Saturday, February 22, 2025

Machine Embroidery Workshop

OK  -- that is so weird about the links. Something is happening that reverts them back to my blog. 

Let me try this one more time. 

Quiltcon Winners

If the link does not work, search for QuiltCon Winners 2025. The link will pop up. 

The same with the Dignity Sculpture. Google search that topic, and the link will pop up. 

I have no idea why the links are reverting back to the blog. If they don't work today, that's three days in a row that the link has been reverted back. Do you have any suggestions, my IT friends?

So here I am back at Springhouse Retreat but with a different crew. Actually, NO ONE here is a regular retreat goer! I don't think there will be anyone sitting by the campfire. The big question is, where have the chairs gone? 

Where are the chairs?

Before I left, I knew the weather would get warmer, and the sun was out. I was a bit worried about the snow along the side of the house. It was banked up against the windows into Studio B. The last thing I want is snow leaking into the windows. So I was out there shoveling them out. 

Shoveling out the windows

Murphy just thinks anything new is worthy of a bark fest. I'm sure the neighbors were impressed!! What a vocal dog! 

But I cleared three of the four windows, which made me feel a bit more comfortable. 

Shoveling the windows

The girls were not too impressed as I packed the car. I think they were hoping that they could come with me. 

Mom - we want to come!

Alas, there was no room for them in the car. But I managed to get it all in the back of the vehicle. Nothing was in the front, and I could see the back window! 

Packing for retreat

We're only here for two nights, and this is what the room looks like. It's a bit different from the usual because we're doing a machine embroidery workshop! 

The sewing room

Oh my --- we had so much fun yesterday and met people I usually only see on Zoom. We had great fun chatting about all things machine embroidery, and I think everyone learned a few things about their machines. They are all Husqvarna Viking, which makes it easy for me, but all brands were welcome, and it worked out this way. 

By the end of the day, I was pretty tired, so I went to bed first. I was also the first one up this morning. Today, they get to stitch, and let's see how many remember some of the tools and tips we chatted about yesterday!

I'm super excited about another day of fun and laughter, which is what this is all about. And yes, there's a little bit of learning going on. This is a workgroup; they were still working when I went to bed. 

The best part is that I am sure everyone will go home with a better understanding of their embroidery machine, techniques, tools, and supplies. Even better, they will no longer be afraid to experiment!

I'm hosting another workshop at the end of May, and I think there are still a few spots left. If you're interested, please let me know. 

On that note - let's hope those links worked - if not - just do a Google search. It's out of my hands, as I've correctly linked them THREE times now. 

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Success! Dignity is gorgeous in person-hubster has been to visit her while on a family road trip.

    Happy retreating :-) I'm in the mountains retreating!
