Friday, January 24, 2025

When your PEEPS are missing

 We have a situation in our house. It's not serious if you are human, but it's pretty bad if you have four legs. In the past, our girls were used to being on their own. If one or both of us were gone, they handled it gracefully. Now that we both work from home, we are here for the girls 100% of the time. 

So when DH went away earlier this week, the girls, and Lexi in particular, were NOT happy. 

After the walk, I was taking off my shoes and saw this: Lexi was sitting in front of the office, pondering why HER Dad wasn't there! Last night, she would NOT leave her kennel to go out for her business. Nope, she wasn't budging. Poor girl. DH comes home this afternoon. She will be ecstatic!

MOM -- where's my DAD? I can't live without him!

Murphy was also in the hallway but not looking as distressed. Of course not, I'm her favorite peep, so she was good! 

MOM - I miss Dad, but only a little! I'm good! 

Well, it was a busy day! In case you are wondering, I managed to start sewing at 4 p.m., but by 7:30 p.m., this was the situation. 

The design wall is clear

I had been looking at various options for the backing but didn't find one that made me happy. It's a scrap quilt, so I was good with a scrappy backing. I found THREE pieces in my backing stash that, together, were the PERFECT size. I didn't have to cut any of them, just sewed them together. It was made to happen. The best part? It took no time to find the pieces, as they were all labeled. And I managed to squeeze three backings without a home onto the shelf. 

The backing for the scrap quilt

I went to bed with the quilt ready to quilt. And now, ¼ of it is quilted. I was tired by that point, but of course, I couldn't sleep. I should have just stayed up and quilted the darn thing. 

The quilt is ready for quilting

Speaking of the girls, I had to zip down to the pet store to get some dog food, and I bought them each a treat. Lexi does NOT like hard, chewy stuff, so she got a soft, chewy thing. She loves to lie on this rough floor mat to chew. 

Mom - I feel better  - thanks for the treat!

Murphy got a big bone (they were on sale) and was beside herself. She could NOT start chewing right away. NO - she had to go outside to find a place to bury the bone. Oh my gosh -- it was funny to watch her. Could I bury it under these bushes? NO!

Mom - Can I hide the bone here?

Could I bury it behind the bushes? WAIT! The bone is too wide to fit in there. 

Mom - how about here? Oh - I can't fit!

Could I hide it in the pond? WAIT! Mom intervened at this point - DO NOT walk on the pond. It's not safe! 

MOM - I could hide it in the pond

She must have found a spot because she eventually came into the house. Wherever it is, it took a bit of work. 

MOM - I got an owie on my nose! 

Oh, Murphy!!!! Lexi is usually the one who wants to savor her bones and food. 

Since I've been alone, the dishwasher hasn't been used as much. So, I had to use my special cup for my hot chocolate. It changes color when you put hot liquid in it and must be hand-washed so it doesn't get used often! 

The mug changes color with hot liquid

The polar bear is revealed! 

It's very cool, and I got it when I was up in Cochrane - the home of the polar bears! 

Speaking of polar bears, it was like spring outside yesterday. Even in the morning on the walk - I was overdressed! And in the afternoon, it was positively balmy! You must remember that the weather is all relative, and MOST of what you feel is in your head! And that's based on what they say on the radio. As I was sewing in the afternoon, I listened to the ditsy radio announcer who was going on and on about how cold it was when it was -4. Seriously????? 

I took a trip to Sheridan College to drop off that large container of paper. Those rolls of paper have been sitting around my house for over TWENTY years. And now they are gone. I almost miss them! They sat in the stash room for a long time, then at the bottom of the stairs, and finally in my office. But no longer! 

The Arts and Crafts studios of Sheridan College

The program assistant gave me a little tour. Oh boy -- things have changed. No eating in the main room, and that's where I got addicted to Tim Hortons' hot chocolate. Everyone would break for coffee, and I don't drink coffee, so I got hot chocolate. But that is the past. 

All the large light tables are gone, and tables loaded with sewing machines sit in their place. Yep, they offer sewing classes in all four Arts and Crafts disciplines (textiles, glass blowing, woodworking, and ceramics). While I was there yesterday, the room was hopping. They must have had twenty machines (older Berninas, in case you are wondering). But that doesn't matter—the matter is that young people are learning to sew!!!! 

I stopped in at the gallery to see some of the work. They are doing a lot of weaving, and I got to see some of the other projects. It was a great trip down memory lane. 

Then, on my way home, I ran a few more errands and picked up lunch since it was almost lunchtime. I also picked up my pattern for a paper-pieced project that I took a class on this past weekend. I will prep the fabric and bring it to the quilt retreat. While it looks daunting in that big roll, it's not bad. 

My paper-pieced pattern

If you ever have anything oversized to print, choose engineering prints ($9) instead of regular prints ($40). The price difference is considerable. I ordered it online and picked it up. 

While I was picking up my pattern, I saw LEGO. It's everywhere, and some of those kits are crazy! These were smaller kits, and I did NOT buy any. I do NOT need something else in my house - at least not now. 


Jeanette and I also did the great puzzle swap. She lives near me, and I swapped her three puzzles and came home with five in return. Hmmm --- why did that happen? Once I'm done with these, they go to the thrift store, and she will do the same with those I gave her. It all works out! Well, for the record, I'm returning one to her! 

Results of the Great Puzzle Swap

I won't have time to work on the puzzles for a bit, but I MUST try to eke out a few minutes here and there. I will admit that constantly giving up my time to prep for a Zoom class is tiresome. But not enough to give it up completely! At least I've cut back quite a bit, so that helps. But I need to manage my time better, and everything will be good. 

WAIT -- there's good news - I found the missing book. I'm almost ashamed to say this, but it was EXACTLY where it's always been. Except it used to be in a zippered pouch, and it was not. It was under another pouch in that same spot. It doesn't matter --- I found it, and now I can send that email!

So, I was looking at more organizing magazines. It's my lunchtime entertainment, and it makes me happy to browse them, so don't judge me. Once I'm done, they get tossed, and I'll work through that pile. I said I needed to be done by the end of this year. I need to be done way sooner than that! 

But here's something to contemplate. I always wanted a mud room like this. Everyone gets a cubby and a basket, and it looks so cool. 

What I thought I would like as a mudroom

But here's the reality. One coat in each cubby so they can see the clipboard? NO --- I am relatively minimalist on this, but I have MANY coats, and I wear them all depending on the temperature. So, while this is a great idea, I'm not so sure. I'd love it if that was deep enough for a closet to use hangers, with a basket below for odds and ends. But the clipboard thing? That wouldn't work! 

This concept is NOT working for me

I quickly stopped at Indigo to see if there was anything new and exciting. While waiting at the cash register, I spotted this: OK, so I bought a magazine. More magazines are going out than coming in, and that's a good thing!

Oh, Murphy -- you are much cuter! Shaggy like a lion, but with different ears and definitely much friendlier looking. 

MOM - I'm a happy dog!!!!

I don't know how closely you follow QUILTsocial, but I published a series of blog posts this week. I waited until today to post all the links. They are about FUSIBLE WEB and how it differs from stabilizers, batting, and interfacings. You must read this!!!!! 

QUILTsocial - Monday - The difference between fusible web, stabilizers, batting, and interfacings
QUILTsocial - Tuesday - The different types of fusible web and tips on using them
QUILTsocial - Wednesday - Fusible Web for stretchy fabrics
QUILTsocial - Thursday - Fusible Web for woven fabrics
QUILTsocial - Friday - The test results

That was a fascinating yet unscientific exercise, but I learned much from it. Hopefully, it will help clarify some common misunderstandings. The bottom line is to know the product and what you want it to do, and you should be good! 

And now for those Virtual Retreat links: 

January 25 - Starts at 6 p.m. EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 9370 2241
Passcode: 795071

January 26 - Starts at NOON EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7353 6036
Passcode: 596838

And on that note, I'm out of here. The list of things to do is still very long, and there are now only three days to accomplish them. But I'm getting there!

Have a super day!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Yea for redistributing the stuff in the entry. I bet the Art school is thrilled to have those rolls. Can't wait to see the pic of the EMPTY pony express area!

    Happy Friday :-)
