Tuesday, October 24, 2023


I don't think I'm the only one with a love/hate relationship with technology. I'm OK to have that relationship and I've learned to work around it. 

One of the issues with technology and in particular Artificial Intelligence is how can we tell what is real these days? You have no idea if something has been created by a robot or by a person! Case in point - the comments on my blog. Look at this one. 

Look at the last line -- "no need to worry about your quilting gear when you park." 

Hmm --- that sounds like a line where quilting could be substituted by cycling, hiking or whatever type of gear you have. It blows my mind that this happens, but it's quite common. 

Just remember the next time that you get a request for a Facebook friend that many of those single military men who are trying to chat you up are NOT real people! 

Be very aware -- if you read carefully, you can usually tell if its written by AI or not, but it's getting harder and harder to decipher and that is a very dangerous thing! 

However, when you want to see some good stuff in the world of technology, I'm going to dive into the Husqvarna Viking world for a minute this morning. The new DESIGNER EPIC 3 has been officially launched and I have to say that some of the technology in that machine is mind-blowing. Not only in how it works, but what it does. 

I don't have a picture, but for anyone with the older EPICs, you will LOVE the new SILENT embroidery arm. The whole thing has been redesigned so it's pretty quiet. Kudos to the engineering/design team for that. 

Now one must always look to the future What is the ONE thing that we have all wished for at some point in our sewing lives? Wait -- there are TWO things. Come on -- you can guess this -- we've all been there. I'm going to make you wait a minute. 

This is a CONCEPTUAL sewing machine. You would be surprised at the number of people who have asked how much this is. It is a concept --- I don't even know that it sews! But it is a POTENTIAL direction of the sewing machine as we know it. 

A CONCEPT sewing  machine

It looks pretty futurist, but it's not that far off what we currently have. But I like the clean and sleek look. Where's the screen? AHA -- that would be a tablet on top of the machine that controls the stitches and other settings. There are still buttons above the needle to control the functions of the machines. 

So think about that tablet for a second. If all the controls for the machine are on the tablet, what's in the tower on the end? 

Well -- you better sit down for this one. 


YES -- that is the bobbin thread that we see there. The entire tower is hollow and there's a spool of thread for the bobbin. Yep -- a channel from the spool air-feeds to the bobbin. 

So, yes -- we all want our machines to be lighter in weight and have an endless bobbin. The CONCEPT machine has that, meaning these are things they are trying to incorporate into a future sewing machine model. The engineers are listening to the consumers and we have no idea when these feature will be incorporated into a machine that would eventually be for sale, but we know they are trying to solve the problems! That is very cool. I'm sending these pictures to my Dad as I know he would be fascinated by this. 

I'm fascinated by it and can't wait for it to come to fruition! Hopefully, I'll still be in the business. 

So with the guts of the tower removed, the machine should be lighter. I did not go into details with the engineers, but it should be lighter. 

Remember, this is a CONCEPT machine. The technology does NOT exist yet in a form that is available to consumers. Do NOT run to your dealer and ask for the futurist machine because it is many years down the road. And then we are going to have to wrap our heads around the new technology and I'm sure there are many issues that need to be worked out. 

I had a fun afternoon with the girls. I couldn't stop taking pictures. Here's the Divan Deva - Miss Lexi, although she slept outside last night. 

Miss Lexi

And there is Bear and Miss Murphy. Bear was already up there enjoying the sunny afternoon and Murphy just jumped up like it was her bed. Wait -- it is her bed. Thanks Murphy for sharing! 

Murphy and Bear sharing

Oh dear -- I got up late this morning, so I'm going to have to forgo the walk until this afternoon as I need to prepare a presentation. Or - I might trick them and go for a short walk. They never know how long the walk is, and thank goodness for that! 

Oh -- I had a software club last night. I swear -- if you have the mySewnet software and are NOT signed up for a class -- even if you have the 30-day trial -- you should be signed up, because we are going through the software in such small bites that anyone can learn this stuff! It's so easy and there is so much that can be done with it. 

I have one more class through a different store this morning! 

OH -- spell checker isn't working this morning --- all errors are mine -- where's my AI when I need it? 

Have a super day!!!!



  1. OK, that conceptual new sewing machine just looks so cool!

  2. Hope you don’t get sick! Is there a Zoom retreat this weekend?
