Oh my gosh -- two excellent stories about using the good stuff or getting rid of it - read the comments from yesterday! And yes - it was a thing to pick that china pattern! But so much of it never got used. I'm excited to see Tammy using it every day, and I bet you think of your grandmother!
So here I am in the big room at Springhouse Retreat and blog writing. I've been up for a while but haven't started sewing yet as I have some work to get done. That was a challenge as I'm using a new computer, and Grammarly wasn't installed. That took some work to figure out, but all is good. Of course, it's NOT the same with a smaller screen and a different look (Windows 11, not Windows 10). But change is good -- I keep telling myself that! It's more a habit of getting used to something different. I'll be fine!
After walking the dogs, it was time to get the car loaded, and the front hall was jammed with stuff. As I took the first couple of loads out, I thought - this is NOT all going to fit!
And I was right—these two things did not make the cut, but that's OK because the machine inside the white case already has a new home and doesn't need to be at the retreat. I emptied the contents of the green shelf unit and brought it with me, but the shelf unit itself? I could have put it on the front seat!
No room for these items |
And yes - after several emails, I found a home for two more things in the stash room. I have a Babylock Embellisher and a stretcher frame. Both are going to a good home at Sheridan College, where they will be used! I'm so excited! So my front hall didn't even get completely empty, and it's already filling up again!
And I will look at my box of roving, and some of that might go with the Embellisher. Oh, my -- when you put your mind to it -- a lot of stuff will go from the stash room!!
Anyway -- this was the back of the car! It was packed so high that I could NOT see out the back window. The front seat was filled to the bottom of the window. It took almost 30 minutes to get it all in, and then at the retreat house, it took a long time to get it all out!
The back of the car |
I filled the hallway with stuff, but then I had to move it out of the way, and then I went back to get the remainder of the stuff! I've already handed off some things, but there is more to do tomorrow. Of course, there is some extra stuff due to the panic packing, but that's OK - I'll be able to handle it!
The hallway is filled! |
I took advantage of the small number of people and spread out over the extra tables. I've since gotten that under control! I hope to trim that large quilt today before others arrive.
I took over! |
I had several conference calls during the day, but that was OK. Then I got to work. A basket of brown scraps had been sitting on one of those current project tables, and it needed to be cut into specific sizes. I brought that because I thought it would be a mindless task and it was. I didn't think I was going to finish, but I did.
Cutting the brown scraps |
I cut 2 1/2" by 4 1/2" rectangles to make a potato chip quilt. I also cut 2 1/2 "squares, but I have no idea what my intent was with those, and I can't find the patterns I had set aside. I also cut 2" by 5" rectangles and 2" squares. That was also for some specific pattern, but I have no idea, so I need to find something to do with those pieces.
Some larger scraps and strips remained intact. Everything is bagged (I brought my bag of bags), and everything is good!!
Then, I pulled out my UFO for February. It's an autumn-themed bargello, and the center section is done. I think the intent was to make leaf applique for a border along one side. NOPE -- not doing that. If I add two borders, the quilt will be lap-sized, which is good enough for me!!!
My UFO for February |
I found all kinds of scraps in the bag. I have sorted them and put them in a bag that will go into the scrap boxes when I get home.
Scraps |
And where did that blue scrap come from?
The blue? |
I had a chuckle as I installed Grammarly on this laptop. Oh my—there are MANY settings you can select to help fix problems. I have them all turned on—no wonder it doesn't like my writing sometimes!!! I left them all on—that works for me, and I'm learning how to use Grammarly much better than before.
Settings for Grammarly |
Well, that's it for today!!!! I've got a lot to accomplish today!!!
Have a super day!!!
My MIL, at 93, passed away last winter and yes she had multiple china sets. She was the person who received other relatives china. There were no takers for the china either in the family or buyers. I broke up 2 china patterns by taking 1 rectangle bowl and a cream and sugar set from another pattern. My daughter took some small spoons from the silver set. All items are now in daily use. Sadly, all the other pieces of china and silver were donated to a thrift store. Jackie