Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Creatures of habit

Oh my -- I need to get back to answering your comments. So many great ideas -- thanks for all of them. Maybe I'll get back to a few today. 

Yesterday, I gave two more presentations. This time, our format is 90 minutes, not 60, and that extra 30 minutes is tough. No, it's not tough, but I'm so used to a 60-minute format that it's just a question of getting used to it. Plus, I open my calls 30 minutes in advance, so each call is now 2 hours. No bathroom break, so I have to watch my water consumption! I only managed ONE container yesterday, but it was the complete container, so it was still more than I was drinking before. 

It seems that the cameras need to be in a different position for each presentation, depending on what I'm showcasing. But all is good—I'll make it happen. The more I do, the easier and familiar it will become.

Today, I have a Facebook Live on Introduction to Machine Embroidery. If you want to attend the free event on Facebook, the URL is below. You'll have to copy and paste that one. It starts at 3 PM EST. Be sure to stop by - if you have never done machine embroidery or just bought an embroidery machine - this is the place for you! It will be a good refresher if you have been around for a while. And maybe you just want to come out and support what I do! Everyone is welcome. YES - I'll be answering questions!

I'm off to spin class this morning, and we had bike wars on Monday. We are supposed to sign up for a bike using an app. There is an APP for everything - how did we cope without apps before? Anyway, one very unfriendly lady seems to be switching from bike to bike and is a pain in the neck. She also does NOT want anyone sitting next to her. When someone didn't show up for the bike (#31) she usually takes, she asked to be switched. This was about 3 minutes before the class started. 

Well, the lady registered at bike #31 showed up and had to take another bike. It's not like there is a shortage of bikes in the morning. Four women sit in the same area, but Mary keeps switching bikes. So, after the class, I asked the other three if we could call a truce and always pick the same bike. 

Well, she blew me off for the most ridiculous excuse. Something about her priority was one of the other class attendees, who was merrily chatting to the instructor. WTF? She is so rude! Thankfully, Mary does NOT like to sit in the front row, so I'm good. Life is too short to be so unfriendly and rude - for NO reason other than she was in the wrong. But this woman has never smiled in class or even said hello in MANY years. 

It's all about the dogs this morning. This is our sweet Lexi. Happy as a clam to be outside in the snow. This picture was taken several days ago. 

MOM - I'm a snow dog! 

And when she's inside, she's still sleeping. Is she trying to tell me that it's hot in her kennel? 

Mom - it's way too hot in my kennel!

Meanwhile, Murphy is on guard when she is outside. She watches the perimeter to ensure that no squirrels or rabbits get in. 

Mom - I'm guarding! 

But when she went into a barking frenzy the other day, I went to investigate. She was standing on the bench. I could see something on top, but what the heck was it? 

Mom - I need a boost!

I had suspicions and had to go upstairs to get a good picture. An opossum. Good grief - they are nocturnal, but this guy must have mixed up his day and night!

Help me!! That big dog is scary!

I finally coaxed Murphy into the house with a treat and let the poor possum find his way home. 

The girls are so different, even when eating treats. Lexi likes to go to the mat for treats. 

Moom - I'm neat, I keep my crumbs on the mat

While Miss Murphy will go to the quilt on the floor. 

Mom - eating a treat is intense work!

One dog is soft and ladylike, the other is like a bull in a china shop!

Murphy finally decided to bring that huge bone into the house to chew, and I swear she chewed it all night. And she was totally splayed out on the blanket to eat it. 

Mom - this bone is so good! 

While Murphy is an intelligent dog, she doesn't recognize that Lexi couldn't care two hoots about it and would never ever consider stealing it. Lexi wouldn't even sniff it. Oh, Murphy! Such a bully! 

Mom - this bone is MINE!

And there she is with the bone outside! I must stock up on these; she loves them, and they keep her busy. 
Mom? I'm busy - do you need some guarding? 

I managed to get some work done yesterday. I had cut the binding for that customer quilt and guessed that four strips of the long yardage would be enough, and I was right! 

Just enough binding

So there I was, manhandling that large quilt. The binding went on like a dream. I hope the decorator and the customer are happy. I now need to make two pillow shams, and when I get another fabric, I will have three accent cushions to make. That is much easier and smaller than this. And you need SPACE to support the quilt when putting a binding on! 

LOTS of space is required to support a large quilt

I needed a mental break from being a film producer and teacher, so I spent my break working on the jigsaw puzzle that has been on the table for several weeks. It was a pleasant and welcome diversion, and I might just take a few minutes each day. However, I have so much prep work in the next while, but a mental break is essential. 

Working on the jigsaw puzzle

I also managed to go through two of the boxes in the upstairs hallway. Those boxes must have weighed 70 pounds or more with books and magazines. I found this magazine - good grief - this girl has significant staying power! This was 16 years ago, and she is still going strong. 

She is still going strong after 16 years

I'll share more about the book boxes as I go through them. I threw out some dated magazines - I don't know why those were put in the boxes. The novels will go to the thrift store, and the fashion books and magazines will go to the high school. 

I can get this done! And then I get to pick a new area and start again! I keep saying the next mess won't be as big, but we'll just have to wait. I need to complete everything that is half done before I pull out the next mess, and I'd really like to tackle that desktop in my office. We'll see what happens. 

On that note, I'm off to spin class to see if there are any bike wars this morning.

Have a super day, and hope to see you on Facebook Live this afternoon!!!



  1. I love your dogs! I can’t tell from your pic if Murphy’s new bone is made out of rawhide. if so they are very dangerous for dogs as the chewed pieces get irritate and get stuck in the gut. I don’t mean to be nosey person, just care about all our pets.
