Yes - yesterday was a snow day at our house. Schools were closed, then libraries galleries, the airport, some stores and they were advising people to stay home. So we stayed home, but not before Berke arrived in the land yacht!
Just for some perspective of the snow fall, have a look at these...............
Here is the pond several days ago |
This was the pond yesterday morning |
And here is that hole in the pond this morning. Notice Sammy's tracks almost to the edge of the water. I didn't get the camera fast enough to catch her. |
Looks like a heart - but see how deep the snow is. The heater and bubbler are working like a charm. Should have bought a better heater years ago. The difference between buying something in a pet store versus a landscape shop. You could see the "heat rays" coming off the water this morning. I bet those fish are nice and comfy in there. |
If it were a snow day and you were a dog - what would you do???????????????
Go out and PLAY |
Then I would play with my BIG SISTER |
I LOVE playing with my big sister |
That big black dog thinks she is tough - but the fuzzy dog is just as tough |
OH OH - I got snow all over my nose |
Snowing very heavily, but with my big black fur coat - I don't feel a thing!!!! |
We are guarding the house - surveying the neighbourhood - making sure that everything is right!!!! |
A very alert guard dog!!!! |
Oh - look at me - there is LOTS of snow |
Got to check out the backyard as well. |
What would you do if it were a snow day and you were a teenager with your boyfriend over?????
Why not make a TENT in the living room!!!!! Thanks to MOM who supplied the photography stand, safety pins, clothes pins, never mind the quilts, pillows and furniture - it is a cozy spot to watch movies |
I have to admit that I played bridge on my iPad in there while M watched her TV shows after Berke left. M even slept there - I didn't think my body would be happy this morning if I did.
Sammy got right in there - look how cozy this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Cozy - but this SPOT is MINE!!!!! |
Sparky was just as cozy on the other side. |
Then when you get bored of watching movies, the teenagers can always bake................
Cupcakes (from scratch - no mix in this house) |
I showed them how to make icing from scratch |
And this was the only colour of sprinkles in the house. Very Halloweenish!!!!! |
When you are waiting for the cupcakes to bake, you can always grab the camera and bird watch.............
(these pictures were taken by Berke)
Cute little bird at the sunflower feeder |
Huddled in the Japanese maple tree (they were singing up a HUGE song) - I love when they do that |
Having a quick rest on the feeder |
Picking up the scraps - I love these birds BEST |
What do you do on a snow day if you are an adult????
Well - quilt of course!!!!!!!!!!!!
But not BEFORE cleaning out the machine. Look at how much lint accumulated from quilting that small flannel quilt. Actually I have to clean this area AFTER ever quilt and sometimes during the quilting process. VERY LINTY |
Got this sample quilt DONE DONE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is trimmed and going to put the binding on in a few minutes. |
Detail of quilting pattern |
I do NOT know why the Sulky Blendables on the big spool will NOT work in the long arm machine. I have a bright variegated that I really wanted to use. I put in a new BIG needle, I changed the position of the spool on the machine, I loosened the tension, I slowed the machine down and I can drag the thread through the threading system, but the second it goes through the needle and you pull - the thread breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAP - because I have FOUR of those big spools. But it works like a charm in the bobbin. Going to have a LOT of bright bobbins in MY quilts. I threw on a BRIGHT variegated orange thread for the top and it turned out gorgeous.
Then because I still had time, I decided it was time to get this raffle quilt done!!!!!!!!!!! I sewed the white border all around the center. AND got the two rows of stars on the sides sewn together and attached to the quilt.
Looking good and almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Then I decided what had to go in the corners and I need to make FOUR more of those solid looking stars which are the easy stars so that is a good thing!!!!!!!!!! One of them is made - only three more to go and they are mostly cut out.
|A nice way to finish off the corners |
And I got some of these cast off pieces sewn together. They are a PAIN to line up those seams. |
And what would do on a snow day BECAUSE it is a snow day??????
You would SHOVEL of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean - how could I NOT take advantage of the fact that a strong teenaged male was at my house. I just couldn't let that opportunity go. So everyone got bundled up and we went out. Not sure what the orange sunglasses were for - in case he gets lost????? |
Berke and I shoveling. Hmmmm - where would M be????? Oh yes - she did have a shovel, but well - we put her to better use with the camera. My only comment to Berke - "think twice" |
This "island of snow" that we saved for M to take a picture was in the middle of the driveway. You can see it goes up to Berke's knees.
Ah yes - there she is - the photographer.
Here are some other random pictures from the day................
Berke with the girls |
The snow between the cars - TONS of it |
The girls ON GUARD while we worked |
Snow on the side of the driveway - remember we had NOTHING before this storm |
How much snow fell on my car in about 6 hours |
Now I try not to be a revengeful or vindictive person. But I do love payback especially when I had NOTHING to do with it.
We live on a crescent and we are right at the end of the curvy part. This isn't a normal crescent - there is a BIG area in that turn. Oh yes - I forget to tell you that part of our day was taken up with watching people get stuck in that curvy part of the street. They would slow down for the curve and then there is a slight (about 1 or 2 % incline and with the UNPLOWED street - people just couldn't make it.
While we were helping one fellow out - who gets stuck EVERY TIME there is a snow storm simply because he doesn't know how to drive. Anyway - while we are pushing this guy, someone comes buzzing past in his Land Rover. It was hilarious. The owner of the van we were pushing vowed to buy something like that next time!!!!
Anyway - the plow finally passed in the night and the grader went by again this morning. Now if you leave snow in the street - it is going to get pushed into your neighbour's drive. For YEARS, my neighbour two doors down would leave her snow in the street and guess where it ended up - YEP - in MY DRIVEWAY. It drove me nuts, but what are you going to do. This year, she gets a service to come and plow the street and you can see the snow across the street in this picture. He used his truck and plowed the snow ACROSS the street so it wouldn't go in our drive. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! The neighbour next to us used the same service and that snow also got pushed to the other side of the street.
This is the end of our driveway this morning. Actually the windrow of snow marks about six or 8 feet BEYOND our driveway. It isn't that bad and I've already cleared half of it so that we can get out. |
Now it is hard to see in this picture, but the neighbour whose snow used to end up in my drive, got NAILED. The guy next to her pushed all his snow in the street and it ended up in her drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh dear.
Today - the sun is out and although cold, that sun will do wonders to melt some of the snow and clear off the rest of the drive - well bring it to bare.
Don't you love snow days!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a pretty neat day and I didn't get any complaints (well not that I heard) from either of the "helpers" and we went out TWICE to shovel. Thanks Berke and M!!!!
Oh yes - I have to tell you one more story about yesterday. So after we shoveled the driveway, I parked my car in the usual spot, Berke parked his car sort of in front of mine so that DH could drive right into the garage when he arrived home. When Berke left, I told him to watch that he did NOT back into my car since he had to back up and then go forward to clear the big dump on the right hand side.
So he clears the snow from his car and he is inches from my car. And remember this is the LAND YACHT. He backs up and missed my car (how I have NO IDEA) because he keeps backing up and while doing that he makes the car slide to the left and then he was in position to leave. If I had NOT seen it fore myself, I would not have believed it. I wish I had video taped it - it was VERY IMPRESSIVE.
Oh and then in the evening I had to work on my project that is called SNOW DAYS while I listened to an audio tape. How appropriate to end the day that way!!!!!!
Well off to find something to do today!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recently read somewhere, that if you put Sulky Blendables in the freezer overnight, it will behave. Worth a try I guess....if you haven't already tried that!
I WANT A SNOW DAY!! Maybe Monday...I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We'll probably just get flurries, like always. :(