Yesterday was Thursday Therapy. It is one of my favourite days (OK - so almost every day is my favourite day). A group of us get together and sew for a good part of the day. If you are well prepared and in the right mindset - you can accomplish a lot. You also get to see some amazing show n tell.
Have a look at what some of the others brought in to show off........
Sacha finished her BRIGHT cat quilt - I just love this and was trying to find a way to sneak it in my bag!!!! She started work on yet another BRIGHT CAT quilt which is going to be gorgeous as well. |
Linda was quilting up a gorgeous quilt. Guess who this is for???? Not ME!! Nope - a new BABY. Isn't that an awesome colour for a baby quilt!!!!! And the shading of her lights and darks is awesome. |
Vivenda was working on her Bloomin' 9-Patch. I just love that name - is it Bloomin' as in a name or is that a bad word????? Anyway she is almost done and this was an enormous amount of work. That class was only a month or so ago so she has been hustling to get this much done. |
Elaine was fretting over this housecoat which she is making for a friend. EVERYTHING matched - all the plaids at practically all the seams. Not sure how she did that - but well it looked awesome. I think she finally finished it at the end of the day. |
Susan corrected her block. I haven't posted the homework from Northern Lights class yet, but - well just say that there were a few issues. Susan got this block back together and started to work on the next ones. |
I decided to work on borders, backings and bindings. There are so many choices that I could work on at Thursday, but knowing we were going to have room to spread out - I decided to take advantage of that. I put a small flat piping border on first, then a light border and then it was decision time as to what to put as the final border. We finally settled on the maple leaves which I am very happy about. |
While I love to plan things out - I also seem to have a knack for just winging things and this border was no exception. Initially I was going to miter those corners. However after measuring (obviously not well enough), the borders that I FUSSY cut were NOT long enough (by a smidge) to miter. OK - let's move on to Plan B. There was a four inch or so piece of border print left over. I fussy cut a maple leaf and inserted it on the diagonal. Yup - I like that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to leave the corner on the diagonal (a bias edge). The points will get trimmed off when the quilt is quilted. |
And this is what I had left over from my cutting. Not bad for not planning!!!! |
And another quilt goes in the "to be quilted" pile. They wanted me to get it done for Canada Day - Nope - no time for that. |
Here is the rest of the line of Stonehenge O Canada III by Northcott. It is now out in local stores. I bought this lot at Ruti's Needlebed in Streetsville. |
Yeah - one project was done. But I had attempted to tackle another project BEFORE the Canada quilt. I had the quilt laid out on the table and was going to put a border on when Susan came in the room - looked at what I was doing and said "I have a table runner like that". Yep - it was the SAME table runner kit, but there was so much left over from my kit that I made a small quilt - remember?????
My small quilt (supposed to be a table runner) |
Well she offered me her leftovers and how could I resist. She offered to walk them over right after she left (she lives close to me) and when I got home I forgot to check the mail box. Eventually I did remember and ran up - NOTHING. Oh dear - she must have forgotten about me. I thought that was strange because Susan is pretty punctual and I know she wanted to get more Fitbit steps in. I checked several times and nope - she forgot!!!! (I know - pretty sad - as if I was waiting for that fabric because I had nothing else to sew!!!!)
I did get the binding done and cut the strips for the border. It went back in the bucket. |
Then I was out walking the girls late in the evening and I see someone walking along the sidewalk towards me. AHA - there she is!!!!
Of course - I rushed right down stairs with the little bag of fabric to see what was inside. There were strips |
Eight little blocks were already pieced |
And many pieces were already cut - I made seven more little blocks this morning. |
Got the centers for five big blocks done and the rest is almost all cut up and waiting to be sewn. I know - I couldn't help myself!!!!!!!!!!!! For sure I will have enough fabric to add a row and a column and maybe a few bits leftover. The big question will be - can I just whack them on the side and bottom (some of the fabrics are different). The old me would fret about it - the new me - I may just whack them on and call it a day. We'll see!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
There was still time at Thursday so I pulled out another project. And just in case you think I have gotten over my fussy stage - thing again.
Time to work on this border print bargello. I had ONE side left to do, but I was running short of fabric so was going to have to piece that border print - which meant matching which is a PAIN. I was NOT looking forward to it.
Border print bargello - DONE |
There are FOUR joins in this sections - can you see them all?????? It took a LONG time to get them how I wanted. OK - so the OCD is me is not completely gone. PHEW!!!!! |
This is what I had left over. The triangle shapes were put with the hour glass project - the rest went in a scrap box for border prints. I knew - you didn't know about that one did you?? |
And I added this - it was the in between stripe on this border print. |
I got the binding cut and sewn together, but not pressed. And still have to make the back - that will be so easy compared to that border. That was not fun!!!!! Back into its' bucket. |
Then home and onto the quilting machine.
Customer quilt - DONE |
It was such an AWESOME day yesterday. I got stuff done that I had wanted to get done - I was very happy with the results and my progress. Great fun with friends and well it was just an AWESOME day.
Today - more fun with friends, phone calls, e-mails, quilting and well - the list just doesn't stop.
Have a super day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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