Friday, March 14, 2025

Celebrate your wins! Always!

I am reporting that I made those extensions work! But not the most efficient way, so I will continue that journey until I know I can easily replicate it. I struggled to find a program to convert the extensions and don't know if the program I found is consistent. I know that many of the issues are related to the content in the file. The goal is to turn around and teach others, and until I have it down pat, I will continue to work out the logistics. One of the best ways to learn anything is to try and explain it to someone else. I have failed sometimes - I think I'm ready to describe the process, and then I fail miserably, and YES, I have had some live crashes. 

I'm preparing for the worst and hope for the best. Doing it once is not enough. I need to have all the failures happen while playing to learn how to recover. I WILL get there. I am my father's daughter in this aspect. 

The weekend is almost here, and I'm looking forward to it, although I don't know why since I seem to be working 24/7. But there are only three presentations over two days, so that is good. I'm looking forward to the day I get up, and nothing is on the calendar. But that isn't until April 1. Two more weeks - I've got this! And then a massive cleanup will be required to get Studio B back in shape!

I managed to trim some half-square triangles.

Trimming half-square triangles

I had a few extra moments later in the day, so I trimmed a few more. 

And I managed to trim some more later in the day

There are still a few left to trim; I hope to complete them later today. These are all the cutoffs from my Barn Sampler Quilt. The bag is getting full, and I'm almost at the end. 

The trimmed half-square triangles

Remember, I chatted about my 365-day challenge the other day. I MUST organize myself by cutting a few blocks and using them as enders and leaders. I was talking with someone who started and finished their 365-day quilt when it first came out. This person was working FULL TIME, and she completed her quilt top on the 366th day! Her process was to precut the blocks, and she did much of it as an ender and leader project. OK - I must change my tactic here!

We had lunch planned for our Monday group, and it was yesterday, even though I had a slight overlap in commitments. I made it late and had a lovely chocolate cheesecake for dessert. It is so good to see each other in person; however, I'm happy we don't meet each other in person each week. The hassles of packing and carrying sewing machines and projects, as well as the logistics of managing the space and the money, It's so much easier to do on Zoom. Yep -- if you like in-person sewing, all the power to you. Been there, did that for MANY years on a Monday, and I'm done! 

Not everyone can come; not everyone lives close, which is the beauty of online sewing. If someone moves, they can still join us! 

So, thanks to everyone who came out and Heather, who organizes our lunches. It's so nice when someone else does the hard work, and I just show up. 

It was such a beautiful day that I went for a walk. GASP - I went to the thrift store and saw interesting things. However, it was not senior's day, I did not have my 20% coupon with me (that I got from making a donation), and I didn't have a bag to carry anything home, although I had my credit card. I was good and did not buy a thing. 

I spotted this amongst the linens. Does anyone remember these? There were some looms that you could buy to make them. I can't remember if I ever made them, but I remember them being popular in the 70s. I hope I got that decade right. 

A blast from the past

I love the Yogi teas with their sayings in them. This was the one from yesterday. 

A great quote

How true is this! Why do we find it difficult to accept the praise from our peers when we show someone our quilts? We are so quick to point out our mistakes! All you have to say is "thank you" when someone compliments you. It doesn't seem difficult, but it is! I'm trying to get much better at that. Just say thank you and leave it like that. I point out the weaknesses in my stuff when I'm teaching, but that is to highlight how not to do something. That's a different situation. 

But I know why we point out those errors. If we didn't, the person or at least one of the persons looking would be the first to say - did you know there's a mistake in there? Why? Does it matter? The quilt is done! I recently saw a video highlighting the fact that when someone shows something well done, most times, people say nothing, but the minute they make a mistake - it's highlighted. Why? Why do we need to do that? We need to embrace the fact that they accomplished something! 

So celebrate the finishes, look at the mistakes as a learning tool, and figure out how to prevent them from happening in the future. 

Murphy is quite a silly girl. She LOVES to watch TV, but only if certain things are on. She loves watching other animals and usually barks her head off. It's hard for me to watch a video about animals on my computer because she's in here faster than you can say BOO and whining and barking. But yesterday, she just watched intently without barking. But she can't grasp the concept on the phone - she doesn't like to watch videos on the phone - it's too small for her, I suppose. 

MOM - this show is exciting! 

Did anyone get up to see the eclipse last night? I did not, but this was the moon this morning. Still a slight bit of coverage and no redness left from the blood moon. 

Slight remainder of the eclipse

I'm getting some writing done but not a lot of sewing. There's not quite enough time for both! It looks like it will be another nice day - hey - I just checked the weather app to see if I need to put pants on over my shorts to go to the gym! I've got a date with 'Brooke, and I can't wait to see what torture she has in store for me! 

Have a super day!!



  1. My mom made some of these in the late 50’s. Being the saver she was she still had it when she down sized and of course being like her I kept it, but have never used it and am going to ask the local art center that offers various programs for young people if they would like it.

  2. I remember those blankets too, very pretty. So funny about Miss Murphy enjoying animal tv! My cats enjoy the aquarium screen going on when I turn on our tv and they want to pat at them. I have to quickly change the screen. 😻
