Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blowing in the wind..................

What can I say - getting old sucks!!!!!   Let's just say that I had an eventful first day at the farm.  Started out with Mom face down in the bathroom.  Not something that you want to get woken up to and ended with Mom in the hospital after being taken there by ambulance (from 35 miles out in the country).   Oh yes - fun and games.  I think the rest of the week will be consumed with some SERIOUS discussions about a lot of things.  Will see what happens with the rest of the week.

I still have pictures from SSI that I didn't post.   If you listen to the news, you know that there are some significant fires in BC. Everything is dry dry dry.   This type of sign is pretty dominant everywhere.

EXTREME forest fire danger

And this is what we see when we went for a walk along the road.

Cigarette butts

Seriously - I don't get the mentality of some people.   Smokey Bear needs to have a talk with these idiots.  At this point there are no fires on Salt Spring. Let's hope it stays that way.

They have had no rain since May.  Imagine being on an island surrounded by WATER and yet have very little water to drink or do the dishes.   Yes - they are surrounded by SALT water and it is not potable. People are trucking in water to some residents from Vancouver Island.  So far, my aunt and uncle are good, but being very stingy with the water.

Tough situation.

I have been to Salt Spring many times.  We used to go every year until I started to take bicycle trips. When M was a baby we started to mark her height on the linen closet door.

The growth chart

Close up of the growth chart

The last couple of years. 
 M was last there in 2009.   Obviously that linen closet door is OURS!!!!!

If you have never been to Salt Spring Island, it is very much an artists' play ground.  Many authors, painters, fibre artists, etc. live on the island. I saw these wind sculptures and I want one.
Wind sculpture

However when I looked up the price on the internet, I have decided that they need to stay on Salt Spring, but wouldn't they be gorgeous in my backyard.   Windsculpture.    Watch a couple of the videos on the web site - they are beautiful.   Hmmmmmm - guess I am going to have to ask Santa for one.

Now if I was BRAVE - I'd be doing a lot of cleaning today. But what to throw away or what to do with what.  I think my parents could make it to the hoarders show. Just frustrating that there is so much to do and Mom didn't want to do anything about it in the past.  Now when she is at least willing, she is in the hospital.   Oh well - everyone is currently being taking care of, but just frustrating that it even got to this point.

On that note - I am out of here.

Have a good day


1 comment:

  1. Elaine, I understand your situation and sympathize. That is what I did last fall. It's tough. The reward comes when they are packed, moved and settled. Takes a while but worth it when it's all done.
