Wow -- where does the time go? I was doing something this morning and thought -- just a few more minutes. A half-hour later, I look up and take a breath!
I had a good chuckle this morning as I surveyed Studio B. It will NEVER be tidy. I will NEVER get all the projects completed that are sitting out. It just isn't going to happen! But I'll keep plugging away, and who knows -- maybe someday it'll look better. However, it's a WORKING studio -- the stuff never stays in one place for long before it does get finished and replaced by something else. If the stuff sat there for months, then I'd be worried. OK -- who am I kidding -- some stuff has sat for months!
However, I accomplished a ton yesterday, and I've got pictures to share! I was determined to get up-to-date with The Barn Star Sampler. I really need that out of the way, and even though I was tired -- well, I wasn't, but my back was, I am now up-to-date until it's time to prep for the next class, which isn't for one month.
16" block |
16" block |
The remainder of these blocks are 8". While that's less sewing than the 16" block, these still took time as you had to make half square triangles, flying geese, and the square in a square.
8" block |
8" block |
8" block |
Then, onto the last three blocks from the May homework. Of course, I left the fiddiest blocks until the end, and I swear I was reading a different pattern when I cut these. I had to dig out the background fabric for all three blocks and cut more or different pieces.
8" block |
8" block |
8" block |
You bet I used the moveable laser on the
PFAFF creative icon2 to sew all the diagonal lines, saving a lot of time. What would one do without that moveable laser? It also had a fantastic projecting grid, but I didn't need that. I usually piece on my
Husqvarna Viking EPIC2, but it's time to sew with the icon2 as I have mainly used it for embroidery! Share the wealth!
So, I mostly chain-pieced those blocks, but I had to use a few enders and leaders. And I pressed and trimmed those as I went.
Half-square triangles sewn as enders and leaders |
There are a lot of "waste" triangles in this quilt, and I'm not one to waste things, so all the enders and leaders are from this quilt. This is what I have accomplished so far. I have no idea what I'll do with them yet, but they will be ready to sew!
All the half-square triangles from the waste triangles |
However, I'm "behind" as there is a HUGE pile that can be used for enders and leaders!
Waste triangles still to sew |
And here are all my blocks. Hmmm -- those two on the bottom are pretty visually heavy -- well, the blocks are NOT placed as they appear in the quilt. However, I have run out of room on my portable design wall! The quilt is 80" by 100", and we still have 16 blocks to make! Good grief -- I said I would never do a large quilt again! Did you see one 24" block lying on the side?
All my blocks for The Barn Star Sampler so far |
Someone asked me the other day how you trim one of these blocks. The answer is you should NOT have to trim. If you've been diligent about cutting and trimming the individual components like the flying geese, square in a square, then everything should fit together, and no need to trim the block.
Here's my scrap box after my session.
Citrus colored scraps |
So now that that is caught up, it's time to move on to something else. I have a few things on the cutting table that I want to get done today, and I have a project to make and write about, so that has to be the focus of today and tomorrow.
But I managed to sort and put away the three bags of scraps that had been hanging around. That is always a thankless job, but it didn't take that long, and when you go to your scrap bin, the pieces are sorted!!! I have not finished cutting and sorting the brown scrap bins, and I see others are overdue for some loving! Yep -- the lids are popping!!!
Sorting scraps |
As I've been digging out samples for my events in September, a few need to be finished. So those are stacked in a pile, and I need to tackle those this coming week.
Samples to finish |
And there are a few projects on the floor that need to be finished as well. None of these will take long, so if I can focus, I can make quick work of them. And yes --- we can laugh all the way to the sewing machine about that!!!!
Serging projects to complete |
I don't know what happened with my birthday! In the last couple of days, I've received birthday wishes on Facebook that were sent days ago! I guess that is Facebook's way of saying that we don't care about dates as long as the message gets delivered at some point! So if you sent a birthday wish and I haven't acknowledged you, there's a good chance I didn't get it!!!
Speaking of birthday wishes, I picked up the mail on Friday and saw this interesting envelope. Hmm - Air Mail even. I wonder what it is and who it's from.
.jpg) |
Air Mail |
Then I opened it up to find a PUZZLE!!! How cool is that and when I saw who it was from, I had a great laugh!!!! She knows who she is and is always finding cute ways of bringing a smile to my face!!! Thanks so much, and NO, she didn't send it Air Mial -- that was a disguise!!!!
.jpg) |
My birthday wishes |
OK -- -so you want to know the events I'm hosting at The Sewing Machine Store in Saskatoon. Here's the information. You can check out more details on their website.
Thursday, September 14, from 1 - 4 PM --- Garmet sewing techniques for everyday projects. We will look at garments and some of the techniques and tools that can make or break your project. Then, we'll look at incorporating some of those techniques into other projects. It's a great lecture and lots of tips for garments!!!
Thursday, September 14, from 6 - 9 PM --- Machine Embroidery -- where to begin. If you want to know about machine embroidery and need help figuring out where to start -- I have some great tips to get you started and loads of inspiration that you'll want to dive right into!!!!
Friday, September 15 --- A hands-on event using the PFAFF creative icon2 where we create a project in the hoop - super cute funfur monsters with a wild choice of faces, arms, and legs. These are so much fun!!! It's a GREAT day to test the icon2 if you think you might like to buy one!!!
Oh -- the fun we are going to have that week!!! So, if you're in the Edmonton or Saskatoon area on those dates, check out the events. It's going to be a blast!! Even if you have a different brand of machine, you will still learn something, and maybe you'll want to switch brands!!!
I finished both books yesterday! Did they end well? As well as they could have -- you have to take some bad with the good! And now I have one more audiobook to read -- The Kitchen Front, about a cooking contest during the war. It's pretty funny and an eye-opener for those of us who never lived on rations! Imagine being TOLD by the government what you could and could not buy each week at the grocery store to ensure there was enough food to go around! Yes -- we live in very coddled times.
OK --- it's time to go, as there is MUCH I want to make happen today, and the girls are waiting!
Have a super day!!!
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