Phew! I did the impossible. I am READY (well, almost) ready for the classes today. I had one last night, and everything was prepped for that. There are three today, and while I didn't quite get all the sewing done, I got enough to show what we're doing. There are a few more pictures to take this morning and add to one of the presentations.
I decided NOT to do the demo live. Nope - I took a bunch of pictures and videos yesterday. And I was on a work call for nearly three hours - that consumed a lot of precious time, but it was worth it.
It started to rain in the afternoon, and well, I was busy, and I didn't get out for the second walk yesterday. That's OK - I have a few extra miles banked, so I'm still on track to meet my 6-month goal.
If you've read John Cleese on creativity, he's big on how your subconscious solves problems (hence being creative), and I couldn't agree with him more. So I was out walking one of the girls two days ago, and in the middle of the forest, it HIT me. I knew where that missing quilt top was. I had tried to find it for my color class last month, but it wasn't where I thought it should be.
Then I realized - it must be in the boxes (2) of quilts that need borders or backing or binding made before they get moved to the "to be quilted" pile. I came home, and sure enough - there it was!! The backing is with it - so that's probably why my brain thought it was in the "to be quilted" pile.
I took a picture which I'll share with you tomorrow. I guess it's not as bad as I originally thought, but it's not my favorite!
There's been no time to work on more backgrounds for the art project, but it is Virtual Retreat tonight and all day tomorrow, so maybe that will happen. I also want to finish off the bits and pieces that have been hanging around the sewing table for months. I'd be a happy person if I could get that done, as well as what's hanging out on the cutting table. I'll have a few weeks of breathing time - well, not really, the next big writing assignment is fast approaching.
So let's talk about Urbanologie. This is the curved piecing quilt that we're working on. OH -- before I get into the show and tell, here's a dilemma. I'm using a layer cake of Tula Pink fabric. I checked her website, and the collection was called Elizabeth. Hmm - I don't know what year it was printed, but let's say that it's long gone.
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Tula Pink Elizabeth collection |
I did a Google search, and Oh boy -- I doubt that I'll be buying any of it either. RARE and OOP (out of print) are descriptors of this collection. And guess what that means? Yep - the prices are sky high!! I'm not that desperate to get more. Unless someone out there has some of it, feels sorry for me, and is willing to sell at a reasonable price. I'm not even sure if I'm going to need more, but I have a feeling I might - or my last couple of blocks are going to be totally mixed up with fabrics, and I guess that's OK. I might pre-cut the rest of the blocks to see where I stand.
I guess a half meter for $23 isn't bad if you REALLY want it. I don't think I want it that bad!
I don't know where I got this layer cake, but I'm not fond of it! Oh well -- a lesson learned. Never again. I'm using a cream with it, which helps to tone it down, but seriously - this is such a hodgepodge of prints. No offense to Tula - the collection has merits, but well - let's leave it at that.
I must be having a year with my color selection! This is a block from SchoolGirl Sampler - another ongoing project. Two colors don't have much contrast in this block, and I was OK with that. But I decided to use the dark fabric as the sashing, so this one needed to be made over.
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Schoolgirl Sampler block |
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The same block - still not enough contrast |
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Mini-photo booth |
It's a mini-photo booth. There are colored backgrounds you can put inside - I'm using the white one at the moment. There's a ring of lights around the top opening. You turn the lights on and then insert the camera lens into the opening and take the picture! Oh my -- ZERO shadows on the pictures. I'm in love with the darn thing. I have a few more pictures that I need to retake, so I might play with that a bit this afternoon before the virtual retreat.
Oh, shoot- I'm going to save Urbanologie for tomorrow.
So I'm working hard at getting these medals for the Virtual Challenges, but where are the medals for the sewing marathons? I want a medal for each time I get my crazy assignments completed. And every time there's a class, I'm supposed to be sending out homework. I need to try and clear one or two up this afternoon.
OH - before I go - you need to mark on your calendar a Facebook LIVE event. It's June 29 at 7 PM EST. Carla, Claire, Paul, and I are chatting about our experience with the Spectrum Quilt a Long. Even if you didn't do the QAL, come and check it out!!! I'm sure it'll be entertaining.
And here are the links for the Virtual Retreat this weekend.
Virtual Retreat - Saturday, June 26, 6 PM -- 9PM
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797
Virtual Retreat - Sunday, June 27, 10 AM - 8 PM
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 872 4663 5892 Passcode: 440473
And on that note, I'm out of here to start the Zoom marathon!!
Have a super day!!!
the good news is, Tula is starting dejavu collections, so i think she will reprint another year in a different colourway. this year she is reprinting 8 of the the marie antoinette range. so fingers crossed for Elizabeth another year