Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The end of an era

Technically, this isn't the end of an era - that happened a couple of years ago when the farm was sold. Surprisingly, no tears were shed when the farm was sold. That's a bit weird, but my parents have moved on, my Dad especially. Mom doesn't talk much about it. I think she knows and just has to deal with it. 

There are not many buildings on the property anymore - the tornado in 2010 saw to that. After the farm was sold, the granaries were sold and moved, as were a couple of shipping containers used for storage. The plan was to move the shop and the garage off the property, leaving the two houses that should be demolished. There are a few smaller buildings, but nothing of any value. 

Well, the shop was moved yesterday. I got a heads-up from my cousin, who must have happened upon this on her way home from work. 

Dad's shop is being moved

Bye-bye, shop!

It's sad as it's the end of an era, but this is now just the physical stuff being dealt with. My parents moved off the farm over 8 years ago; for them, it's no big deal! 

I chatted with my Dad last night, and while he was interested to know the shop was moved as he spent MANY hours in that place fiddling, fixing, and thinking, he had no regrets. He's happy with where he is! 

My older brother was instrumental in clearing all the stuff off the farm. He has spent countless hours making contacts, wheeling, and dealing to sell things. He also has his own stuff to deal with, and I understand that some of it is still in the yard. But that's his problem. I think the farm sale hit him the most, although he had no interest in living there. 

The farm will live on in my memories, and that's where it stays! Thanks to my cousin for the pictures - it was lucky to happen upon the shop being moved. Those pictures were taken just as the farm road meets the grid road, which is gravel in that area! 

Yesterday was a great day with Monday Sewing, and I got some more embellishments hand-stitched. There is still more to make, but I think I'm setting that part aside. Let's get it quilted. After that Zoom, I did my first presentation, which was fun. And there was my helper! She just plunked herself down as close to me as possible and was quite happy as I tossed my samples on the floor around her! What a silly girl. 

MOM - I'm helping! 

I was going for a walk in the afternoon but then realized that I only had one hour before the next Zoom, and I needed to put the samples away and sort out the next ones. So I didn't get a walk, but that's OK. 

After the final call of the day, I sat myself down in the chair in the living room so I could read. Yep - guess who followed me! But it was only Murphy, as Lexi was comfortable on the couch with DH and wasn't moving. 

I'm not sure what Murphy's problem was, but that stress bear got a good workout last night! She was determined to get his necktie off, which she did NOT manage, but it wasn't for lack of trying. And all the while, she is watching me, watch her! 

Mom - do you SEE what I'm doing? 

Look how she has that bear firmly in her grip! Such a cute face! Love you, Murphy!!!


The bear was tossed around for quite a while before she decided the quilt and the dog bed were not quite in the right space, so she moved them. How am I supposed to read when all this entertainment is going on? It's much more exciting than watching TV. 

Mom - I'm exhausted!

Speaking of which, the other day at the Virtual Retreat, we talked about TVs and streaming services and shows. I have NOT watched TV in 15 years, and I have no clue what they are talking about. Yes - I understand the names, but I'd never heard of Acorn before. TV watching just isn't my thing. I have no issue if others like to do it, but it's so far off my radar that when I'm having a "bored" day, the thought of turning on the TV doesn't even come to mind. 

It's literally no longer in my mental vocabulary. It's bizarre - I went cold turkey after a three-week bike trip into the great northern regions of Canada, where there was very little entertainment. We didn't have running water or electricity during the final week on the Dempster Highway. I came back and never turned the TV on again. This is bizarre since I was a TV junkie and would binge-watch every night for hours! Yep - me! Hard to believe. 

I keep trying to tell DH that the entertainment world is NOT mine. He shoots off names of musicians and expects me to know who they are. He doesn't get it. EVERYONE knows person X. Yes - I say, maybe they do, but I don't, and I don't care! One day - it might sink into his head. 

We have heard of some bizarre travel experiences, but I heard the best one yesterday. Well, perhaps not the best, but the one that tops all the others. This person was flying on Air Canada from Toronto to Sao Paulo and then to Buenos Aires. They had a stopover in Sao Paulo that required them to deplane, but then they returned to the same plane. 

So far, it is no big deal - all is normal. The gentleman in the middle seat was older and needed some assistance, but again -- all was good. 

My friend arrived back at her seat, which was the aisle seat, and couldn't wake the gentleman as his arm was in her seat. It was when the window seat person came that everyone realized that this older gentleman had died! Yep -- in the very short time from deplaning and then getting back on - he must have sat down and passed! Just like that! 

That's a little bit of excitement, to say the least. Everyone had to get off the plane again, and it was a few hours before they could get back on as they dealt with the body. My friend was upgraded for the remainder of the flight. WOW -- what a story! 

It's still a hectic week, but the final countdown is happening as the week progresses, and I feel somewhat more in control. More writing, more homework follow-up, and I will try to get some sewing in! 

OH - and if you want to mark the next Virtual Retreat on your calendars, it's April 26th and 27th. 

Have a super day!!!!



  1. I could live without TV (hubster is addicted), but don't take away music! I pay for Sirius every month and have since 2016. Radio is 75% talk, I swear. I am rarely in my car more than 15min at a time and sometimes only 1 song plays. Argh.

    Happy Tuesday all!

  2. Oh my goodness! Talk about coincidence. I was sitting in Buenos Aires waiting for what must have been that plane to arrive to carry us back to São Paulo, then on to Toronto. It was very sad to hear the reason for the two hour delay for our plane. And yes, we had the same experience of having to deplane, go through security and then re-board our same plane. Strange system, for sure.

  3. It was much more than a two hour delay, understandably.
