The work spaces were cleared off. The irons filled and ready to roll! Then the ladies for the Pampered Sit n Sew started arriving. There were nine of them on Sunday - oh yes - it is going to be a busy day!!!! They did NOT disappoint me. If I thought I was going to have an easy day - well they kept me hopping ALL DAY. Here is a peek at what they were working on...............
Claudette was working on a beautiful quilt about the Hungry Caterpillar. She came with this much of the top done, but did get an extra border put on. A bright red one, but I did not get a picture after that border got on. |
Then she got to work on this gorgeous horse head wall hanging. Trying to lay out all the pieces is NOT an easy task!!!!! |
Sharron was working on borders, backings and bindings on TWO quilts. Nope - no pictures of those quilts!! I think I may have posted a picture of Sharron's quilts at a Pampered Sit n Sew day in the spring. Sharron has a very busy job and NO TIME to sew other than Sit n Sew days. YES - that means she hasn't sewn since she was last at my hous!!!!!!!!!!
Lynn was working on a Hopscotch quilt. I love the colourway!!!!!! |
Karen brought this to show me. Do you recognize it???? Well maybe not the quilt, but how about the style???? It is the WINTER version of the fall and spring quilts I have been working on!!!! And hers just needs borders!!!!! |
Karen was also working on a project that they found in Beryl's studio (Beryl is Karen's mom who passed away a couple of years ago). YES - they (Karen and Helen Anne) are still trying to work their way through all the projects from their mom!!!! |
Karen then brought out this project. Do you recognize this???? YES - that is a $10 quilt. |
She is working on the borders - yep - I will be joining her on this project - well at some point!!!!!!! |
This is one of the projects Helen Anne worked on - do you recognize this????? YES - this is the block of the month at the guild. I love that colour way. So many are trying to make from their stash which is how I designed it and I am sure we are going to see some very interesting colours!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
And Helen Anne was also working on these blocks from a pattern that she found on the internet |
Donna was working on this quilt. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this project. |
Here is a block and part of the sashing. She said that the quilt is filled with memories as she works her way through all those scraps. |
Ronda was very busy with these log cabins. She was a bit slowed down because she had to cut as well as sew. But I see from Facebook that she has been doing some major cutting!!!!! |
Katheleen was also working on a project that I think she was working on last time she was at my place. But she also has a very busy job!!!! I guess I better have more days so her and Sharron can get their quilts finished!!!!
Linda was working on a tumbling block quilt. After she described it - I said I had one partially complete. |
Here is the pattern that I am working from |
Here is my quilt top - there is ONE seam left to sew the left half to the right half (it is even pinned together - that is why one of those columns looks weird) |
Inner border cut and outer border in the box |
And these are left overs - enough to make a small quilt |
Yes - I left it out on the table so I could try to finish it up!!!!!!!! So close!!!!!
After everyone left - then I got busy and got the customer quilt finished!!!!
Customer quilt - DONE |
Detail of quilting. A caution about using bamboo batting. DO NOT put the batting in with the quilt top. That batting sheds so badly that the top is covered with batting stuff!!!!! |
The Monday girls have also been busy.
Linda brought in this cute little wall hanging. For some reason, I envision it with family photos in those circles!!!! |
Linda brought this in for some help. I taught this as a class a couple of years ago. Linda is doing a GREAT job on this. I wonder how the others are doing???? |
Margo got her quilt top done! |
Now even though I had labels and sleeves and a bit of binding to hand stitch, I thought I would get started on cutting the remaining blocks for Farmer's Wife quilt - this was a $10 quilt last year. Well - trying to cut those pieces at Monday Motivators - nope - too noisy and too many interruptions. I did manage to get FOUR cut.
Then I went to work and got all the sleeves pinned on - five sleeves pinned on, labels pinned on (they can be sewn on after the quilt show) and I have about 14 inches of binding left to sew on. Can you believe - we are a couple of days away from the quilt show and I am ALMOST ready. The world must be coming to an end!!!!
BUT when I got home - I decided that it was time to tackle that Farmer's Wife.
Here is my book with the fabric chosen for the blocks that I am going to cut |
A LOT of blocks!!!!!!!!!!! |
Templates at the ready (oh yes - I am becoming a Marti Michelle freak!!!) |
Everything spread out - On your mark, get set GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I managed to cut EIGHTEEN blocks yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! I know - what the heck happened????? I have 39 of the blocks sewn together. Eighteen cut, there are two that are partially sewn together. AND I have the fabric all laid out for the next group of cutting. I mean LET'S JUST GET THESE THINGS CUT!!!!
Next batch ready for cutting |
There are 111 blocks in total. So I have 38 already complete, 20 more are cut and ready to sew (there were two already partially cut/sewn in the book. That means that I am more than half way there!!!!!!!!!! These blocks will make good enders and leaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes - I am a BIG list maker and sometimes my lists are VISUAL. So what happens after a Pampered Sit n Sew - when everyone leaves????? Well I get out my visual list.
I bring back all the stuff that I had to put away. |
YES - both groups of tables are covered!!!!! But this way I can see what has to be done and what takes priority!!!! Unfortunately some stuff just seems to jump the queue!!!!! And let's not forget the written TO DO list - I think I make up a new one each day and it is as long as the previous day. I have to figure out a way to handle those lists!!!!
I've got more pictures and stuff to share with you, but I'm off to yoga and then off to visit a client!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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