Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year's Eve 2024

It's hard to believe, but it's New Year's Eve 2024. Tomorrow, a new year begins with many goals, aspirations, and plans. I don't make resolutions, although how different is a resolution from a goal? 

Remember, we do NOT need New Year's Day to make improvements in our lives. EVERY DAY is a new day, and if you screw up one day, you can restart the next day! 

So, consider making the Stand-up/Sit-down exercise a goal for 2025. You can start at any time, at any age, and at any ability! Yes, even if you can only do one or need help doing one, the next time will be easier. People, it's all about preserving our mobility and independence. I do not want to rely on someone else to help me live. 

Sounds harsh - I get it, but reality is brutal and unforgiving! 

As for the balancing exercise (standing on one foot), Elle suggested doing it while you brush your teeth. Perfect!!! Neither of those two exercises require any equipment or getting into gym clothes and can be easily incorporated into your day. Sit down for breakfast? Do a set of Stand up/Sit Down. Having lunch? Do the Stand Up/Sit Down before commencing. 

This time last year, I was in the throes of a horrible computer disaster—all my distribution lists and other stuff were lost! However, things are in better shape this year, and I'm much more knowledgeable about keeping them that way. 

I know I had a Virtual Retreat last New Year's Eve, but I have so much work to do and need the focused time to do it. So no Virtual Retreat today. Hopefully, I'll get my act in gear so we can do it again next year. I should mark it on my calendar right now! That's DONE!

Today is just a day of random pictures I haven't had a chance to post. Look at that Murphy! She loves to be where she can see everything! 

MOM - I can see you!

And I'm so proud of her. I was arriving at the house (by car), and I could see her in the window. This big King Shephard dog was walking (with its owner) past our house. I know the dog and the owner. The dog is a rescue, and he's more excitable than Murphy. So when he saw Murphy in the window, he lunged at the window and started barking. Typical behavior for this dog. Murphy didn't flinch! She lay there staring at the idiot dog and probably thought, "Give it up, buddy! You can't get me - I'm in the house! Now, who's a good doggy?"

She got a lot of pats for that one, but she was probably totally unaware of why. Well, she's smart; maybe she knew. I bet she knew I was sitting in the car in the street! What I love is that when I'm walking home and turn the corner at the end of the street, if she's in the window, I wave at her! That's the signal to get up! 

To be fair to the storage magazines, here's an IKEA cube cabinet that looks halfway what you would have in your house. Bins to store the messy stuff and a few spaces for art. These cube storage units are the best! The left-hand side looks wonky because that's the fold in the magazine. It's NOT an AI-generated picture!

A plausible storage option

Here's another idea that I really like. I would like this for my front hall. The dog stuff could go on a shelf under the bench. The bench is on wheels, and it just seems practical. It's all about evaluating what is in your space and making it work. This is why they say you should never buy storage before knowing what to put in it. I wouldn't hang the stuff up—I find that messy, and we have a closet for that. 

An option for the front hall

And when we had snow, Murphy was flat out on her tummy, enjoying the cool. 

MOM -- this snow is great for cooling me down

And that silly girl likes to sleep in the stash room. There is one window high up, but something is blocking it, so the room doesn't get much light. I don't know if she likes the dark, the peace and quiet, or what, but she loves to sleep here. 

MOM - -a little privacy, please! 

You can see her in the background! And sometimes, she sleeps around the corner of that shelf, especially if there are thunderstorms. I guess she feels safer! On the other hand, Lexi would NEVER consider the stairs, although she is starting to look at them more than in the past. You never know. She would never come into the office, but now she comes in and tucks herself into a corner. 

MOM -- please! 

I took a picture of the label of the quilt I gave Yagana. This quilt was part of the QUILTsocial quilt-a-long several years ago. Here's the link if you want to check it out. Three people (Claire, Paul, and myself made the same 12 blocks, used different fabrics, and made a quilt of them). 

The label from the quilt I gave away

OMG, you can find anything on the internet. Here is the live reveal of our quilts. It twinged just a little to let that quilt go, but seriously? It was NOT being used, and now it's got a front-row seat on a guest bed. It's in a better place. 

Don't forget, if you want a little help to motivate you to declutter, think about emailing Yagana. Samim.yagana@gmail.com She's a graduate student, and her program or her work - I don't know the details is no longer funded! So she's looking for a way to survive! I'm going to get myself in gear and hire her for an afternoon to give myself the necessary motivation, and it's also like giving yourself a present. 

You know what to do, and you may know how to do it, and you may be ready to get rid of stuff, but something gets in the way—time or whatever. By hiring someone to help, the process gets done quickly, and it's done, so you can very quickly start enjoying your new space. So, I need to look around the house and see where I can use her services to give me that boost, and then I'll contact her. 

Last night's puzzle was easy, although I had doubts when we started. DH was responsible for deciphering the crazy clue since only one person could handle it at a time. 

DH: "I see nothing." 
ME: "Hmm- it looks like this part is mostly letters, while the rest of the card is numbers. Maybe it spells something."
DH: "I don't see anything." 
ME: "What about reading it vertically?"
DH: "I tried that."
ME: "I'm sure it spells something." 
DH: "OH - I see something."

And then we got it! It is sometimes challenging for him to think outside the box (reading vertically instead of horizontally). His mind still thinks this is a dining room and should be set as such, even though we never entertain people. Sigh.....

Thanks to Ronda, I got a copy of EXIT The Book. It's an Advent Calendar, and I believe it was published this year. We will start this one when we finish the current one. So it's on the shelf, patiently waiting.  

EXIT The Book

OK—I've lost my mind. I was at the thrift store and spotted one of my favorite puzzles. I opened the box to see what it was, as the band on the box was missing. There was no picture in the box, and it's a 1,000-piece puzzle. That should be loads of fun!

A puzzle without a picture

And I've successfully completed My Virtual Mission, which was to walk the length of Africa! Now, I have to come up with something to do for next year! That's a job for tomorrow. 

My Victory Award

I have a lot of samples to make today, so I'll be working on them, and you'll see them in a couple of weeks. It's an interesting exercise that many people do not take seriously. But this is how I learn, and the learning never stops!! I have a question for you. When you prewash your fabrics, do you use detergent or soap? Or just water? Does it make a difference, I wonder? 

And on that note, I'm out of here!

Have a super day!! Happy New Year's Eve to all - stay safe, although I suspect most of you will be in bed by 9 PM. I know I will. 



  1. It's short for you but a beautiful state and trail. https://parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/activities/hiking/centennial-trail/

    Happy New Year's Eve :-)

  2. When I prewash fabrics, I use just water. No soap, No nothing. I have wool balls in my dryer, so nothing added to the dryer either.

  3. I use detergent. No softners ever with anything. Torry
