For some reason, I had WEIRD dreams last night. No wait - I REMEMBERED my dreams last night. Normally I do not. And I had TWO that I remember - the first one I was some place weird with shady characters - I've been there before. Don't ask my why!!! Anyway - this girl was going to SEW a tatoo on my leg! Oh yeah - she had this HUGE needle and she jabbed it into my leg - just under the skin. It HURT a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I woke up at this point.
Then back to sleep and this time my dream was about someone who made a mess inside my car. Now this was probably because it looks like someone threw something at the back of my car. I was quite upset because the inside was a mess.
Then I woke up. And now my sinus was killing me and the only way to make that better is to get up and let gravity do its job. I look at the time - 4:30 AM. Almost time to get up anyway so I get out of bed. I get downstairs to the studio and turn on the radio. OH CRAP - it was the night to turn the clocks back - but I did NOT turn back the clocks in our house. Oh well - I am up - I am pumped. Let's just get to work. You'll see in a minute what I did this morning.
Yesterday we had our workshop and it was amazing. Everyone was so pumped and ready to sew!!!!!!!!!! Have a look at what they did............ (now the big problem - but also the benefit of seeing the other colourways is that I want to make one of each!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Maria - Christmas theme - I just LOVE it |
Some finished blocks |
Flo with brights (I have those same brights!!!) |
Some finished blocks |
Mary with New York City prints |
Some of Mary's finished blocks |
Elly did an autumn theme |
Some finished blocks |
Sybil did Asian themed - I did NOT get pictures of her blocks |
Joyce W did batiks and got lots of strips done |
A couple of her finished blocks |
This is mine (on the design wall at home) - my flannel from that scrap bucket!!!! Pretty neat! |
Daphne was working on the diagonal quilt |
Joyce R also worked on the diagonal quilt |
This is Judy's little box of treasures!!!!! Pre-cut 2 1/2" squares. Oh boy - Maybe I need one of those?????? |
Judy's blocks in progress - WAIT A MINUTE - what's that little thing on the right of the picture????? |
It's a MINI iron. It was so cute!!!!! I want one - HEY - I had one!!!! Where is it????? |
Oh shoot - I searched in my ironing supplies and there is NO little iron. I know I had one and I probably said - OH this is too small so I gave it to a guild for a door prize. I know I did!!!!! Well - it was perfect for ironing those small seams on those blocks. Matter of fact - I don't think I saw Judy leave her chair ONCE all day. That is her secret to getting lots of sewing done!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
These are Judy's blocks - all 9 patches for the quilt they were working on - DONE!!!!! |
Some of \Karen's finished 9-patches |
Callie - excited that her block measures 6 1/2". And she should be bursting with PRIDE as she has never sewn before!!!!! Oh yeah - I think she went home hooked!!!!! Way to go Callie!!!!!!!!!!! |
This is her fabric - I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Alas - it was time to come home. BUT - I had work to do!!!!! I did manage to get ANOTHER bag of scraps, BUT it was teeny tiny - how could I resist????
Teeny tiny bag of scraps!!!!!!!!!!! |
Community project quilt - DONE |
Quilting detail |
This is my helper. Just so I don't forget her - she likes to lie EXACTLY where I need to walk in order to quilt!!!! I try stepping over her!!!! |
Then we popped out for a quick dinner. And when I came back I saw my project bags from the day strewn on the floor. Hmmmmmm - why would that be??????
OH YES - there was a box of muffins in there - see the box at the top right of the picture???? |
Well either the packaging was so well done or we arrived just as she was getting into it - she didn't get into the muffins!!!!!!! That Sparky is just such a scavenger!!!!!!!!!!!! |
OK - so you want to know what I did with my extra hour this morning?????
Well - it goes like this - I have an article that I need to submit to the magazine - A Needle Pulling Thread. This article is on baby quilts. And YES - I decided that in order to show some of the details/features I want to talk about - I need some baby quilts. Soooooooooooooooooo................... I am in the process of making not one, not two, but THREE of them and I need them done ASAP.
So at 4:30 AM - I am loading a baby panel and digging out the batting |
Then I start with this bundle of flannel FQs that I had in my "TO DO" basket |
And three pieces of yardage |
Well - it required a bit of calculation, but obviously I am NOT good at math regardless whether I use an envelope or a calculator. I was going to cut a LOT of pieces for one - way more than needed.
Which is batter - the envelope or the calculator |
Fortunately, I was careful when I cut and didn't go ahead with the number of pieces I had originally calculated. I got a Hopscotch cut (The Quilt Patch).
Even better - all the blocks are completely made (20 blocks). They are laid out and ready to sew the top together |
Quilt number two is all cut - just 3 1/2" squares |
Still have some yardage left (well I barely used the yardage - that will be for borders, bindings and one backing). What to do with these leftovers????? Oh yes - don't worry - I already have a use for them. |
I knew my four (OK - so I push it to five) bobbins were almost done. And when they are done - then I have to clean the machine, change the needle and rewind five bobbins.
My "prewound" bobbins |
I have it down to a science now. While the bobbins are winding, I take the bobbin case out and using tweezers, Q-tips and a brush - I clean out all the lint. Then I change the needle. And by the time that is done and the supplies are put away (ONE must stay organized), the bobbins are done and I am ready to sew again.
And what a difference it makes to put a new needle in the machine. Yes - FOUR bobbins or if you are pushing it - FIVE. THEN clean that machine and change the needle!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes - was at Ruti's the other day and saw this BORDER print in the sale bin. Because I want to work on the border print box soon - I couldn't help but buying this. I know - defeats the purpose of using up the scraps. OK - so it was a weak moment!!!!
Border print with quilt stores and quilts on it!!!!!!!!!!! |
OK - so if ANYONE has that little iron and wants to get rid of it - think of me!!!!!!
And on that note - I MUST get back to work. I have to put all that ironing stuff away. There is a box of dryer sheets in there and it stinks!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!
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