Saturday, August 12, 2023

Rest Day number two Fromista

I'm still here! I have to confess that I kind of got into this rest day thing, and well, it passed quickly enough. 

After a very good sleep -- yes -- I haven't been sleeping as well as I should in those alberegues, so when I had some peace and quiet, I took advantage of it. I may consider a few more hotels along the way.  Not everyday, but maybe evey four days or so. Iˋll see how it goes. 

I was a bit disappointed when I woke up as my knee was still not good. And you all know Iˋm impatient. But I stayed in bed and found a good e-book to read. Can you believe that I read an entire book yesterday. Me -- an e-book on my phone? I never wanted to read e-books and now Iˋm hooked, Maybe Iˋll just hunker down and read for the next couple of weeks! I can cab it to the next stop! I couldnt do that!!

Off to find some breakfast -- yes another chocolate pastry. They call them Napolitain chocolate or something like that. Iˋll have to check the spelling on that. And I had some orange juice. Then it was off to my bench to read for a bit. 

I decided that it was about time I tried to figure out that darn 'gentle' Suduko. This was not an easy one at all, or my brain is fried. I have tried multiple times and always missed something. The eraser came in very handy!!! Guess what? I got it!!! That was my triumph of the day!

As it was nearing nion, a lasy approached me and asked if I spoke English. Turns out they were from Britain and they own a house across the street from where I was sitting. 

I asked about the artchitecture because some of these places look new. Apparently they are adobe houses, but built with a brick facade. the walls are so thick and with the big blinds that are NEVER open, the places stay cool. Anyway, we chatted for a bit and then they went off for lunch. 

They recommended a place, but I couldn't find it, so I went back to my same place. The guy a the counter was probably laughing at how many times I ate there, but I didn't care. 

I had to change hotel rooms - not sure why, but at least I don't have stairs in this part of the hotel. I had a great nap and spent a good part of the day in bed! Got to protect that knee. But I have to say that itˋs feeling 'better,' if one can call it that. At least, I'm not shuffling around, I can walk, but slow. That's OK for me and it should stretch out a bit on the walk. 

Yes -- Iˋm going to attempt to walk tomorrow. I will be taking minimal stuff with me and forwading my bag. Iˋll do that for a couple of days or as long as I need to recup. Slow and steady is going to be the operative word here. 

I lucked out at dinner. I arrived at my favorite place, and most everyone eats outside I had barely sat outside when they closed. Yep --- other peple were drinking at the tables and we just left our dishes on the table. Itˋs quite common here! 

I have about 50 pages left in my current ebook, so I must finish that before bed and I have to get my stuff ready for tomorrow, so I have a busy evening ahead of me and it's already 8 PM. 

So wish me luck tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. The next center isnˋt too far away and itˋs a larger center than here. This town is mostly a farming town, which is evident by the lands around it and the farm equipment that was roaring up and down the road yesterday. It's Saturday here and the town is pretty quiet. I would imagine that amtomorrow will be dead. The Spanish sure know how to live!!!

On that note, Iˋm out of here!

Have a great day!!!


The one sentence

A quiet rest day, where I did practically nothing but watch people,  read an e-book and eat. Can you believe that I did that little in one day? The knee is feeling better!

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