Sunday, January 12, 2025

Battling decision making issues

So what happened? A LOT! While my situation is pretty tame compared to the mental health issues that others experience, I can see how debilitating it can be. When I get into one of these states, my productivity goes down, I procrastinate, and I almost make myself sick with the weight of the issue on my shoulders. That gets me into those stressful time crunches. Thankfully, I can dig myself out of a hole, but it might take a long time for that to happen. 

I thought it was timely that this was the message on my Yogi Positive Energy tea in the morning, although I had made the decision the day before. 

It has to do with a quilt. I know—nothing life-altering, but yet it was! I started teaching Dear Jen back in October, and I excitedly pulled out my fabrics—black on white and white on black for the backgrounds and solids for the shapes. 

My plan was to make two of each block. I kept rearranging them on the design all in hopes that I would fall in love with them. I did NOT! 

It was now Friday, and I had to finish the homework for Saturday's class. I procrastinated and kept coming up with excuses. While I had done some prep work - I was OK with doing the prep work, I could NOT cut into those fabrics. 

This is what the blocks look like at the moment. 

My Dear Jen blocks

Yes, they do not look bad at all, but those busy backgrounds—I just can't handle it. It was driving me mad. So I knew to save the project, I had to come up with a plan B, and it had to be quick. Otherwise, all the group was getting yesterday was the pictures in the book and the hope that all the measurements would work out. The book uses 100% templates, and I give them alternate instructions for each block. A GOOD value for their money and time! 

I couldn't do that. As we were getting ready to go out the door for dinner, I told myself that by the time I got back, I had better have a new plan, or else! As I was rushing out the door (OK—I wasn't rushing, but it sounds more dramatic!), I said to myself, "Solid black backgrounds and bright, cheery fabrics. That's what I'll do." And I felt RELIEVED beyond words. All I needed was a decision!  

When I came back from dinner, I made a lot of blocks or parts of blocks, and I was good! This is probably the FIRST time in all my teaching that I picked a colorway that I wasn't happy with. It's not that I don't like it, but NOT for this pattern. 

The other thing that I don't like is the condition of my book. It's filled with paper, handwritten pattern notes, and paper-pieced templates, so finding a specific page is a nightmare. So, this is an easy one, but I need to get it done!!! The papers were for the second blocks I was going to make. Now, I'm only going to make ONE of each, so those papers will come in handy. But I need to push forward to get caught up so the quilt can be done by June. 

My Dear Jen book is filled with paper! 

Here are a couple of my new blocks. Much more cheery than what I was doing before. 

Needs to be trimmed

Needs some stitching

OK—so I like this version a whole lot more! The moral of the story is that if you don't like something, ONLY YOU can change it or come up with some plan to change what you are doing, change the situation, or whatever. Those choices are NOT easy, and for some, they can be life-threatening. Thankfully, in my case, I was able to break through that barrier, choose a new colorway, and move on! 

What will I do with the old blocks? Someone suggested I put them on the back, which might be a good place. It'll serve as an example of what to do when you are not happy. Yes, I think that's exactly what I'll do!! Thanks to Lucy for that suggestion! 

Our girls are so different from each other. We had snow the night before, and of course, they were excited as little kids—MOM—we need to go out NOW!!! Both are happy to lie in the snow and even there, they are different. Lexi goes out and elegantly curls up in the snow to watch what's happening. Murphy? She goes out and just flops herself down anywhere. She loves the cold on her tummy! 

MOM -- we love SNOW

The other thing is that Lexi has much more fur on her tummy, while Murphy does not! Murphy runs HOT, and Lexi runs cold! Silly girls!!!!

As a reward for myself, I put away the finished jigsaw puzzle and got the new one set up, including the border. I can work on it a bit today, but of course, I have some stuff that must be done today. 

The next jigsaw puzzle

Speaking of the girls, look at how lazy this girl is. She can't be bothered to lift her head to acknowledge you. She moves her eyes. It's really creepy!! 

MOM - I can see you! 

I was finishing up another quilting magazine last night and spotted this. The magazine is from 1999, so I suspect this is PFAFF's first or almost the first embroidery machine. How things have changed!!! Look at how small that thing is! But at the time, we thought we had died and gone to heaven with the ability to make embroideries. 

PFAFF Creative Fantasy 7570

Someone posted this in one of my groups, and it was poignant as people are madly trying to declutter. 

Yes, it's OK to put some stuff in the closet, as we can't use everything all the time, but think about it before you rush out to buy more storage! Are you a warehouse? Or will you use this stuff? Not using it, never will use it? Get rid of it! 

Remember—it is possible to outgrow our possessions. We've moved on from that dress size, that hobby, or that interest. Get rid of the stuff!!! 

Oh, I received THE CALL yesterday. I knew it was coming; I just didn't know when. Diane's husband contacted me (he sounded so sad) about what to do with Diane's sewing machines and stash. Oh, god! I want to run because they are smokers and they have cats. But I promised him I would help, so I will go next week and look. Wish me luck! 

On that note, I'm out of here. I have one presentation later this morning, and I haven't even started loading the pictures. Then I have the afternoon FREE, but those three priority things are on the list, and they need to be done today!

Have a super day!!




  1. I am so sorry to hear about Diane. I wondered why you never mentioned her making quilt tops for you anymore. My sympathies to her husband and to you too. Hugs, Brenda Z

  2. My condolences to all who knew Diane.
    ( My mother's trick to get smoke out of fabric is to add vinegar to the washing machine. It works quite well.) Torry

  3. Pamela Dempsey in Northeast Texas 😻January 13, 2025 at 9:48 AM

    Your girls are just precious, beautiful in the snow! Sad about Diane. I understand about the hesitance about the smoking smell but about cats? I hope you are not allergic.

    1. Good point about cats. I am so allergic to cats. When we go to relatives homes, for a short visit, I can make it through the visit with Benadryl. I can not spend the night, because the Benadryl can not hold the symptoms at bay for that long.
