I hate it when computer programs don't work how I think they should! But that's OK - there's always a workaround, and perhaps there is a better way, but for now, I'm OK with how it works. Things are good - my schedule, while not slowing down, is comfortable.
I hung my calendar in the office to enjoy the photos and be reminded of my upcoming walking/hiking journeys. What exactly is the difference between the two? It doesn't really matter. I will enjoy January for a week, then switch to February for a week, and then into March. I bought it for the inspiration and the pictures, not to be used as a calendar.
The hiking calendar |
I was doing some more tidying up. OH, BOY -- I have many things set aside for machine embroidery. I'd better fire up both machines and keep them busy. With everything I have set aside, I could stitch for a month and still not get through the pile!
Things for machine embroidery |
Look at that Murphy girl! She can be quite the pest, although, at the moment, she's peacefully curled up in her dog bed in the office. I think it's time for another haircut for her! Her hair is so fine that it's crazy. I now have her brush beside me, so whenever she comes for a cuddle, and she makes that an aggressive cuddle, I grab the brush and give her a few swipes. It makes no difference - she's just as messy within minutes. She definitely reminds me of Linus.
MOM - I love belly rubs |
And the bear? Yep- he's minus an arm that is still stuck in the snow in the backyard.
MOM - I need a new bear |
I had to buy her some dog food because we were almost out, so I caved and bought her a new bear. But this one is for the house, although I know she will sneak it outside when I'm not looking. She is quick - if the bear is sitting close to the backdoor, which it is, she'll ask to go out, grab the bear, and go before I can say NO. I'll move it to her toybox and hope for the best.
MOM - thanks for the new toy! |
See how she positioned it for a quick exit on the mat by the back door.
Mom - I'm just checking it out |
Although it was windy, it was another fabulous day outside. The fish were out in the pond. I think we lost a lot of fish. I counted 11 of them, and we used to have scads. It might be time for a good pond cleaning this spring, although that will be a highly complex process since many of the plants have rooted and spread like mad in the bottom. How to hack through all that will be a challenge.
The fish enjoying a beautiful day |
I don't have a chair out yet for the gazebo, but I might bring it out for the weekend as we are supposed to have warm weather again. Perhaps rain, but that's OK, as the gazebo has a roof. I at least got a picture from the gazebo. The view is still as tranquil as ever.
The view from the gazebo |
While getting the dog food, I stopped into Chapters (Indigo) to browse the magazines. This used to be an enjoyable stop, and of course, I ended up with MANY magazines in the house.
Many publications have now gone quarterly, and the price is much higher!
Significant price hike |
However, there is one magazine that is still reasonably priced. I think this one still comes out every two months. I've lost track of them as I don't buy many anymore.
The same price as in years past |
Now that we can browse most magazines online at Hoopla or Libby, there is no longer any need to buy a physical copy. This way, you can quickly read it when you get the notification, and if you want something, you can purchase the magazine.
There are a couple of magazines from the UK, and I have no idea why they always have a "free" template or ruler in each issue. Do people really use those free templates? This one was for cutting a log cabin block. Just use a regular ruler.
UK magazine |
Look at the various prices on this one. Quite a different pricing system from the previous one.
Prices of a UK magazine |
But this was a shock. As I browsed, I spotted this sign. WHAT? That never happens. Are they trying to encourage people to buy? The magazine section was halved some years ago, and I feel that the ones on the shelf are destined for oblivion sometime soon. People aren't just buying magazines like they used to.
OH - a magazine sale |
Not when you can get them from the library for free and not when the content isn't what it used to be. There are so many sources of "free" stuff online that it's become a tough market to compete in. I'll always love magazines. I got hooked on them in my early 20s and never looked back. I dread to think of how much I've spent on them. I did NOT buy anything yesterday as I bought two the day before at a different location, which did NOT have a sale.
When I walked to the grocery store to get bananas, I had to chuckle at this new sign in the banana department. That is the five stages of ripeness in a banana and what you can do with it in each stage! I like them at ripe, and I can buy 5 or 6 bananas and eat one every day, and they never get to the over-ripe stage. There were very few singles, in case you were wondering! The problem is that people buy bananas and never eat them, so they get very ripe. If you are going to buy something, buy what you will eat!
The stages of a banana |
The origin of all produce is now displayed along with the price. It's sad what is happening, and it affects so many people. We'll get through it, but it seems like a silly waste of resources.
Labels have product origin on them |
I walked home through the forest, and I was surprised that the trails weren't clearer than they were. I guess those trees protect the snow from melting pretty well. It was slushy, so there were no issues with ice. But it froze last night, and I will not be walking in the forest with the girls for a while yet.
The still snow-covered path in the forest |
Am I getting any sewing done? Absolutely not! I'm spending a lot of time at the computer in learning mode! I hope to have something to share with you in a day or two. I'm not sure how much time this learning module lasts. But it's so much fun, and I get feedback from the Facebook group!
And now for the final installment of 50 Ways to Keep A Quilter Happy While on Vacation. 3 - 2 - 1.
Oh, what fun -- can you believe it's 10 years ago that the original Husqvarna Viking Designer EPIC was released? I didn't even work as an educator at that time.
I'm off to spin class, although I seem to have a very itchy eye. However, that's not a reason not to go to spin class! I've eaten my protein bar, so I have to go!
I have a super story to tell you tomorrow about the past coming back.
Have a great day!!!
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