It's time for the Show and Tell for our Long Time Gone project. It's been a great journey with an amazing group of quilters. They are all so creative, and if they didn't like something, they changed it! That's very exciting to know that people don't just take the pattern and copy it exactly. Some people do, and they are happy, but when you start to mess with the pattern - well, I love that! And the colorways? Oh boy - some of these will blow your socks off. None of them look like the original, which is good since I really believe the original is way too busy. But that's my opinion (obviously others as well, since no one copied what Jen did!).
And I'm STRONGLY encouraging the group that if they only managed three blocks, then make something with those three blocks. Do NOT let this thing become a UFO unless they are keen to do it, but just out of time.
So here's part of the show n tell for the month. Next month is our final month for this class, so most of the tops are assembled. They are now putting the border on.
Here's the book in case you don't know which quilt we're working on. We started in October, and the class is hosted by Thimbles and Things in Orillia.
Long Time Gone |
Bernice has most of her blocks completed, and here are those dreaded pineapple blocks! I love how she changed up the colors in all of them!
Bernice |
And these blocks are her homework for last month. Now it's time to assemble.
Bernice |
I had to laugh because I heard from several group members that they are glad they're a wee bit behind because now they get to benefit from the great ideas others have done, and I agree 100 percent!!!
Betty has all her blocks together in several sections. She's contemplating quilt as you go, so it'll stay like this until we discuss quilting options next month.
Betty |
Bonnie has most of her blocks together. It's those dreaded pineapples that slowed us all down. Next time (there won't be a next time), we should have done those pineapples in month two, so people had more time to finish them. She has made a lot of great choices for the position of her various colors. It looks amazing!!!
Bonnie |
Brenda has her top together!! Gosh -- there's so much going on that I'm sure every time you look at the quilt, you'll discover something else. It looks awesome!!!
Brenda |
Carol is keen and designed her own border and even has it attached!! Watch the color of the sashings. Some of them are very subtle, like Carol's and others are quite pronounced.
Carol |
Cathy S has her top together as well. Wow!!! It's a very scrappy quilt, and it looks fabulous!!!!
Cathy S |
Cindy got very creative with her quilt. She substituted several blocks and added a few things here and there to make it fit. You wouldn't know that! But looks awesome!!!
Cindy |
Crystal has her blocks together and now needs to choose a sashing color. I think we decided on grey? Look at her log cabin blocks in the bottom middle. That looks awesome!!!
Crystal |
This is my quilt top. See how my sashing is very pronounced. I liked the way it helped to separate the blocks, so I deconstructed part of the top and substituted the orange sashing where the checkerboards were. A nasty job, but it's done!!! Looking at it, the trip around the world block in the lower left is a bit heavy in value but too bad - it's staying that way!!! I then added a narrow border of the orange. The quilt begged for that addition. It looked awful without it.
Elaine |
Diane is working on her blocks. I think she was one of the ones that joined in January, so she had a LOT of work to do in a short period of time.
Diane |
Diane |
Diane |
This is Ellen's quilt. Those colors and that orange sashing make this a happy quilt. She used a very busy print for the background, but there's still a TON of contrast, so the fabric shapes stand out.
Ellen |
Here's another bright version of the quilt. There are so many variations between each of the quilts - I could go on and on about each one, but there isn't time! OH -- look in the lower left; Heather switched out the courthouse steps for something else. Same thing in the top right corner. And her checkerboards are black and white! How cool!!!
Heather |
The last one for today belongs to Helen Anne. She played with her log cabin blocks and made several iterations to get the value to fit in with the rest of the quilt. She's used several different colors for the sashings.
Helen Anne |
Well, that's the show and tell for today. There's more coming tomorrow, and I might have to split that between two days.
This is how my morning started, and if you can believe it, it went downhill from there! Thankfully, I think I can fix the mistake. Well, I WILL fix the mistake because I've too much time invested in my current project to start over!
Bent needle |
On that note, I've got a ton of stuff waiting for me today and only one presentation today, so that will help with the timing.
Don't forget the Virtual Retreat this weekend. It seems like it was yesterday when I hosted the last one. It'll be good to be inside if the weather is going to be hot!!!
Saturday, May 22, 6 PM - 9 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911
Passcode: 982797
Sunday, May 23, 10 AM - 8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4663 5892
Passcode: 440473
Have a super day!!!
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