So these are interesting times. I'm not a good patient, and I have lots of medication to combat the symptoms. And for the most part, I'm doing OK. But I'm tired! And that scares me because I can cope with all the other symptoms, but how does one cope with fatigue? Lots of rest.
At one point, I decided to take a nap. It was a long nap, and the three dogs were on the couch with me. Can you spot them?
Napping with the dogs |
Then, the impatient BIG dog decided to get off. Can you spot her in this picture? What a goof.
MOM -- enough napping -- get up!!!!! |
I still went for my walks and did my daily quota. I'm sick, but I'm not that sick. The colors on the trees are spectacular.
Spectacular fall colors |
So the neighbors are strange. We think it's a young man and his girlfriend who live there. The parents went away during the pandemic and come back once a year. While the parents did a lot of yard work when they were here in the spring, this was the first time anything else was done since then. The front yard was overgrown with thistles, and the backyard was even worse.
Several of the neighbors took a few minutes occasionally to pull weeds. This area below was filled with thistle.
Imagine my surprise several days ago when I heard someone in the backyard. I don't know who is responsible for this, but the backyard and the front are CLEAN. But did we really need to put up with the mess all summer long? And all that seed! Either way -- I'm happy. Or did they clean it up in anticipation of the parents returning?
The front yard is clear of weeds |
Little Bear LOVES the gazebo. He's my kind of guy! Every time I go to sit in the chair, he's right there. He loves to snuggle -- what a silly boy! The weather is amazing right now -- it's warm enough to wear shorts, and I'm walking in my T-shirt! Today is supposed to be even warmer than before, so I'll be outside.
Little Bear hanging out in the gazebo |
I did some machine embroidery, but I would have liked to get more done. I hate when I want to make something and waffle on how to make it. Just decide and do it!!!!
And I got a customer quilt done. I swear my brain wasn't there. It took me three tries to get the first mark for the pattern. I placed the tape on the quilt (for the mark), then forgot to make a needle hole, which is the pattern mark. So I attempted it again and got the needle hole, but removed the tape before I marked the quilt. Finally, on the third try, everything went as planned, and the quilt got done!
Customer quilt - DONE |
Did I mention that I'm watching Season 7 of The Great Canadian Baking Show? One of the contestants is a quilter! The intricacies of what they are baking and decorating are way beyond me!!! But it's entertaining.
Let's hope that I need fewer naps today. The day didn't start well, as I got up relatively late compared to my usual time. But I'll do what has to be done! If I need a nap -- I'll nap. I can't fight it.
I have to prep for two classes tomorrow. There is so much to share with the one group -- I do not know where to start!!! Actually, both groups!!!
Remember, this weekend is the virtual retreat, and I can't wait to chat with everyone. I've got scraps to sort while we chat, and I look forward to that.
Saturday, October 28 --- starts at 6 PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911
Passcode: 982797
Sunday, October 29 - Starts at NOON EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1959 8156
Passcode: 053861
Have a super day!!!!!
You've been going like a crazy person for several weeks w/flying/driving/teaching. Relax into those "I need a nap" days. Remember the Camino ❤️❤️ and your why.