What a difference life is without a monkey on your back! Knowing that I didn't have to deal with that package changed my whole perspective on the day. Now here's the thing - I will have future shipments, and I will continue to use UPS. Why? The logistic part of UPS has worked like a charm. Even when other shipments, including those through the postal service, were delayed by huge amounts of time due to the pandemic, UPS NEVER once screwed up on the delivery date.
No -- I will continue to work with UPS. The "boys in brown" do a great job. It's easy to do the paperwork online; they pick packages up at the door for no additional charge than if I took the package to the store.
The issue this time was that I supposedly FORGOT (and it's probably true) to include the commercial invoice, which is a NO-NO when shipping stuff across the border. Where UPS failed is in resolving that issue. It took FOUR business days before that issue came to my attention. Then it took FIVE business days for me to get the invoice to the correct location, and lastly, another FIVE days to get the brokerage to release the package.
So while I caused the problem, UPS had no clue how to fix it. However, the package is well on its way, and let's just put that one to bed, and I doubt that I'll ever forget to include the commercial invoice in the future! Lesson learned!
Yesterday was a silly day. I had two presentations, one in English, one in French. OK -- so I still stumble over words, but my vocabulary and confidence increase with every presentation. I'm going to have to keep this up! I need French-speaking friends, and I need hiking friends.
It was hilarious -- the first group were from the Vancouver area, and of course, I think everyone hikes there. I must move to Vancouver. Apparently, my SIL, who lives there, is quite an avid hiker! Anyway, we got to chatting about trails, and it appears that there is the West Coast Trail. It's tough, you need a permit, and it sounds like the kind of hiking trail for me! Hey -- if you're going to do something, push and push hard! That's my motto! Anyway, we shared many hiking stories, and many on that call had done that trail or other hiking.
And while I was presenting to the Vancouver group, M, her boyfriend, and BEAR were on their way here.
He is such a cutie. Look at him. He came to visit in the studio and plopped himself in the basket of fabric for Wanderers Wife. He didn't ask, just clambered up and plopped his butt down.
"Hey Grandma -- this is for me, right?" |
Then while I did my Frech presentation, I lulled him to sleep on my lap. He was quite content. When he was here the last time, I had him on a pillow on the table beside the computer, and he was happy as a clam. I don't let him steal the show -- no one needs to know he is there!
Bear sleeping during the presentation |
And he's found the perfect perch to play with Murphy. He sits on the couch, and they taunt and tease each other. It's hilarious! And Murphy isn't shy about trying to initiate a "fight" with him. He was lying there nice and quiet, and she poked him. Then he barks back. Then he tried to provoke her. So cute together.
Bear and Murphy |
To give you some quilting pictures to admire, let's look at the UFO work that the group has been working on. I swear, we are super productive and all for the sake of $10 and PEER pressure. No one wants to not get their work done. Me included! I've already made great headway on this month's assignment, and I hope to do more than I assigned myself. Now that my brain is clear again and I only have one French presentation later tonight, I'll have some time for chatting and sewing.
Colleen loves hand applique. She is working on this pattern called Fleur. All the alternate blocks are done, and she has started the main blocks.
Colleen |
'Dede is working on her Dear Jane quilt and has four more blocks done. This year she's made great progress - four blocks per month, which is way better than no blocks per month! I believe these are paper pieced.
Dede |
Diane had this Christmas tree skirt cut out, and now it's totally finished! I expect nothing less from Diane than a completed project! She never goes for advancing a project - she goes for finishing, regardless of its state at the beginning of the month!
Diane |
Elaine completed one of the rows from the Row by Row several years back. All hand stitching and hand applique.
Elaine |
Katheleen was madly quilting this giant quilt and got her required blocks done. I bet she'll be glad when it's completely finished! This is the back, and it's hard to see the quilting, but it's pretty dense.
Katheleen |
Linda G quilted this giant quilt. It's now quilted, bound, and has a label, and it's been gifted!!
Linda G |
Linda W got the border on her Vintage Christmas quilt.
Linda W |
Liz had moved a while back and also took the summer off. Her goal was to get her sewing room in order. Here's one photo. That chair looks like a super cozy place to sit and stitch.
Liz |
Lynne is using up stash as she doesn't have UFOs. Here are the placemats and table toppers that she made this month.
Lynne |
Morgan is quilting her Christmas Fig quilt and got eight blocks (of 20) done. That's HUGE. It's a large quilt, and she's doing it on her domestic sewing machine. KUDOS!!! I'll just share one of the photos with you.
Morgan |
Nancy is working on a flannel quilt and got the bottom row completed. It's super cute, and since it's got an autumn theme, it's perfect to be working on it this time of year.
Nancy |
Rose completed her One Block Wonder quilt. Gosh -- that one has been around for a while as she laid it all out on my design wall several years ago! So nice to see these projects DONE!
Rose |
Sharon got one more Hawaiian block appliqued.
Sharon |
Sheila finished the binding on her Halloween quilt.
Sheila |
Susan made progress on her Chic Picnic (Sew Kind of Wonderful) quilt.
Susan |
Suzi got the sashing on her Aunt Millie's Garden quilt top.
Suzi |
Jane made progress on her Auntie's Two basket, made with the same strips that you use in a jelly roll.
Jane |
OH -- I forgot about me. I completed 18 autumn leaves for Autumn Splendor.
Elaine |
Everyone sets their own goal based on the amount of time that they have that month. Some people push past the goal and do extra work (I didn't include the extra stuff today), and this past month, several people did more than they said they would. It's all good. Any advancement is positive, and it's all about positivity!
What I love about our once a month Zoom session is that we get to hear the stories of the project, how long it's been hanging on, why it got abandoned, and issues that arise during the completion, as well as the success stories of how the maker overcame the issue. It's a very motivating hour, to say the least!!!
I'm hooked on the UFO club, and it will definitely continue next year. Our current sessions go to December, and it is FULL unless someone drops out (GASP!). However, if there were enough people, we could perhaps start a second group. My current group thinks that I need to do TWO UFO projects each month if I do that. Silly girls! I'll just split one into two commitments!
Well, I'm off to spin class this morning, and it is POURING rain. But I'll still park far from the door - I need those steps. I'm "in training" to go hiking! Just kidding -- I just need those steps every day! I'm a bit obsessed, to say the least.
And I promise to leave a bit earlier than Monday. I had plenty of time, but then I puttered and did one extra thing, and then I was running like mad. I got to the spin class and set up my reserved bike, only to find it didn't work properly. So off to another bike, which I also had to set up, and well -- I was a mess! But I managed to crank out that 30K. That's my goal for each class -- 30 K. Which unfortunately doesn't count towards my virtual walks, but that's OK. I'll be setting some cycle goals for 2022.
Speaking of rain, I started reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain." Yep -- I've cried already! But I LOVE the dog. He's pretty funny - I can just hear Murphy say the same things.
On that note, I'd better grab an umbrella and rain boots.
Have a super day!!
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