Thanks to everyone for the comments about prewashing fabrics. I do not add any products (soap, detergent, or fabric softeners) when prewashing. I followed instructions on a package that said to prewash and wondered what others do! What does the manufacturer mean when they say prewash—detergent or not? But the instructions also specified not to use fabric softener!
It's interesting, but I was told years ago that dryer sheets have massive amounts of chemicals in them, including petroleum, which can end up staining (permanently) your clothing! We haven't used dryer sheets in years. Nor do we use wool balls or any other thing in the dryer. Most of our clothes are not cotton, and there is little static.
However, I would use something if I were out west, where the air is dryer. When I was out there for those few days, my hair was all over the place with static! It's a DRY cold, as they say!
It's New Year's Day 2025. Wow, it seems like yesterday when we were all worrying about the computers and whether they could handle the switch to 2000—twenty-five years ago!
I must say that I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed this morning, but not necessarily in a bad way. The issue is this.
I have so much in my house that I don't want, and I can't get rid of it fast enough!
These boxes and bags at the front door need to be dropped at the thrift store.
The processed donation pile |
In this pile are several bags for the Pony Express. And several boxes (dead appliances, metal) need to go to the recycling depot.
The Pony Express area |
This is stuff to be donated to the local school. Some of it is at the front door.
Donation to the local school |
And some of the boxes are still upstairs.
Donation to the local school |
I sorted one of the boxes of books yesterday, but there are still NINE more to sort. The boxes are too heavy to carry, so I sort them in place. One box, with teen-related novels and non-fiction, went downstairs to the thrift store pile. The remainder of the books in that box are back in Studio U. They are books on fashion, and I'm going to contact the local high school with a fashion program to see if they want first dibs on them.
Nine more boxes of books to sort |
These small items were in Studio U and need to be sorted, but I've moved them to the office, which is the holding area for anything without a home.
A small stack of stuff to sort |
There are still four bags of "garbage," which are massively heavy! I will confess that I went through one yesterday. I know—I should not have, but I did. It was mostly stuff that could go in the recycling bin, so I put those items in the bin, and now I'll go through the other four. Do not yell at me for that. It's my nature; for me, that's part of the process.
Four bags of "garbage" to deal with |
There's also a tub in the office that needs to be donated to another school, but I'm having trouble finding contact information. I guess I'm finding it overwhelming that there is so much to get rid of, and there just doesn't seem to be an end to it. I would love the day when this is all done.
However, I'm dealing with the massive influx of stuff from M, which is the overwhelming part at the moment. There are people to contact, boxes to load in the car, etc. Once that is all out of the house, I will feel a lot better.
I would like to deal with everything slated to be given away or put away (even in Studio B) so that I can start fresh with the sewing and decluttering, but that just doesn't seem to be happening.
WAIT -- I'm not going to let it bother me now. I need to look at the bright side that so much will be gone in a few days, and then, and only then, will it be time to look at other things. Like the office. Do NOT pull anything else out until the current stuff is dealt with.
The office is the last room in the house that needs attention and is in decent shape.
The left side of the office |
The right side of the office |
I saw DH was busy in his office, and I now have another blue box for file folders, which will be donated. At most, I only need one when I remove the filing cabinet.
I wanted to post these pictures on the blog so that when I look back at this day one year from now, I can compare and see how much progress I've made in the office. I wish I had done that every year, as while it never seems to get better, it is much better than it was. The issue is that if anything doesn't have a home, this is where it ends up! I'm getting better at not letting that happen.
Now, let's get onto the happy news! I worked in Studio U all day. I took some music with me, and the view from the windows entertained me. It was a glorious day. There was not much sun, but that's OK.
Here was my sorting pile, and when I think back, I realize I went through a lot of stuff yesterday. I went through the two bags of clothes and found a sweater of mine! A sweater that I LIKE but didn't even realize it's been missing. I found three garments that I can use for embroidery samples. The rest went back in the bags and are by the front door.
Soring through crap |
Souvenirs from swimming when Madeline was on the Mississauga swim team. They went in the garbage. How many trophies end up in the trash? And it seems like they are making them larger and larger. Good grief!
Memories from the swim team |
Some homework from school. It's gone!
A homework assignment - GONE |
It's a slow process; the biggest issue is the HUGE amount of stuff there was to process all at once. That's why doing the decluttering a bit at a time so you can process the crap is best. But now that I have permission to deal with it - I can do it!!!
And working in Studio U really is a fun place. I love the light, and it's a good exercise to take what I want to work on up there. Is that efficient? Absolutely not! But you know what? Being efficient in our steps is not a good thing! I've been doing my Stand up/Sit Down (now up to 15 reps several times daily). Do you know what I've found? My ability to navigate the stairs has improved enormously. I sometimes hold the handrail, but I don't feel the need as much. Would I consider running? Absolutely NOT!
Getting up first thing and going to the washroom? It's not a problem—it used to be! So, will I continue? You bet! In a very short time, my legs have become stronger, and I can feel the results.
Please do yourself a favor: If you struggle with your knees (lots of time, it's weak quads, not the knees), balance, or mobility, do something. Don't become a burden. This is what happened to my mom. She lost her confidence in walking, and now she can't. Remember, losing the strength in your legs also means you can't stand, so you can't cook or at least manage the stove or go to the microwave if it's above the stove. This is NOT a joke!
I also practiced my balancing while brushing my teeth. 60 seconds on one side, then 60 seconds on the other. Easy peasy!
I laughed when I read the storage magazine yesterday. It's my current lunchtime reading material. Look at the closet—do you see anything out of place?
What's wrong with this picture? |
They highlight this pull-out rod for hanging clothing while you pack or get dressed in the morning. But look at the mass of hangers in the back. They don't even match, and they are a total mess.
Instead of making samples yesterday, I did a bad thing. I opened up a puzzle! It was only 300 pieces, so I knew it wouldn't take too long. Soon, all the pieces were spread out on my sewing table in Studio U.
Starting a puzzle |
I quickly assembled the border.
Border is done |
And before I knew it, the puzzle was done!
Puzzle is done! |
Here is the box. I'm guessing there is some kind of amusement park in Pigeon Forge. I love the Dowdle puzzles and pulled another out for later today. I swear I have another 300-piece one. I do not usually purchase them, as they are easy to do. But do you think I can find the other 300-piece one? Not at all. So, I have a 500-piece one, which will slow me down slightly.
The puzzle cover |
The trick to getting through all the remaining mess in the house is to make daily plans. Each day, I will focus on one or more things with a maximum of three. One day, it might be to drop the boxes at the thrift store or sort through a box. But I cannot look at the entire picture, which I did this morning, which threw me into a tailspin!
Slow and steady.
As we start a brand new year, many of us are looking to the future—what will we do this year, make resolutions, or set goals? But we must also reflect on the previous year and ensure we celebrate ALL our accomplishments! Celebrating those successes is what motivates us to continue! So, as you celebrate today, don't just look to the future; pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!
By the way, I worked on sample-making this morning and made good progress. I'll continue working on that today. I'm taking a break from decluttering—at least for today.
And it's time to start a new Virtual Challenge, so I must get that set up.
On that HAPPY note, I'm out of here, but not before I do my Stand-up/Sit-down exercise another 15 times. You probably do not need this exercise if you get up and down from your chair regularly, but you do need to if you are just standing.
Have a super day!!!
Happy New Year! We have dropped 5 bags or boxes off to VV in the past week with many more to go!
ReplyDeleteDollywood is in Pigeon Forge but likely a copywrite issue so was not named on the puzzle. There is a likeness of Dolly in the "Mount Rushmore" type carving along with other likenesses of country stars.
Thanks Mary --- you are so clever! I guess I've heard of Dollywood, but didn't realize it was in Pigeon Forge. Kudos to dropping off the excess stuff -- we will get it done!