I almost made my goal yesterday! The quilt top got sewn together. The first border got added. Then I had to deal with a border print. Hmmm -- a bit unusual, but I think I made the best use of it. Just wait until you see what I did! Sorry -- I can't share, and I'm not sure the magazine will show it, but I'll take pictures to share once it's published.
It required a wee bit of finessing to put the outer border on, but it looks awesome, and I have one more corner to touch up. Yes -- I'm way pickier than I need to be. And one more small seam, and then the top is done. One seam in the backing, and it'll get loaded on the long arm. The goal today -- get the quilt quilted and bound. I won't make the UPS deadline of 5 PM, so I'll add the sleeve and ship it tomorrow. That's OK.
It turned out way better than I figured it would - just because of the values in the fabric.
I would have gotten it completed yesterday, but I had two little delays. I had asked Staples to scan a photo a couple of weeks ago. It was a large photo that I can't process on my own. When I finally checked the file yesterday, they had saved it as a PDF. Good grief --- it's a PHOTOGRAPH!! Anyway -- I had to wait as they were busy scanning other stuff for people, but it's done, and now I can move onto step two of that process. You have to wait for that as well. I'm super excited!
Then I got on several phone calls that took up some time, but that's OK. I'm not really behind on that quilt. I'm focused! I'm also listening to a riveting audiobook. OK -- here's the deal with the audiobook. I've listened to it before. As I come to each part, I remember that, but I can't remember how it ends, so it's keeping me entertained, and I'm OK with that. What's the riveting book? It's a Jack Reacher by Lee Child -- Worth Dying For - not rocket science by any means, but riveting and mindless so you can easily sew and listen at the same time. It would appear that I FORGOT to log it on my list, so that's why I ended up rereading it.
And what's with the weather? We go from crazy hot and humid days to days where you need a sweater. There's no in-between! However, I'm not complaining - I just put on a sweater, and I'm on my merry way. No need to put the hair into a ponytail, and I LOVE that.
Let's not forget the paperwork. It's really administration stuff that I'm dealing with. It just seems to pile up without me even doing anything! But stuff is getting done, and I've almost got all the stuff for the fall organized. Almost, but not quite. Maybe today.
We had a class on Urbanologie earlier this week - that's the last class for August, and now it'll be time to start the process all over again! And NEW classes are starting this month. If you haven't already signed up - well, you just don't follow the right circles!
Let's have a look at the homework for this month. This is the book, and the pattern is from Sew Kind of Wonderful. It uses the Sew Kind of Wonderful MINI ruler. All the blocks have curved seams. The group is doing great!!! I purchased my book when it was first released at Quilt Market several years ago. Well, the number of errors in the book is crazy!! How does this happen? OK -- I know --you're rushed to get a final product out, but they should have waited. No worries - it's all good.
I've kept up pretty well with this quilt, but I still need to make nine blocks that have already been assigned, and I can't really lay it out until I do that. They are cut out - I just need to sew them. It's also a quilt that I started to make from a layer cake, and well, I'm NOT happy with my fabric choice. It's one of the "modern" fabrics (Tula Pink), and well, I'm not fond of it. BUT -- is the quilt a failure? Nope -- it was a good learning experience!
What did I learn? That I can tolerate the modern prints, but not when there are MANY of them. Better to pick a couple and put some monochromatic prints with them. They are hideously busy if you put too many of them together. Second, the layer cake didn't offer me the flexibility that I needed for cutting larger pieces. While the layer cake will work for other patterns, this was NOT the quilt to make from a layer cake. All totally my choices, but I'm glad it happened. I've since added some other fabrics to it, and I may end up remaking some of the other blocks.
I'll see how time goes. OK -- so let's look at the blocks from this past month. We made the antlers last month.
This first one belongs to Gisele - this block missed the show and tell last month. And she didn't make the antlers. Some people didn't like them.
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Gisele |
These antlers belong to Dana. I love the scrappy background.
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Dana |
Lorraine had a LOT of fun this month. Did you notice how she coordinated the fabrics, so they match on the left and right? I LOVE that look, but it took a lot of trial and error. The pieces are not clearly laid out which section goes where (during the cutting stage).
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Lorraine |
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Cathy |
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Cathy's quilt |
Here is my wild and crazy set of antlers. The coloring is very eclectic, to say the least.
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My antlers |
Now that I think about it, I might just leave all the blocks the way they are, and this will become a teaching quilt - a good lesson on choosing fabric. Yep -- I love the quilt, but I don't love it enough or have the time to remake it. Move on!!
I have to figure out a better eating plan for the days with that spin class. Yesterday was better, but it's a challenge to do 30 KM on the bike and then come home and walk the dogs for another 6 KM. Murphy didn't get a walk until the evening. My legs just said NO! I might walk both of them after lunch on spin class days. I'll have to see -- they will NOT be happy, that's for sure! I still got in my regular distance. It was a stupid day. I went to spin class, then walked Lexi. Then went for a long walk by myself in the afternoon and walked Murphy after dinner.
I have goals to meet each day, and I can't afford to get behind, or I won't get to Newfoundland by the end of the year! And that's my goal -- I think I have about 1,300 KM left to walk, and there's no time to slack off. My spin class adds NOTHING to my walking goal. It senses steps but doesn't translate them to KM, which is the measure I'm using for my walking challenges. I've been keeping an eye on it. I have no idea how that FitBit works, but don't touch anything -- it's working just fine for me.
Speaking of walking the girls, it's time to go! They are not as happy as they could be. With the cooler temperature and it getting darker much earlier, the back door isn't always open when they want it to be! Not happy!!!
WAIT --- I keep forgetting to remind you that this weekend we have another Virtual Retreat!! It's Sunday evening from 6 - 9 - that's September 5.
Here's the Zoom link for SUNDAY night.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88510520090?pwd=WHZPMmNFWTlwc3RaZ3MzOXJQaXordz09 Meeting ID: 885 1052 0090 Passcode: 897479
And we're going to sew all day Monday as well. If you stop in, you get to meet the ladies I sew with on Monday. A great group!!!! That runs from 10 AM to 8 PM.
Here's the link.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85132911786?pwd=T3EyMjh2UnJndUZ3eG1ld0lEdHAyZz09 Meeting ID: 851 3291 1786 Passcode: 073041
Have a super day!!!!!
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