Saturday, October 7, 2023


It appears that I need a deadline to get moving! I felt perfectly like my old self yesterday as I rushed around taking pictures and trying to make sense of the two Zoom classes for this morning. Both presentations are ready! Or as ready as they are going to be. 

One will be a breeze, the other - not so much! But it'll all work out, and everyone will be that much smarter! 

I also spent quite a bit of time working on a very detailed email regarding the logistics of both classes. Thankfully, I could reuse some of the writing. Instructions on how to send pictures, submit homework, or join the Facebook page, etc. I swear I had it all covered until this morning! 

TWO things that I forgot to mention, and both things happened overnight! ACK!!!! OK -- so I'm making a template from that email and adding those two items. No pictures after midnight! I'm good, but I have my own life, and I'm not dropping my routine to ensure someone's pictures get in the presentation. I did it this time, but only because I had yet to outline that rule! 

The second thing related to Facebook which I need help understanding. Private groups (then no one can find it to join) versus Public groups (in which anyone can become a member, even if I set it for approval). I just don't get it --- Facebook really needs to change their settings or give us more power -- NO ONE should be able to join a group without permission of the group owner. Obviously, I need a lot more instruction in that area. 

It also doesn't help that some people use a fake name on Facebook -- I don't know who you are if you use a fake name! 

Suffice it to say, I'll make a template for class logistics and fill in the blanks! 

Then, if you can believe it, I got an email AFTER midnight asking to join both classes. The email was missing some vital information, and just how it was worded -- well, I thought it rather cheeky. So I sent a note back to get their information, and I'm only adding them to the list once I get that, by which time I'll be teaching. Seriously??? The class signups have been out for TWO MONTHS!!!!

I'm sure some people looked at my logistics list and thought -- this teacher is pretty strict and thinks we are all children. Well, just like the CAUTION notes you see everywhere, they are there because someone thinks it's OK to do what they want, regardless of scheduling, time, or whatever. Remember the Caution - HOT on a coffee cup? Well, I have to do the same. If you have a class of 40 or 50 students, there has to be some structure to make everything run smoothly. 

So, to anyone who thinks I'm a bit rigid -- there's a good reason for it! 

I'm slowly making up the KMs for my virtual challenge. As long as I do the daily average of 12.5 KM, I'm OK, and if I can get in a few extras (even 1 KM a day), that makes me happy! 

So yes -- I think I'm back! And my muscles feel so much better now. OK -- so the pain and suffering (Oh woe is me!) of that massage have paid off!

I have a project that needs to be done by next Monday (16th). I've had three different ideas mulling in my head. Which one should I do? Well, it's down to the crunch time now, and I think I know which one to go for! I had to laugh when I was at the mall the other day and spotted something exactly like I was going to make. Shoot -- nothing is new -- but I thought of it BEFORE I spotted it at the mall. Now I'll be firing up some machines this afternoon and hoping to get a LOT done today. 

I needed some fabric to make this particular project, which is why I was waffling between the three of them. A casual phone call alerted me to a store with the fabric I needed, so I did that yesterday. 

I'm almost afraid to say this, but I had FOUR phone conversations in the last two days on my cell phone. Two were short, and two were long. My voice did NOT drop on any of them. Could I be back in business?? It is going to take a long time before I have confidence in my service! 

The weather is changing! Yesterday was still a day to wear shorts, but I had to get up in the night to put an extra cover on the bed. I was cold, and so was Bear. So, do I dare go out in shorts this morning? It's a bit cooler than it has been!

The two big girls are outside right now and loving it! Little Bear is snuggling under the covers of his bed. But he doesn't have the luxury of a big fur coat like the other two. 

I took tons of pictures yesterday, but none that I can share on the blog. But here's something to keep you occupied. It's all about the Chiangi Quilt made by women prisoners during the Second World War. 

And on that note, I'm out of here. I've got three dogs to walk, and I need to get it done by 9:30 when it's time to get on Zoom!

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. Don't follow the rules? Don't get in. No babysitting provided.

    Happy Saturday :-)
