OK - so there are NO elves. Just me. I have managed to get a lot done in the last couple of days.
As much as I get done, just seems like there is so much more to get finished. But since I am NOT really starting anything new (OK - so there are a couple of new things slipping in - BUT they are class related)
Let start with the show n tell................
These are the blocks of the month that I won at the June meeting of Halton Hills Guild. I made three extra blocks, sewed the top and at last got the final borders on. I don't normally make this kind of border, but I didn't want to buy any new fabric and so this is what I could do with what I had. |
Even had a quilt tester check it out. It PASSES!!!!
And the binding and the backing are DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Yes Kaylee came to visit for a couple of days, but since I was busy, she did not get a chance to blog.
Remember that I put this quilt on the design wall and I was going to take my time to sew it together. THEN I remembered that I had the show n tell for Border Creek and we needed the design wall for that. SO............
Had to get busy and sew this top together - This was a $10 quilt a number of years ago. Now there are three borders to add on. |
And while working on those quilts, I had enders and leaders which are these .................
Fancy enders and leaders - four patches and pinwheels |
Got the last border on Elaine S Halloween quilt |
Ah - finally got the extra backing from Carol |
I only needed this much - about a FQ size |
And so it is also waiting for quilting - the binding, border and backing - DONE |
Final borders on Ronda's Halloween quilt |
The extension are sewn on the minky backing and yes - it is now waiting to be quilted. Binding is also done |
This first border is now completely on the Christmas quilt |
And those fancy enders and leaders - well they are the pieced LAST border for this quilt. |
Linda and I both have those nice Horn (brand) sewing tables. We were lamenting the other day that it needs a bit of room on the right hand size of the table as it is pretty skimpy. I did notice in a magazine ad, that there is a little shelf that you can add, BUT - I did this instead.......................
The extension to my sewing table. You have to LOVE LOVE LOVE those wooden TV trays. I have five of them in the house and almost all are in constant use somewhere. They are AWESOME. |
I do wish it was the same height but this will have to do. I have a carpenter friend - maybe he could rig up a small extension flip leaf to put on the end, but for now this is fine.
So while I am working - I have also been organizing. Since my stuff is pretty much sorted so that all "like" things are together, it is easy to sort. I will save all that for another day. You can see what treasures I found. I would LOVE to get to the point where I have NOTHING on the work tables. So while it isn't a big issue to tidy up for people to come over, I would like it to be even better. Got to figure out a better way to use that 2012 shelf. But HUGE progress is being made so I don't care if it never gets complete - as long as we are making progress.
AT LAST, I got the quilt with the feathers DONE.
Quilt with feathers - DONE |
Detail of quilting |
And I finished that book for the book club!!!!! While it did bog down a bit in political details which was necessary for the story - it was a really good book. Not the kind I want to sit down and read every time, but I can't wait to discuss it. But some of the comments were SHOCKING - the book dealt with slavery and oh boy - what a different life style that was for everyone. I wonder how much of the political details were accurate (or loosely based on actual events). My knowledge in that area is a tad weak.
Anyway - I have a BIG slate of things to do today. Oh yes - I still have my three critical, but more after those are complete.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have a Horn cabinet. Your side table got me thinking. Ikea has a couple of drop-down tables that are designed to be fastened to the wall. I'm thinking I could fasten one to the side of the cabinet. That way, when I don't need it, it could be down, or up when I do. Although, truth be told, it would probably always be up.