After a few failed attempts, I got the computer rebooted. No problem. No, I didn't restart it last night or this morning when I got up, but when I leave the computer this morning, I shall remember to restart it! The problem is that I have windows open that I want to peruse!!!
Can you believe the weather? After that bitter cold, we're going to hover near zero C today. And then rain in the next day or so. It's like living on a roller coaster. I guess you just better have clothes for any weather at the ready! It felt positively balmy at minus 7 or whatever it was yesterday. I wonder how those that are making temperature quilts are making out? I hope they have a very special color for extremely cold days. It would be neat to make a temperature quilt, but my limit for new projects has been reached and I won't be starting one.
Before I get too far along this morning, here's the tally of what got finished in January. I got 1 project of my own moved into the "to be quilted" pile. I got one quilt totally finished - it wasn't mine. And there were five charity quilts that I totally finished. I'd say that six quilts in the month and one quilt top was a very productive month considering that I did a lot of work on blocks, etc. I'm happy.
For those of you who think that I'm out of control - I'm not. I go to the gym on a regular basis, I walk my dogs and write this blog every day. I read a lot and do other things. Am I busy? Yes - am I stressed about it? Not in the least. If I wasn't busy - I'd die. Anyway - enough about that.
I found this saying this morning and I think it fits perfectly in what we chatted about yesterday. I know it happens that we end up with stuff that we don't love for numerous reasons. What we need to learn is to let those things go - YES - even if they are sentimental. Take a picture and let it go so someone else can enjoy it. I'm learning!!!!
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My first (personal) finish of 2019 |
Thanks to Carol who confirmed the date. This was made in 2009!!!!!! Oh my god - can you believe that? Ten years to finish off that binding.
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Even the label is on the quilt |
I know that there are a few more projects in the house that need some work like adding sleeves or a sleeve taken off of them (sleeve was put on magazine quilts - but not all of them need it now that they are back home) or labels. I hope to start sorting through that pile and get that organized. Don't worry - I'll share the process with you. It's quite funny to see the way the quilts are stored at the moment.
I was listening to an audiobook yesterday. It was a long one and it was going to expire last night. As I listened, I was puttering around in the studio - getting things done. It was past my bedtime when I realized that I just wasn't going to make it. I still had over 2 hours to go. Then I looked at the app and I was asked if I wanted to RENEW the book. Well, of course, I want to! I had already checked if the library had copies - yes - 44 of them. But way easier to finish the book in audio format. I think it asked me if I wanted to check if I could renew. Anyway - I now have the book for another three weeks, but I'll be done today. The Whistler by John Grisham. It's a hoot because Ronda is reading the same book (hardcover) at the same time. That's just weird - we never discussed the book.
Can you believe - I have TWO whole days with nothing planned. I don't have to go anywhere. I don't have to do anything specific - no urgent deadlines. I'm stunned!!!! And I have other days like this coming up as well! But to have TWO entire days on the weekend? - well, that's not common.
I have big plans - I've got loads of stuff prepped while I was listening to the audiobook and ready to stitch out or move to the next phase. Tracing and cutting out applique is a great task to do while listening to an audiobook. Way better focus than TV - at least I think so.
I have my wool pressing mat out once again. This time, I'm pressing the blocks from Hello Sunshine by Kimberbell. I removed all the stabilizer from the blocks and then placed the block face down on the wool pressing mat. It helps to keep the stitching from flattening down.
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Pressing the machine embroidery applique blocks |
Once the block was pressed, then I laid it out on the cutting mat and used the Kimberbell Orange Pop rulers to trim the blocks to the appropriate size. I love the fact that the inside of the ruler is open so it doesn't rock on the embroidery. That way you get nice square corners.
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Using the Orange Pop rulers to trim the machine embroidery blocks |
Here are the three kite blocks - trimmed and ready to be sewn into the quilt.
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Three kite blocks ready to be sewn into the quilt |
Oh, shoot - I trimmed the two ice cream blocks as well and I guess I forgot to take a picture of them. Tomorrow.
I hope you read the QUILTsocial blog yesterday so you could read the story about the UFO that I'm working on in my UFO group. I am NOT giving up my $10 so I'm madly making the blocks that are my homework for this month. I have two blocks that need to be done by next weekend. One is almost complete - the one you saw on QUILTsocial yesterday - it does need a frame around the block.
The second block is now quilted. Remember that these blocks have a lightweight batting behind them. It's quilted and then the applique goes on. There'll be another layer of batting behind the entire quilt when it gets quilted.
But the texture - I LOVE the texture that is happening with using decorative stitches for the quilting. How fun is this!!! You just want to run your hand over it and keep touching it. It feels very nice.
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Loads of texture from the quilting with decorative stitches |
The applique pieces were already finished. I got the frame for the block done last night while chatting on the phone. I have a set of headphones with a microphone so when a phone call interrupts my audiobook, I hit answer and keep the phone in my pocket and chat away hands-free!!!! I love that. I didn't get a picture of the block with the frame, but I'll show you when I'm done.
I ditched the yo-yo for the flower center.
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Applique pieces are ready to go |
Here's my box of nice bright fabrics that are going into this quilt. I will be done by next Sunday. No if, ands, or buts. I want my $10 back!!!!
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Box of bright fabric for this project |
I also have some cording set aside and the stacks of batting to be used behind each of the applique blocks. It'll be nice to get that under control and out of the studio as it takes up a lot of space.
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Batting and cording still to be used in my Stitcher's Garden quilt |
What did I buy the other day on Ottawa Street? Well - vinyl was on my list and I found just what I was looking for. A few meters of black to make samples - wait for that. And the brown to make something - I can't tell you. Well - I could, but wait for it!
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Brown and black vinyl for making cool stuff |
I also got some stretchy shiny fabrics. Oh yes - I've gone wild now. No more quilting cotton for me! This is also for some samples for the embroidery machine. Oh yes - you can embroider and sew on pretty much anything!!!!
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Shiny stretchy fabric for embroidery |
But here's the fun stuff!!! A colleague has asked me to find her magenta vinyl. And I did!!! It's shiny and very pretty. I got her some and I got a wee bit for me. I'm making whatever she's making with it!!! And then I found orange fringe. I had always told myself that if I ever found orange fringe that I would buy it. No idea what I'm going to do with it - but it's pretty neat!!!!
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Siniy magenta vinyl and orange fringe! |
Hot pants??? With fringe on the hem?? Oh god - that sends me into peals of laughter just thinking about it!!!!
Although when I was at SURRENDER yoga yesterday, and I thanked the instructor, she said she liked my matching thing going on. The orange hair band, the orange yoga mat and then I realized that I also had orange bicycles on my T-shirt! Oh god!!!! But I love SURRENDER yoga. To me - that's real yoga. You hold the poses for several minutes each. In the end, I feel much looser. That's a new item to keep in my schedule.
Remember that fabric I showed you the other day - the panel with the 8 FQ??
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One panel with 8 FQ |
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A panel of 8 FQ folded in a brilliant way |
I've already used two of the FQs that were in my bundle and the others will also get used in my Hello Sunshine quilt.
Oh - Terri had a fabulous idea for making lunch and coffee dates. As you think of someone you haven't seen in a while - write their name in your little book (that we should all have). Then you won't forget them. Make a note. I think it's a brilliant idea.
On that note, it's time to get moving on the day!!!!
Have a great day!!!
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