Monday, March 10, 2025

Update on 365-Day Challenge

Good grief -- I'm not sure what is happening to the blog. Every day for the last few days, I've been getting at least five new comments from a bot. One day, it was all about nursing, then renovations in BC, ordering license plates, and, let's not forget, the machine embroidery. It's crazy! So I just delete, delete, delete!

I am not about to lower myself to use AI to write anything, even though I'm encouraged whenever I open my computer. If I open a blank document to write, I'm encouraged to use it. Here's the deal - I use it somewhat to proof my document, so leave me alone for the rest of the time! 

It was one of those days. I'm usually pretty good with the time change and barely notice it except to manually change the time on the stove and the microwave. Everything else is automated. I suppose I would see that it's darker in the morning and lighter in the evening, but I don't pay much attention. But yesterday? I was exhausted! 

I bailed on the meeting but could still participate via WhatsApp, which was good. But I did nothing but sleep and read. I think my body was trying to play catch up for something. I had not missed any sleep, but sometimes, it's not about the physical; it's about the mental, and it was a long week. 

Thankfully, the sidewalks are almost completely clear of ice. There are still some spots, but with no snow on them, at least you can see them and walk carefully over them. Which is sometimes hard to do with Murphy on a leash. 

Sidewalks are mostly clear

She always looks longingly at the forest path as we pass by, but it gets no winter maintenance, and that beaten path is sheer ice, so we don't go near it. We had a warm day yesterday and a couple more this week (according to the weather app!), so hopefully, the ice will be gone soon. I miss walking in the forest. But not risking a broken leg for it. 

MOM - I want to go there!

I finally got some sewing on my 365-day Challenge quilt. I swear this quilt will be my death! I started it in 2016. I sewed until about February 19. Even though I picked it up more aggressively in the last two years, I'm now at April 30. Good grief -- it will take many more years at this rate to get it done. 

The center of the 365-Day Challenge quilt

I have two rows of 3" blocks to add to the center. I must get them out of the bag and place them around this center square to see what they look like. Then I can sew them together. Then I need a day (or more likely two or possibly three) and cut out all the blocks for the next month. There are some blocks with MANY pieces, and I've found it best to cut a bunch of blocks at once rather than cut and sew one at a time. Then, I can use them as enders and leaders if I could return to the sewing machine!

Hmm -- would I recommend this quilt to anyone? Yes -- if they are crazy! It's a HUGE commitment, and I would say if you have many other things you want to sew, pick them up instead of this quilt! It's a ton of work, but people still sign up for it. I believe the patterns are still free on the designer's web page. 

I also had a chance to play around with some software, as there is so much to learn. This looks OK, but will it actually stitch out OK? That's a test for later today if I have time. There is so much to learn and so little time. And something as simple as using Copy/Paste versus Duplicate can make a big difference. Who knew? I mean -- it's insane. I always use Copy/Paste, but I used Duplicate yesterday. Well, I learned something, so in a way, I'm glad I did!

Playing with software

Actually, when I take a closer look at this, it is NOT OK. I must not have taken a picture after the corrections were made. 

I have only one presentation today, and it's smack in the middle of Monday's sewing, so the group is on its own today. Next week, my Monday schedule will get back to normal! And by ignoring paperwork for the weekend, I now have a pile of stuff that needs to be done today. How easily that accumulates! 

I'm off to spin class this morning, then some paperwork and puttering in Studio B. I feel motivated to perhaps sew later today. Let's hope because a ton of stuff is waiting to be finished! And I must get cutting more blocks for the 365-Day Challenge quilt. I cannot believe that some people finished that quilt in the same year it came out. I have TWO friends who did. How did they make that happen? They must not have worked on anything else. 

OH - I have writing to do, so guess where my free time is going? 

Here's the next installment of 50 Ways to Keep a Quilter Happy While on Vacation. So fun!! OH MY --- can you believe it - I still have the same routine every time I go to a thrift store! And that picture of the bathroom tiles? I made a quilt out of that! I couldn't find that picture in my mishmash of photos, but someone I knew (Pauline) was flying to Vancouver when I needed a photo, so I got her to take one for me! I LOVE the tiles in the Vancouver Airport! Thanks, Pauline!!!!

And now I'm off to spin class. 

Have a super day!!!


1 comment:

  1. Ice in the winter is a worry for me as well, I walk daily on woods roads and trails that have no snow maintenance. I've been using Stabil Icers "studded snow tires for your feet" for years and they make it possible to walk even when it's icy. They are stretchy rubber with metal shapes in the bottoms that you pull on over the bottom of your boots or shoes. On shiny ice, a dog that pulls might be more than it can help with; also loose snow over ice requires care. But they are a huge improvement over shoe treads.
