Saturday, September 30, 2023

We have a visitor!

Well that was a first for me in a long, long time! There was no blog yesterday! Given all the travel and having to blog on my phone with a tiny keyboard -- I can manage all that, but when I'm at home and have access to my computer -- I can't blog? 

It was one of those weird days -- I'm exhausted, yet I'm not. I'm happy to be home, yet I'm restless. I think it was mostly that my routine is totally upside down and I just couldn't get my act together! 

But I had a good sleep and I think I'm ready to get back into the swing of things today! I hope so as there is much to be done.

AND there is a Virtual Retreat tonight and tomorrow. Yep -- I sort of failed at posting that information as well. And if no one shows up -- that's Ok. 

Not a lot happened in the last two days -- well, that's a lie -- I managed to make my way home so yes, I'm now home for at least two weeks before I'll be out again, and I'm pretty excited about that. 

It's always an experience to travel and I know that I have done my fair share, but that doesn't matter --- everyone needs to be prepped when they go. The usual for me is to do everything online before I arrive at the airport. I'm checked in, my boarding pass is on my phone and I can literally get out of the Uber and make my way to the priority security line and within minutes, I'm on the other side and waiting at the gate. 

When traveling with a pet (yes -- Bear came home with me), one cannot get the boarding pass online. You have to line up for that. Let's say that he was a wee bit excited when his carrier came out of the closet! 

I'm going on a plane!!!!

So I'm in line and there weren't many people in front of me, but there were three more experienced in life women, all of them had luggage and I don't think they traveled much. They had sheafs of papers in their hands, which looked like a printout of their entire ticket, which is usually four pages long and you do NOT need to print that out. One person was the spokesperson for the three. 

I'm OK with older people traveling and I'm OK with inexperienced travelers, but people -- it's like being at the grocery store and you get to the end and the cashier asks for your payment. OH -- then it takes ten minutes to find the credit card in a purse. That was the case with these ladies. They couldn't find the passports, then they had to find a credit card to pay for their luggage and well --- it took a bit of time for them to clear. 

Bear and I just needed a boarding pass printed and we were good to go. I wonder why we have to do that? Is it because they are checking the size of the carrier? Probably! And making sure that we are not trying to walk on the plane with a Murphy sized dog instead of a Bear-sized dog. 

Security did NOT like the can of dogfood that I had in my bag, so that got confiscated, but that's OK. Otherwise, we were good to go and we sat and waited at the gate. Bear is so little that in order to see him, you don't see the totems behind him.

A missed photo op with the totems because he is so small

The flight was pretty uneventful, except for the people (different ones) of a certain age and didn't speak English who couldn't for the life of them figure out the seating numbers on the plane. But eventually everyone was seated and we were off. 

Murphy and Lexi were beyond excited to see me, except -- what's with this little guy? An imposter - Mom -- there's a little white thing running around the house!

It's not ideal, but Bear and Murphy walk together and they each stop at different things and Bear needs to stop at EVERYTHING!

Big dog, little dog

The important thing is that they all get along and Lexi is just dying to play with Bear. Bear is like -- who are you and what do you want? 

I had a couple of errands to do and I got them both done before my late lunch. They involved taking the car and Bear got to come along on both of them. He's so little that he's not a problem in the car and he doesn't bark his head off like the other two would. 

Bear in the car

After the late lunch, (I must still be on West Coast time), I decided to sit in the gazebo and read. Of course, I had company. Bear was quite happy to stretch out in the sun. 

Soaking up the sun

Then at one point, I sat him on my lap and he fell asleep, as did I, and it was only when the sun went behind the house that we woke up! It was freezing in the shade! 

This crazy book - I can't put it down! It's one of those murder mysteries by David Balducci, (Memory Man), but it's really riveting! 

Then something else happened yesterday that I've never done. I dropped my big water bottle on the rocks in the backyard and put a big dent in it!! 

A dent!!!

But it's still good, but what a silly thing to do!

Today is my last "quiet" day for a while. I have loads to do - like unpacking my sample suitcases and repacking as I have a one day event this coming week. There are classes to prep for, and quilts to quilt. So I'll finish my book this morning and then it'll be heads down trying to stay ahead of the classes!

Tonight and tomorrows is the Virtual Retreat, so if you get a chance (the weather is cooler), pop in to say HI!!!!

Here are the links:

Saturday, September 30  -- Starts at 6 PM

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797

Sunday, October 1 - Starts at NOON

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 1959 8156
Passcode: 053861

Have a great day!!!!



  1. Lorraine
    Hi Elaine! I am happy for you and your daughter being able to spend time together. Awe, that little Bear! I would steal him in a heartbeat 💗. Lol

  2. Yes, that Bear is just too cute! What breed is he? How long is he staying? So glad they all 3 get along 😻

    1. He's a teacup maltese. But shaved at the moment, so he looks like a rat! Shhhhh --- don't tell my daughter that!
