I am a SLACKER this morning. At 6:30 AM, I was still in my PJs, and I hadn't walked the dogs, but the house was EMPTY. Well - the girls were here with me, but DH was gone to the airport and M was gone to school. It is RARE that that occurs at our house!!!!!!!!
I've been thinking - if I had to downsize (can't even begin to imagine that scenario), what would I get rid of??? Well it wouldn't be the scraps!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so I continue to cut and sort!!!!
After going through those boxes and bags from the other day I got to thinking about what else I had for scraps that were not sorted. There were TWO other containers.
Here is container one. Came from one person so many of the scraps "match". No time to deal with this, but it has been sitting on the shelf for a while. |
And then there is this big bag which also came from someone else |
Look down - look way down - there is a LOT of scraps. |
Yes - I know all of you would have passed on both of these, but hey I have a soft spot in my heart for scraps. This blue bag almost got refused because I AM NOT taking any more scraps, but then I got asked and I couldn't see it go in the garbage!!!!!!! I'm pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!! (BUT NO MORE - I WILL NOT ACCEPT MORE SCRAPS and NO TESTING ME) Well I have been tripping over that blue bag on the floor for a long time so in light of the recent events - I thought it was time to go through it.
I dumped it on the table and look how optimistic I was - I have that little shoe box!!!!!!!!! I could shove the bag on the shelf with the scraps - it fits - yes there is room!!!!! Or I could try to find a container (other than the bag) to put the scraps in and then put it on the shelf (going to need more than ONE shoe box) OR I could deal with the scraps and sort them NOW.
I decided to sort through the scraps now - at least part of them. There is all kinds of stuff in there - selvedges, bindings, half square triangles. Well as you can see - I am picking out the reds, pinks and oranges. I will move on to the next colour soon and when the basic colours are exhausted - hopefully the multi colour stuff will fit in the shoe box!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Speaking of shoe boxes - have you ever wondered about those shoe boxes??????
Well - here they are!!!!!!!! These are the SCRAP boxes - don't bother counting - there are THIRTY NINE of them. Who knew??????? And there are a LOT of quilts in those boxes!!!!!!!!!!! Ooops - I see that second shelf has a bow in it!!!!!!
And I have a lot of smaller stuff and what to do with it???? Well - as I was teaching my class yesterday, I saw the PERFECT quilt to make with those scraps. OH MY - how many hours of sleep can one get away with and see be functional??????
Almost finished cutting the strips for that new scrap quilt - not the NEW NEW quilt, but the NEW quilt. |
This is this the NEW quilt - I'm liking how it is turning out. And trust me - those scraps are HORRIBLE on their own. Together they are pretty cool. |
So you have seen the scrap boxes - but what else is there for scraps???? Well I have a set of plastic drawers where more scraps are stores.
Drawer One - the 1 1/2" strips for the log cabin |
This is the SECOND bag of strips that will join the FIRST bag once I am finished cutting those scraps that are on the cutting mat. |
Drawer Two - 2 1/2" strips - no idea what to do with these yet |
Drawer Three - 2 " strips - got an idea for these ones |
Drawer Four - EMPTY - who knew there could possibly be an empty drawer at my house????? |
Drawer Five - 6 inches squares or maybe they are 6 1/2"???? |
Drawer Six - other sized squares |
OK - so I know that may be more than what you might have for scraps, but did you see how well organized they are??????????? And for the most part - I am using them up. Hey those strips sat for a long time as UGLY fat quarters. Now they are being used!!!! And someone in my class yesterday said that she sorted through her scraps and put them in boxes/bags. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Now those scraps become a VALUABLE resource - not junk!!!!
So yes - those scraps would all have to come with me. I have TONS of ideas on what to do with most of it - just lacking the time to make it happen.
I have one other kind of scrap and that is the Half Square Triangles.
The top basket is filled with little triangles that need to be sewn together. The blue bin and the purple tin are FILLED with HST that are already trimmed and ready to go. |
Another basket waiting to be sewn |
Another bag waiting to be sewn |
These are waiting to be trimmed |
Isn't that exciting????? OK - there are MANY other scrap quilts or projects that are on the go, but since they are designated for a project - well they don't count here!!!!!!!!!!!! I really must focus on getting this mess further under control. Oh yes - focus - there are too many things to focus on.
In case you think I have abandoned the winter samplers - I have NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Got the friendship stars done for ONE of the quilts and good progress on the others |
The next FIVE days are going to be insane.Today is set up day for the CreativFestival. I have two classes to get organized for that show, my $10 quilt on Saturday, a meeting for the company that organized the bike trip, TWO guild meetings, a customer quilt to finish, and Monday Motivators. On top of that - I have a sore throat and so far I am holding it off. Let's hope it doesn't go further than that. It is just scratchy when I wake up - so let's hope it stays that way.
On that note - I am out of here. I have to get some prep work done.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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