While I loved being away at the quilt retreat, it's always nice to get back home! And yes - I switched pillows last night. It's too early to tell, but my neck does feel a bit better this morning. It's also that lunatic dog of mine that doesn't help! Walking Murphy is like getting mini-whiplash! She's so much better, but I bet that hasn't helped the situation.
I couldn't help myself; I contacted Paula's daughter to tell her the quilt top was done! She LOVES it. And so she should - her Mom chose gorgeous colors. So I decided that we must get this quilt done sooner rather than later. When I got the Double wedding ring project, I also was given a large tub of fabrics that MIGHT work with the double wedding ring quilt. I dug around and found enough of this fabric for the backing.
Backing fabric for the double wedding ring quilt |
Oh boy -- that picture doesn't do justice to the color. It's a nice purple that blends beautifully with the quilt top. I also found a dark purple that will work for the binding. And there's more that can be used for the backing and binding of the second quilt. The rest of the fabric in that tub goes to the community project side of Studio B. But not quite yet.
I also found this fabric which I remembered I had set aside. Paula was a larger-than-life person, and she sang in a choir. She regaled us with her stories when she came to Monday sewing, and well - she was such a wonderful person. So what should I do with this fabric?
Choir fabric |
I thought about putting it on the back of the quilt - there's about one meter, but it's dark, and well, I don't think that's the best use. I think I might make a tote bag for the daughter. I'm not sure she'll use it, but I think she will. Gosh -- some people make king-sized quilts as gifts for people, and how can you be sure the recipients will use them? And I'm worried about a tote bag? I'll make the tote bag and use some of the other fabrics as trim and the lining. OH -- that purple I've got for the backing would make great handles and trim. DONE!
I'll quilt it this week. I had a list of quilts to be done in July, and while I made great progress, there are still a few that I need to get done. And it's still July today! I really want to start fresh in September. And if you want a quilt quilted, there are a few slots left in September; otherwise, we're into October! And I have a few of my own quilts that need to be quilted. Looks like I'll be quilting all through August! Plus, I have a TON of community projects quilts that need to be done. So yep -- that long arm will be busy, and that's OK.
Speaking of quilting quilts, I got this customer quilt done yesterday.
Customer quilt - DONE |
I love the back as they used the extra blocks to make the back.
The back of the quilt |
And they must have loved this fabric because even the scraps were used to do this small project.
Customer quilt |
I have two more small quilts for the same person, which will get done today! And so I won't have many that get carried over to August! Yeah, and if I hadn't gone away, I probably could be all caught up. Not bad! I'm trying very hard to stay up-to-date on stuff.
I have some homework assignments that need to be written, and I'll work on those later today as well.
So I did a lot of puttering and such yesterday, but I didn't accomplish much in the sewing department. I got ONE block done for the Bonnie and Camille quilt. The homework for the past month was to make seven of these blocks. I had made one! WAIT -- I had actually made two. What drives me nuts is the instructions in the book call for this block to have BIAS edges on all four sides. Now can you tell me why??? There's no need whatsoever.
Block for Bonnie and Camille |
I very easily rewrote the instructions so there would be no bias edges. That's the thing I hate about quilt designers today. They don't think about pressing plans; they don't think about bias edges; they just make it. While technically, everything will work, there was a lot of waste to make this block; it couldn't be chain pieced and bias edges. Why?
While I was at the retreat, I had to find a new ender/leader project, and I found this bag of trimmed half-square triangles.
Pinwheels from scrappy half-square triangles |
I'm making pinwheels from them, and this is what I have so far. I still have many half-square triangles to make into pinwheels, so that'll keep me busy for a while. What will I do with them? I have to wait until I'm done to see how many there are. Should I sew them together? The seams are twirled, so it'll be a snap. Should I put sashing in? We'll just have to wait and see.
More units to sew together |
And my MIL is asking for more work to do. Oh boy -- I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go through my fabrics to find stuff so she can make the last forty pillowcases so that can be gone from the house. I have three small quilts lined up that need to be quilted, and then she can bind them. And what else?? I'll try to find something. Maybe I could get her to bind the double wedding ring quilt? That would be awesome!
Well, on that note, it's time to get the day started. I have a huge mound of paperwork sitting on the floor, on the chair, and a few pieces on the desk, so I MUST try and get some of that cleared up.
I have to tell you this funny story from the retreat. On the last day, I was focused on getting those blocks done. Because each block had many pieces and the colors had to be in the right spot, I worked on ONE block at a time. I had a small design board that I used to transport the block.
The quilt was laid out in the quiet room at the opposite end of the house from the sewing room. I did NOT go for a walk outside, but by the time the quilt was done, I had walked just over 2 KM!!! I had a good chuckle about that. So even if you are in your house, you can get a lot of walking done! Just get up and do it!!!
And what's with the temperature? I had to put long pants on! Not complaining! I don't mind the cooler weather in the morning as long as it warms up somewhat for the afternoon.
Well, it's a busy day ahead, and I'd better get a move on!
Have a super day!!!!
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