Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Playing Detective

I love reading mystery novels. Which ones are better? The ones that follow a particular detective in a series? Or the random ones where the focus is on murder and mayhem? I guess I like both!

I had to do some detective work over the last couple of days! First off, I'm very sensitive to noise. OK - I'm not very sensitive. I can live with noises, but I need to know what they are, especially those little sounds that niggle in the back of your head! So the first few nights, I could hear this noise and thought -- what the people in the neighboring room were doing. It sounded like a rolling sound and popped up every so often. 

Well, after three nights, I realized it was the front door! I KNOW! I'm above the lobby, and every time someone goes in or out, I can hear the door slide open (probably the motor?), and then I can faintly hear it close. AHA --- mystery solved! It is annoying, and I might tell them on my way out that it's annoying, but the next person may not even hear it, and I'm leaving, so what's the point! 

The second detective work I had to do I wasn't looking forward to. I was at the farmhouse and could hear a rustling in the corner every once in a while. You know what that means! Yep -- there's something under that cabinet, and I really didn't want to discover what it is. But it was weird, and it never seemed to move, which is not like mice, but it may have had a nest. Who knows? 

We had stopped for lunch and were packing things up when I heard the noise again. I looked at everyone and said -- "hear that?" We have company. My cousin said -- "that's the air freshener!" Oh boy --- I got a good laugh out of that! 

We returned to the house and picked out a few more things that could be donated, which made me feel good. Just the fact of being able to do so freely makes such a huge difference. 

And while we chatted about going over the hill one last time, this isn't the time! We didn't get through everything we wanted, so I'll be back! Good grief! But we are getting close, and that makes me happy. I think we should have a party when that happens! 

Now, we wait to see how quickly the farm will sell, and then we can move on to the next stage. While we have had our share of ups and downs in getting everything in order, we are truly blessed that we haven't had more issues. 

One must always look at the positive side of things because if you are looking at the negative, you'll run yourself into the ground in a heck of a hurry. Thankfully, that positive attitude has been instilled in me from day one by my parents, grandparents, and my own actions. 

Over the years, I have alienated clients, friends, and probably family with that positive or carefree attitude. My main goal is my happiness, so I've made a few apologies to people over time and then moved on! 

It's time to move on, and I have the joy of repacking my suitcases. OK -- so whoever said it was fun to travel is out of their mind, especially with two BIG suitcases. I am not a fan; I must lift them in and out of this crazy car. One is done, and I have a couple of things left to shove in the other. I hope not to have to take that one out of the car. 

I'm great at packing, but I'm trying to only bring the absolute minimum that is needed. I did very well on the Camino, but packing samples? That's a whole different ballgame. 

I have a few paperwork things to tidy up this morning and a few errands to do before I hit the road and off to the airport. Let's pray that this travel day is less traumatic than the last one. I just checked the app, and I'm checked in, got a boarding pass (Zone 5), and the flight is on time, but since that is hours away, anything can happen between now and then. 

This has been an interesting family trip. I spent most of the time with several cousins and two of my aunts. While I don't get to see any of them regularly, it felt like zero time has passed since we last talked! We had a blast, and it really was fun to spend some time with them. A big shout out to Norma and Irene for all the laughs and memories and for quickly making the day and a not-so-fun task go by! And thanks to Christine, my T-shirt rescue lady, who also helped to sort. Also, to Nikki and Ellie, who helped out the other day! 

I learned from my two aunts that it doesn't matter how old your body is -- your mind is still young, and we had loads of fun! I hope to be like them in a "few" years down the road! 

And a quick word of advice to anyone who rents a car. Bright red can be spotted anywhere! I look in the parking lots, and I can easily find my car, so if you want to be a detective on a stakeout? Don't get a red car! 

Well, I must go as I have to have breakfast and going to try and squeeze a quick walk in before I just get started on those errands. The clock is ticking!

Have a super day!!!!


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