I feel even better today! All is good! I think I had two naps yesterday, and I got through the Zooms in the morning with no problem. As a matter of fact, I wasn't watching the time and was ready to go on!
And while I was on Zoom, I had company. The big dog and the tiny dog. These are the clingy dogs. Lexi doesn't do stairs, so she's never in Studio B.
The big dog and the tiny dog |
But the sun was shining when we were done, and those dogs love the sun. Bear is absolutely adorable in Murphy's giant dog bed. And what a feisty little guy. There must have been loads of activity in the neighborhood because he was standing on the edge of the bed looking out the window and barking his head off. Thanks for keeping us safe!
The MIGHTY Bear |
DH loves to sit in the sun as well, and all three of the dogs and DH sat there for the rest of the day. When the sun went down, it was time to retire to the family room. This is the little guy's favorite spot. Yep - on the opposite side of the sofa from Lexi.
Just the guys hanging out! |
But for all that I do for him when I went to get him to take him to bed, he ran away from me!!!
You can't catch me! |
What a sassy little guy!!! But so darn cute!
It's about time to toss these shoes. These are the ones that 1 full size larger than I usually wear. You know what? They do NOT feel sloppy at all. Perhaps my shoes are too small? Anyway, they have served me well, and from the condition of the soles, they are way past being swapped out. I'm not sure about the mileage on them, but it's well over 1,000 KM. And that is too long for one pair of shoes. I will miss them. However, I noticed that the mesh on the toes did not break open. Not even close. Thank you to HOKA for a well-made pair of trail shoes. These will definitely be back on my list of shoes to buy.
The toes are intact on my HOKAs |
Speaking of walking, I was on my afternoon walk and had no destination. However, I remembered after that I have a bunch of quilts to pick up at Diane's house. OK -- that's for this coming week. But I like to stop in at the thrift store. It's fun having one so close that I can pop in every day! I only have money with me sometimes, and I could always return. But it's fun to see how quickly certain things turn over.
I had spotted two nice wine racks that I might use for stabilizers. They had cobwebs on them, and I even measured them to see if they would work. When I went back - they were gone! OH -- I need to take a picture of something I bought at the thrift store -- let me get that for tomorrow.
I spotted this yesterday. What the heck would one do with that? It's webbing of some kind.
Webbing matches my sewing machine! |
The plaza where my bank and dentist are used to be insane because of a small grocery store. It was next to impossible to find parking, which didn't bother me since I always walked there. The grocery store has moved, and the location has been empty for quite some time. There's been work going on, and it was revealed the other day what's going on.
A new store opens |
So I guess if you're nervous about the dentist, you can get a fix first and then go - totally relaxed! It was interesting to talk with some of the dental staff as they thought people would be going in to buy joints and then smoking them outside. I've never seen that at a cannabis store. They are a bit more upscale than that. These stores have been banned from our city until recently. I imagine they are popping up everywhere like they are in other towns and cities.
I managed to get a customer quilt done yesterday. It had a medallion-style pieced back, which is OK, but a devil to center the quilt on. Let's just say that I was happy to see extra backing for this quilt when I neared the end. It had an "incident" the first time I quilted it, and YES - I had to remove all the quilting and redo it. It's taken me some time to get the "courage" to quilt it again. Let's just say that math was never my strong suit and leave it at that.
There's enough backing! |
But there it is, and it's super cute! I'll be trimming some quilts later today.
Customer quilt - DONE |
Quilt Market is happening right now, and from what I've seen, everything is LIVE on Facebook, or so many pictures are posted; there's no need to go there and see the stuff in person! All the new fabric collections are on the websites, and I don't feel the least bit like I'm missing something by not being there!
I've got two presentations this morning, and everything is already organized. I'm a bit behind in the Many Block project, and I hope to get back to work on that. Again - it's about setting priorities, and well, sometimes one has too many priorities. I still need to do some serious searching for next year. Let's say that nothing new will be added to the schedule - it's a question of how much "old" will continue!
It's a virtual retreat this afternoon. We have so much fun keeping up with each other and learning new things, and it's all very friendly and drama-free!
If you get a chance to stop in and say HI -- we'd love to see you.
Sunday, October 29 - starts at noon EST.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1959 8156
Passcode: 053861
Well, I've got to get the dogs out for their walks!
Have a super day!!!
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