Monday, March 24, 2025

Dates to remember!

If only everyone could have an attitude like Tammy's sister - "I will love it because I made it!" Seriously? How cool and practical is that? If only everyone had that in mind as they make things. And let's face it -- there are some things that we excel at and others we do not! Pick your battles. 

It was an exciting day, and I have nothing to show you! I did paperwork in the morning and almost got all the follow-ups from the weekend out. And then it was the Virtual Retreat, and I was on that call all day, although I did have a visitor and went for a walk. 

This is the LAST SUPER crazy week in my schedule. Then it returns to the usual crazy, with much to do but fewer time commitments. So I'm looking forward to that. The writing should be done by tomorrow, so that is good as there is another writing project that needs to be started, and it will take some considerable time to prepare what I want to write about. 

Yep -- it's a never-ending roller coaster. 

I'm almost at a loss for words this morning, which rarely happens. I won't share what I did during the virtual retreat as it's for my challenge for Trend Tex, although there is no reason why I can't. But it's still a work in progress, and I'm not sure where how it's going to end up. Let's just say I broke out the fabric markers to add color to one of the fabrics. YES - I'm allowed, as I checked before I did that. 

This handwork is taking forever! But I'm seeing progress, and that's all that counts. Seeing how much work each little embellishment takes, I must schedule a few each day because I need to get that thing done and out of the house. I have other things to do and catch up on. April won't have as many appointments, but it will be busy. 

You know how we always tell people that taking on a task is s sometimes overwhelming. Well, that's the story of those embellishments. A little bit each day, and it'll all work out. I may need to stop working on the embellishments and get the quilting done to start sewing them on as I finish them. 

But that's the same thing I could say to Murphy. There are a lot of tree branches down in the forest as the crews were pruning. And some of the branches and chopped-up tree trunks were left on the shortcut paths. Someone had moved most of the debris in one section, but this big branch was squishing some small trees, so Murphy and I moved it to the other side of the path. 

MOM - I got this! 

Of course, she thinks she can just grab it and carry it. Murphy, I think this "stick" is too big for you to take! What a silly girl. Never afraid to tackle anything. 

I want this blog to be clear of politics as it's meant to be a fun and safe place to visit. I just want to mention the Federal Election on April 28. I want to remind everyone of their right to vote. If you are old enough, make sure you are on the voter list. Ensure you understand the leaders' position - do not just vote for your favorite color or just because you've consistently voted that way or because your family votes that way. This is one of the most critical federal elections we have faced in a very long time. 

Sometimes, we may need to forget the past and vote for the future. This is one of those times, so please plan on voting on April 28. It's important! And pass this message along!

Regarding putting dates in your calendar, here are a couple to remember. This weekend - March 28 and 29, is the Etobicoke Quilt Show. In years past, this was always the kickoff quilt show of the year, and this year is the same! Check out their website for more details. 

And here's another quilt event you will not want to miss. It's called WeftFest, and it's on May 16-19. The Quilt of Belonging will be on display. This quilt is 150 feet long and represents each country and First Peoples in Canada at the dawn of the new millennium. I've seen the quilt twice, and it's equally spectacular each time. I think it's a wonderful quilt, and the workmanship, the various countries' cultures, and so on are definitely worth seeing. You could never expect to take it all in the first time you see it. 

I'm curious about how they displayed it. I saw it when it was spread out, as in the picture on the website. I've also seen it in Saskatoon, where it was wrapped almost in a circle around the room, and you could sit in the middle and feel the presence of the "world" around you. If you can put that on your calendars, it's worth seeing in person! I can't find the pictures of it on my blog -- what? 

And just like that - I've run out of time! I'm off to spin class, Monday Sewing, and two presentations. Plus, paperwork in between! 

Have a super day!!! 


1 comment:

  1. I have also seen the Quilt of Belonging, more than once. It is truly amazing and well worth seeing in person. A real testament to the patchwork make-up of our country.
