly new to quilting and did a great job on this quilt. A tad more contrast between the background and the medium would have made that pattern stand out a bit more, but still looks nice and she quilted it to give those shapes more definition. That is the problem with choosing a medium with the SAME colour background as the BACKGROUND fabric. The one will bleed into the other - ask me how I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Margaret really rebelled and made her lap quilt symmetrical. And then she did her own thing with the borders. We all LOVED the end result. Great job!!!!! |
Flo was madly sewing on the last borders on Monday, but the top is done!!!!! Awesome job Flo!!! |
Judy with beautiful soft colours and she also sewed the two halves opposite from the pattern. Looks great!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Judy was ambitious and made not one, but TWO quilts. This is her second. Hard to believe it is the same pattern. We laughed because she said this is how NOT to choose fabric for a mystery. Actually - I don't think it looks all that bad!!!! The dark "stars" wound up looking this way because she put the wrong fabric in the wrong spot on the star points. |
Pat went BIG and made the queen size quilt. She is NOT adding the final border of cream as it is already a HUGE quilt. Luckily I caught up with her BEFORE she put that final skinny red border on so she was able to put it on in one piece. |
Marianne got the center part of her quilt complete and just has to add borders. I think she was admiring what Margaret had done - we may see that on this quilt. |
Barb also made the lap quilt, but changed up the borders and added a fourth colour with the skinny red border strip which I LOVE. Also note her little piece peeking out of the bottom right of the quilt. She ran out of border fabric and got creative. Way to go BARB!!!!!! |
OK - so I was also ambitious and made two - the second of mine is the queen sized. I got the center done and there are FIVE borders to add, but I wasn't happy with the construction method of one of the borders so I put it away and hadn't looked at it since. Now I have decided I must finish it. I am going to rotate those border blocks so the red strip will surround the nine patch block. It is complicated - I won't go into details, but I will be able to salvage my efforts - just have to determine if I have enough fabric. |
This belongs to Lynne. She made the queen sized and her is quilted and already in a new home. It is very pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Pauline made the lap quilt and finished this a couple of weeks ago at a sew day at my house. Love the bright colours!!!! |
Jackie also has her quilt finished and it is given away already. Nice bright background - makes everything pop!!! |
Bev also made the lap size and I believe that her quilt is complete and already given away!!!! |
Wasn't that amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! None of us knew what the end result would like because it was a mystery. Despite a couple of the quilts where the owners were iffy about their fabric choices, I think they all turned out amazing. I was amazed at how many of them were quilted and already given away!!!! Wow - if only I could be like that!
I will see if I can round up photos of the missing FIVE quilts from this group. But to get 13 out of 18 was pretty impressive!!! And amazing how people actually got the quilt done (well missing a few borders in some cases!)
I see I have a major problem with my e-mail account. It crashed last evening and I haven't been able to log in, so best get that fixed and then onto the day. I have my CRITICAL three things that HAVE to be done today. Let's hope that I get them done. And I have been working hard and have LOADS of my own show n tell for you, but that will wait until tomorrow.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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