I'm pleased to report that things are going well!
My leg is not out of the woods, but the X-ray and the ultrasound show everything is OK, as we figured they would. I've requested that I get on the list for an MRI. I was going to see if I could get it done quicker, but since the acute pain is gone (thank goodness), I'm not in too much of a rush.
I attribute the change in pain level to the stretching Brooke is "making" me do at the gym. I suspect that as I'm aging and well, with a bad posture, that part of my body isn't sitting well, causing compression on a nerve. I don't know - I'm not the doctor. I can function almost pain-free, which makes me very happy.
Now, it feels like I have a massive Charley Horse in my glut and the back of my leg. And let's not forget the tingling. But, with much more stretching, I think I might be able to clear this up. I also need to work on my posture and many other things.
After my gym workout the other day, I was shocked to feel like I could almost skip the stairs. I did not, but my knees and legs felt amazing. And what were we doing? Nothing beyond stretching. I'm such an idiot that I let that go.
The second great thing is that I cleaned up part of Studio B. It didn't take long—a lot is happening at the moment, and I need most of what is out. Don't forget that this is my day job! I even managed to trim two quilts this morning, so all is good!
I managed to finish another customer quilt. It's a scrap quilt, and I love scrap quilts. This one is beautiful—and it's huge!
Customer quilt - DONE |
The next one is partially loaded, and I'll get to it later today. I don't have many customer quilts in the queue, but I'd like to finish them by next week.
February and March will be busy, and I won't have as much time to quilt.
I'll be doing MANY Zoom sessions in February and March and letting you know more about that at some point. February is all about machine embroidery, so those lectures won't be interesting if you don't have an embroidery machine. However, if you are considering getting into machine embroidery, the Introduction to Embroidery would be a good one to sit in on. More on that another day. March will be all about quilting!
There are many topics and two brands to deal with, so I must start pulling samples, tools, and supplies to organize myself. I've pulled out another table (I've got two more tucked away and may need those). I don't have many empty baskets, so I may just resort to piling!
My prep station for Zoom lectures |
I'll start pulling stuff this afternoon.
I've "complained" about this several times and at least once every winter. But why do people not understand how to shovel a sidewalk? Here are some crazy common things people do.
This is a small area in front of the public path into the forest. So let's shovel our driveways, and NO more say the neighbors on each side. With the small snowfalls we've been having, removing that snow would take mere seconds. I get that the public path isn't maintained in winter, but still -- people use this sidewalk, so why not be courteous and shovel that small section?
That's NOT MY sidewalk |
And then you have the people who shovel their driveway, including the sidewalk that's in their driveway. But do they shovel the rest of the sidewalk on their property? The part that cars don't drive on, but people walk on? Nope -- we only care about the vehicles. Again, this would take an extra minute with the minor snowfalls we've been having?
Keep that driveway clear, but not the sidewalk! |
Or what about these people who shovel the sidewalk but leave a heap of snow in the middle of the sidewalk when they get to their property line? Again, it would take no extra time to push the snow off the sidewalk rather than leave it there.
Leave it in a pile for people to step over |
Some just get in their cars and drive over the snow, never bothering to shovel any part of their driveway or sidewalk, not even from their vehicle to the front door. With all the freezing and thawing, that is an accident waiting to happen.
Are people so lazy these days, or do they not know, or do they not care? It stuns me that people are so unaware of their surroundings. Oh my gosh -- sidewalks were made for people to walk on. I bet they think people never walk on them. I'm not alone - the neighborhood has dog walkers, walkers, and runners. But no one sees us!
NO - these are NOT little old ladies or gentlemen who can't shovel - they are able!
Anyway, it's just interesting how much people live in their own world and don't care about the environment, their neighborhood, or their neighbors—it's all about me! I'm sad for them!
As for me, with the low snowfalls, I can quickly clear FIVE sidewalks - mine own and two on either side of the house. And sometimes, the neighbors on either side of us reciprocate. But the two beyond that? Never!
Yesterday, I had some car errands to accomplish, including removing an entire carload of boxes and bags for donation to the thrift store. Oh my - we actually have room at the front door now. I still have two more drop-offs, and then all the big stuff will be gone from the door. I have things for the Pony Express that I hope to get rid of next week at the quilt retreat.
Has anyone heard of the Bayou Tapestry?
Well, have you heard of the Black Gold Tapestry? Yesterday, the paper published a story about its maker. Check it out—what a remarkable work! It's traveling, so I think it would be worthwhile if you get to see it. The tapestry depicts the history of fossil fuel extraction. How cool is that? It's all hand-embroidered!!!
It's funny how some people like Chat-GPT, and some hate it! I've not tried it, but the more I hear, the more intrigued I am to give it an assignment and see how it works. But it scares me. Suppose AI and tools like Chat-GPT grow in magnitude, similar to other technologies (miniaturization of electronics, for instance). What will AI be like in ten years? We'll still be around, and I think it will take away so many "freedoms" in the world. The more it gets misused (people just letting it do the writing for them, without reality checking it), the written word will lose its power!
I will "fight" with Grammarly to retain MY WORDS and let it do the mundane corrections!!!
I'm excited today! I have a class that I am TAKING, not giving! It's on Zoom, and while I'm waiting for my pattern to be printed (you'll see it in a couple of days), I can listen and get started in my mind. It's going to be fun!!!
And one last thing - how can anyone say they are bored? Seriously? Or have you heard people say there is NOTHING good to watch on TV? So what's the solution to that? STOP watching TV!! People -- this is not rocket science - take matters into your hands. There is enough streaming of stuff on YouTube (a lot of learning) or other streaming services, or you don't watch anything. I never understood that. I haven't watched TV since 2010. I don't miss it and am NOT at the mercy of someone else for my entertainment.
There are thousands (OK - millions) of books to read. Don't want to read? Listen to them on headphones or speakers.
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I suspect that the world's bored people have lost their curiosity or are waiting to be "fed" entertainment by someone else. There is so much else to do than watch TV.
Hmm - maybe they could go and shovel all those sidewalks!!!!
Anyway - there is no chance of boredom in this house. I need MORE time in a day!!
By the way, DH went through his filing cabinet and two file boxes. Now, he needs to tackle two desktops, and he'll be good. But that is huge!!!!!
And on that happy note, I'm off to walk the girls!!!
Have a super day!!!
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